72 beautiful sentences of moonlight
Peace is bliss
2023-07-16 07:55:32
Complete sentences

1、 At night, Moonlight Bay is like a bright moon, lying quietly in the long bay.

2、 Moonlight is not a rare sight. Every month, the 15th day of the lunar calendar is a full moon night.

3、 Walking in the moonlight, quiet and quiet, let me completely in a relaxed state.

4、 The moon came up quietly, like a silver plate, inlaid in the dark blue night sky.

5、 Take advantage of the fluctuating moonlight in the autumn water to write the broken chapter you left and fill in the pledge that I can't repay

6、 Moonlight overflows, and the various light rays penetrate the thin clouds and condense into a transparent and invisible mirror.

7、 The moon is like a swing, taking me to swing; The white clouds whispered to me, and the stars blinked and blinked.

8、 The color of the moon is golden, like a jade plate in a palace. There are countless dots beside the jade plate.

9、 When night fell, a ray of soft moonlight shone through the window and into the room. The windowsill seemed to be plated with platinum.

10、 The round moon, the bright moon, are you holding another person and whispering softly?

11、 When the moonlight spreads all over the windowsill, I sit quietly in front of the window, as if there is only me and the ice like moonlight in the world.

12、 The first crescent moon hanging on the treetop west of the door has turned into a golden watermelon instead of a curved eyebrow.

13、 Deep in the night, the countryside is hazy, the mountain shadows are flickering, the water is melting, the fireflies are dotted, and the candles are lit. What a picture under the moon!

14、 The moon was so bright that it made the earth snow green, and trees, houses and streets seemed to be plated with mercury.

15、 The beauty of the moon lies not only in her beautiful temperament, but also in her quiet and resentful soul. The moon, the home of our soul.

16、 The bright night light hides a sad thought. It can be seen that the moonlight tonight is not so bright. No wonder there is a dark light coming into our room.

17、 Moonlight is like water at night. The moonlight is colorful and the grass is luxuriant, just as you talk about the romance that we are all familiar with.

18、 Moonlight, moonlight, compose a moving melody that touches the heart strings, as if at this time in the Moonlight Music, you are intoxicated and enjoy yourself.

19、 The transparent moonlight is like the glazed moonlight through the glass, and my journey seems to be more bright, like the moonlight.

20、 The moon is bright in my hometown, and the moon rises in the sea. The bright moonlight revealed scenes of thick hometown customs that made me fascinated, both sad and happy.

21、 When night falls, countless small stars are dotted in the blue sky, which seems to invite people to travel in the vast space.

22、 The moon is out to sea. In the moment of soaring, it seemed to jump suddenly, covered with water spray, and let the passionate sea wash it bright and clean.

23、 When the moon shines on the trees, the green leaves are lit up. They seem to live. It seems that there is a new life quivering on each green leaf.

24、 The moon rose gradually. She was dressed in white gauze, quiet and serene, gentle and generous. Her silvery face, through the willows, left a gentle smile.

25、 Moonlight will shine on your incomparable comfort, infinite serenity, all the troubles of the earth, and miscellaneous trivial things will be blown clean by the night wind in such a night.

26、 In the dark night, the bright moon in the sky seems to make people have more reverie. In the dark, the bright moon in the sky is so beautiful and bright!

27、 In the graceful moonlight, hold a cup of scented tea in your hand. The tea fragrance is faint and fragrant, and the dried petals slowly stretch in the water and bloom in the water.

28、 The moon is like a shy girl. She hides in the clouds and lifts her veil to reveal her charming face. The whole world is immersed in a dreamlike silver gray by the moonlight.

29、 Moonlight sprinkles in the yard, spreading a layer of white yarn on the cobblestone path. The moonlight gently and slowly brushed past me, like a beautiful woman in a long skirt.

30、 Looking at the soft moonlight, Yuehua looks like a man. Yuehua is introverted, quiet, elegant and beautiful. It has both the gentleness of traditional oriental beauty and the aristocratic temperament of modern western beauty.

31、 Under the bright moonlight, there are several rolling hills, some of which are like swords in the sky. In the mountains, there comes the cuckoo bird's call, which is crisp, pleasant and beautiful!

32、 Whether sitting on the moonlight or wandering under the moonlight, there is no doubt that this is a peaceful paradise, as if the air is also soaked in the taste of pear flowers.

33、 The thin moonlight, the bright moonlight, and the soft moonlight are all so appropriate and warm, and I have always liked the moonlight night scene.

34、 After a long time, the dark clouds finally broke away, and the moon showed its gentle, quiet and beautiful smile again. The moon is like a cute fat faced doll, very cute.

35、 The moon is still incomplete hanging in the night sky in Pudong, and its color has gradually turned pale. Moonlight shines brightly on the water, and the dusk water of the Huangpu River seems to turn blue at night.

36、 Moonlight is a beautiful angel sent by God. She wanders like a thread, breathing like a blue; She danced lightly in the empty air. The legends about Chang'e still make people in the world dream.

37、 Don't people do the same? Aren't some people just like the moon, serving others in obscurity? Although it is just a trivial matter, each other will feel a little warm, which is the connotation of the month.

