Perceptual sentence
Forget memories
2023-07-17 10:07:24
Complete sentences

1. You are the prince in my fairy tale, but I am just a passer-by in your life.

2. God created fingerprints because he wanted people to know that everyone has scars.

3. Just because I was too young, all the sadness and happiness seemed so profound, and the slightest touch was earth shaking.

4. Pick up your mood and go on. If you miss flowers, you will reap rain. If you miss this one, you will meet the next one.

5. I met a cat diving, a dog climbing, snow in summer, I met all the extraordinary, but not the ordinary you.

6. Memory is like water poured into the palm. No matter you spread it or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers.

7. I feel familiar, but I am a stranger. If I meet you again, I will smile and brush past you and then turn around to look at your back and cry. Sometimes I feel really helpless.

8. Many times, fate flows between our fingers, gently grasp it, let fate start at the moment you enter the number, and ignite two strange and lonely hearts.

9. Who is the passer-by in his life, who is the wheel of his life, the dust of the previous life, the wind of this life, and the spirit of endless sorrow. In the end, nobody is who.

10. On the runway of life, some people enjoy the scenery with heart, while others try to make themselves a scenery. Everyone hopes to pursue beauty. In fact, beauty is an endless pursuit.

11. The feeling of missing you is like: no salt is added to stir fried vegetables, apples are not too sweet, and you forget to bring money when shopping. I will miss you when I am free. If I can't spare time, I will... do nothing but miss you!

12. Stars are shining all over the sky, missing your warm smiling face; The moon is thousands of miles away, lingering on your soft hair; Flying snow fills the door, it is hard to stop the deep yearning for you; Rome wasn't as good as my deep love for you.

13. Love you love you, do not make vows, do not speak sweet words. I only applied for a patent in heaven. The condition is to love you as your own eyes, as long as you are satisfied.

14. The old and old love, reflecting the mottled traces of time, smoothes the sad imprint in your heart, supports you to discard the rough past, and promises to create a miracle in the future. Happiness will always be with us!

15. Love is not the call of one heart, but the exchange of two hearts; Love is not the short bright fireworks, but a never regret intoxication; Love is not a beautiful oath, but a lifelong commitment.

16. Farewell to you, farewell to love, no goodbye, no last words, parting is so simple; Ignore your perfunctory, no longer listen to your lies, yesterday is not worth remembering, set sail again to find the spring of love!

17. May missing turn into a warm sun, warming your body and mind; May love turn into moonlight and sprinkle on your pillow; May tenderness turn into a meteor to make your dreams come true; May my care turn into a breeze and send my attachment.

18. In fact, what she wants is not the sentence after sentence of "I love you". If she says too much, it will become cheap and powerless. What she wants is that you should be careful once in a while, so that she can know that you have always been concerned about her and have not forgotten.

19. What is a girl really strong? It's not beauty, it's not talent, it's not acting like a man. It is a heart that can quickly calm down and retain warmth after loss, sadness, shock and loneliness. sweet talk

20. I love you is my own thing, so you don't need to know my existence. Although it is endowed with many colors, I am satisfied when I hide in a corner and look at you with a sweet smile.

21. One always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery and listens to strange songs. Then one day, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

22. At night, the taste of yearning spreads infinitely; During the day, your figure and mind are constantly rotating; Love is to entwine my soul silently, thinking of you is a picture of love, loving you every day!

23. Leave traces of happiness on your face, brand sweet memories in your heart, and fill your life with romance and happy legends. This is my greatest hope in this life. Wish you all the best in your life and love you forever!

24. Love should be eternal and sweet! Friends should be intimate and help each other! Drink with strong fragrance and be excited and intoxicated! Drink tea hot, and taste it slowly! SMS to bless, come and go! I wish you happiness!

25. The wind blows and the frost blows, and the heart is as cold as iron. Your magnetic field makes it hard for me to escape; Sail in a lonely boat, fearing no hardships and dangers, and running to the harbor of your heart without hesitation; You are my blue in the thousands of purple and red mountains.

26. Thank God for letting me meet you, you know? Meeting you is my greatest happiness, meeting you is my eternal happiness, I hope you will always live in my heart, I hope I receive sunshine, rain and dew from you every day, receive strong, brave, I love you!

27. I would like to be a spring flower to offer you beauty; I hope to become the shade under the sun to create shade for you; I dream of being a maple leaf in autumn to add beauty to you; I am eager to be a cotton padded jacket in the cold winter to bring you warmth.

28. When you meet a person, you just need to wipe the fate; Like a person, just love at first sight moment; Fall in love with a person, just need a meteor across the night sky; However, it takes a lifetime to forget a person.

29. Leaving you is like suddenly losing the gravity of the earth. My heart goes away with your back and no longer belongs to me; Miss you, believe that your heart can be touched, happiness is waiting not far away, as long as a little courage, I will always belong to you!

30. In this world, there is no feeling that can go back. Even if you really go back, you will find that everything has changed. The only thing I can go back to is the memory in my heart. Yes, we can't go back, so we can only go forward.

31. A thousand words can't equal one sentence. I can't hold a grain of sand again and again. My feelings for you are different from those of others. Without you, everything will become empty. I just want to say to you that I love you all my life in 201314. Perfect love also perfect our fairy tale, love you without time.

32. When I meet you, I can't help believing that this is fate; Once I know each other, I can't help knowing that it's fate; When I know each other, I can't help noticing that it's deep love; I dreamt that I could not resist my life; Love, just love you forever!

33. In the face of graduation, perhaps emotional people will cry because they don't want to leave. Maybe you haven't felt the taste of parting yet, but when you look back a few years later, every road on the campus has left our footprints; In the campus, every flower has become a beautiful memory.

34. Those who understand know how to give up, those who are sincere know how to sacrifice, and those who are happy know how to be detached. For those who don't love themselves, what they need most is understanding, giving up and blessing. Too much self indulgence is begging for alms. Love and being loved are all things that make people happy. Don't let these become pain.

35. Every love will go from plain to plain. At the beginning, the excitement and infatuation like electric shock gradually become mild and calm, with less impulsion. They begin to perceive the shortcomings of the people in their hearts, and will also be agitated for the loss of freshness. In fact, love is just the one who stays around after the prosperity is over. Just, would you like to go with me to see the flowing water?

36. Although we ended up breaking up, every bit of the past is memorable. Because even the passage of time and the vicissitudes of life cannot change the fact that I really loved you! This is enough. Sometimes, the temperature of love is only so hot, not enough to warm the two cooling hearts. The red line of edge is only so long that it can't tie the two people apart.