Suzhou Museum Diary
Don't forget when you are at peace
2023-07-12 20:44:21
Grade 6

Today, the sun was shining brightly and the sun was blazing hot. The three of us came to Suzhou Museum to visit. At this moment, the entrance of the museum is crowded with people, and the wide corridor is crowded with men, women, and children. We managed to get in. The moment I entered the museum, I was intoxicated by the ancient flavor of a long history and culture.
There are all kinds of cultural relics in Suzhou Museum, such as pottery, jade, spring and autumn bronzes, etc. At this time, I am like a small fish, swimming in the ocean of history, sucking the milk of culture hungrily.
Among so many dazzling cultural relics, the most exhilarating and unforgettable are the "Five Dynasties Secret Color Porcelain Lotus Bowl" and "Ivory Carving Eight Immortals".
Unearthed in 1957, the Five Dynasties secret color porcelain lotus bowl is one of the three national treasures in Suzhou Museum. It is exquisite, dignified and graceful, just like a blooming lotus, elegant and elegant. One of the wonders of this cultural relic is that looking down from the top, there is water in the bowl. The water is sparkling and crystal clear, but when you look back, nothing drops. The porcelain body of this bowl is gray white, delicate and dense, presenting jade like charm. It is so beautiful that scholars and literati come to visit it in droves.
The ivory carving of eight immortals was unearthed in the Republic of China. It is small and exquisite, and depicts the eight immortals vividly. Careful observation shows that they have various appearances. Some of them are waving cattail fans and naked, as if they were saying, "This day is so hot that Ben Xiandu is going to suffer from heatstroke, Who helps me!
The happy time always ends so quickly, so suddenly, I reluctantly bid farewell to the museum. This visit to Suzhou Museum has made me gain a lot and enjoy a lot. Suzhou Museum, I will visit again when I have time. Wait for me!