38、 The moon is changeable. Sometimes it is a small boat, on which Sister Moon sits, counting the stars in the sky; Sometimes the moon is a big disk, and the ignorant children think it is who lost it!

39、 The beauty of the moon is really indescribable. It may be bright, bright, soft, or hazy. No wonder people have written thousands of poems praising the moon since ancient times.

40、 After a period of time, it was probably tired of playing. From behind the clouds, it appeared shyly: the crescent moon, which was as thin as a willow leaf, moved slowly in the clouds, and occasionally threw a few strands of silver moonlight from the cloud gap.

41、 The city under the moonlight seems to have a different flavor. People on the street put on silver gauze clothes. Suddenly, black shadows appeared on the moon. It seems that I was embarrassed to see so many people, so I hid my beautiful appearance.

42、 Tonight, when the moon is full, all the hatred and fatigue in my heart will yield to the holy moonlight. I hope to meet you in my dream and touch my dry face with your cool fingertips, so that I can believe in the true meaning of love again.

43、 The round moon is bright and bright, like a night light hanging in the sky, bringing a ray of light and warmth to the dark night. The moon rose slowly, the Milky Way retreated, the stars scattered, and the night sky was as clean as water.

44、 I can't find a partner to talk to when I stand alone on the moon. What a shame! Affectionate but heartless. Knowing that it is very close but thousands of miles away, it is not necessarily possible to see hope after crossing mountains and rivers.

45、 The moon is so bright and bright. Although the moonlight is not more dazzling than the sunlight, it is unique and quiet. Walking in the shadow of the moonlight, quietly enjoying the quiet and ethereal, it is really a kind of unspeakable pleasure.

46、 In the soft moonlight, the river that has been running for a day calmed down. The moon was reflected on the river. When the evening wind blew, the ripples were sparkling. The whole wide river looked like a mirror, a piece of white jade, and a ribbon decorated with precious stones.

47、 The moon climbed up the treetop and gave off a bright light to coat the earth with silver. Night, seems quiet. In a short time, the open space in front of the building began to boil with laughter and noise, and even the moon peeped through the cracks in the trees.

48、 The combination of moonlight and starlight, the combination of skylight and night light, seems to let me walk through the graceful space of the Milky Way, like a hermit coming from afar, wandering for a long time in such a quiet secret place that only moonlight can have, pondering carefully, and never willing to return.

49、 Moonlight, like an exciting melody, is the eternal swan song in the poet's heart. Moonlight is like a pot of sweet sake. The longer it is brewed, the more intoxicating agarwood will overflow. The moonlight is like a bosom friend, listening to your heart's whispers and giving you the most sincere advice.

50、 On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I looked up at the sky and saw a full moon. There were layers of clear clouds in the sky, like smoke and fog, under the moonlight. The moon halo is just the matchmaker of the full moon and Qingyun. It is between the two. It makes a light circle. It is neither too noisy nor too charming.

51. The night is deep, the moon is bright and the stars are rare, everything is quiet, and the cool wind is blowing. The moon is like water, and silver is poured all over the place; The autumn insects play music with a high voice and a low voice, as if playing beautiful and charming music. A few songs add a bit of silence and mystery to the early autumn night.

52. It was already late at night, and the bamboo outside the window was silent. The wind had already run away. The moonlight was still faint, falling silently. At this time, when I glanced at it, I suddenly saw the clouds hiding in the distance under the moonlight: silently, quietly crying, but not falling.

Fifty three. Tonight's annual moon is round in the sky, just like the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. A few gray clouds around her, like a fairy dancing, the cemented moon covered the earth with silver gray clothes, no matter how brilliant the sun is, it is not as clear as the moon.

Fifty-four, in the moonlight, you can see the lights of thousands of families, but you have nothing; In front of flowers and in the moonlight, I am alone. The heart is always a little sour. But the beautiful moon is fascinating, and I have been silently blessing and praying that the moon that belongs to me will eventually give my heart a touch of quiet romance.

55. A piece of transparent grey cloud gently blocks the moonlight. The moonlight is dim, as if falling into a dream! The gentle evening wind blows, the grey clouds disappear, and the pure moonlight washes the soft, beautiful and intoxicating autumn night. The moonlight makes the autumn sky very cool. I love the moonlight.

56. Clouds that are soft as flocs and light as silk, surrounded by the bright moon, rise slowly, and the clear light reflects the surroundings into a round of colorful aperture, deep and shallow, as if there is nothing. It is not as colorful as the sunset, so it is more elegant. It is not as bright as the sunset. It only gives you a little joy and a little sadness.

57. The Weihe River is silvery under the moonlight, and the bright moonlight is scattered on the Weihe River. The reflection of the light is no longer noticeable. The Weihe River, which is not very clear on weekdays, looks clear and relaxed in the moonlight. The moon nestles on the water and quivers slightly, as if it is dressing itself up. The moon reflected on the lake seems more lovely than that in the sky.

58. When the light is scattered on the field, the field suddenly becomes a silver sea; Moonlight scattered on the branches, and every big tree seemed to be covered with silver ribbons; The moon shed soft light, leaving many wonderful reverie in the world; The moon melts the cool light into people's eyes, making their eyes full of good hope!

59. The moon is coming out soon. The moon is far away, but behind the horizon, people feel that it rises from the dark abyss. A faint light set a lace around the tree top on the high slope, like the edge of a goblet. The silhouette of the tree peak reflected in the twilight became darker and darker every minute.

60. The moon hangs in the middle of the sky, surrounded by a pale yellow halo. When the halo goes away, there are some faint stars. There are also those blue white clouds floating like gauze. At this time, the moon was not perfect, it seemed that a head of a "A" type person, with black eyes half shy and half expecting. Look at me!

61. The autumn moonlight is indifferent and quite flawless. It is more elegant and lofty in the quiet night, but I still see the melancholy and sadness that often reveals in the moonlight. Maybe it is too far away from the world of mortals, maybe it is a long time of loneliness. Although the sky seems to be high, it is so empty and cold in the mind that it is so melancholy and depressing.

62. Looking out of the window, the moonlight is so soft, but the yearning is so heavy, light and quiet. Your handsome face swept through my mind like a flood, as if your breath was still around and never left. I often imagine that you are still around, pretending that we did not wave goodbye to the good times, but we could not escape the gears of fate, and love was buried in reality.

Sixty three. The autumn moon always brings infinite sorrow. How many homesickness feelings are in the middle. "I look up at the bright moon and bow my head to think of my hometown". "I place my heart in sorrow and the bright moon, and follow the wind to the west of Yelang". With the cool autumn wind blowing, the feeling of loneliness arises spontaneously. One moment I lift my veil, and the other moment I hide in the hazy silk. Although it has unique charm, sadness does not emerge.

Sixty-four, be intoxicated in the moonlight, and also think in the moonlight; Disconsolate in the moonlight, also sigh in the moonlight; Wandering in the moonlight, also chanting in the moonlight; Walking alone in the moonlight, but also silent in the moonlight. Looking around, I realized that there was no one around me, no one to accompany me. It seemed lonely and cold, but I didn't know the soft moonlight. At this time, I walked into my heart like a passionate and considerate woman.

65. I would like to walk in the clouds with the moon and listen to her tell the ancient legends; I would also like to stand in a quiet place and gaze quietly. However, all this turned into soft moonlight on me. This is the real contact and the blessing of old friends. Many people are willing to enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival night in the house, but I prefer to listen to the song of the moon in the high balcony or outdoors in the quiet night, and feel the "dew point in the middle of the night"

Sixty six. At first, the moon was a little shy. It covered its face with cloud gauze. Seven or eight stars are shining in the sky, and everything seems so quiet and mysterious. Gradually, the moon is no longer shy. Look, the moon is playing hide and seek with people! One moment she hid behind the dark clouds, another time she stuck out half her head and ran to you. Sprinkle the silver moonlight on the earth, reflecting the children's faces, accompanied by the laughter of children playing, and against the shining stars in the sky.

67. The moonlight is the most beautiful in the world, and the apple tree is the most beautiful in the village. When the moonlight shines on the apple tree, it is the meeting of beauty and beauty, the collision of perfection and infinity, and the birth of great beauty in the world. It can even be said that if the moonlight is female, the apple tree is of course male. The apple orchard under the moonlight is a small warm home, like an excellent man and a beautiful woman walking together, forming a happy home.

68. On the way, the moonlight poured unreservedly through the roadside branches, looked up, and saw the warm and soft face of the moon. I felt that the whole body and mind were wrapped by the moon, and I felt no longer cold. The footsteps were also brisk, and several wives in front were chatting while walking, sometimes giving out hearty laughter. Listen to them dancing in the front square! I haven't felt this kind of feeling for a long time, so I fell in love with the moonlight in winter and my mood in winter.

Sixty nine. The silvery moonlight sprinkles on the ground, and everywhere there are crickets' mournful cries. The fragrance of the night fills the air, weaving a soft net, covering all the scenery inside. What the eyes touch are all things covered with this soft net. No matter what plants or trees are, they are not as realistic as in the daytime. They all have vague and illusory colors. Each of them hides its details, keeps its secrets, and makes people feel like a dream.

Seventy, in the dead of night, the moon is high. One by one, the moonlight gently sprinkles down, onto the eaves, onto the river, onto the ancient pagoda towering into the night sky, onto the wall hung by vines. There was no one in the sky on the path paved with bluestone, and the moonlight was shining in a little silver light. In an ancient and simple house, many people are busy opening up. Through the door, the swaying figure is looming, and the air is filled with a disturbing smell, which is the omen of the coming storm.

Seventy one. The moonlight has lit up half the sky. Only in the distant sky can one or two stars be seen, shining faintly, slowly fading away. After playing all day, the river subsided and gradually entered the dream fragrance. A full moon is reflected on the water, and the evening wind is blowing, sparkling. Yeah? The river lights up, and the whole wide river looks like a mirror, like a white flawless jade, like a long ribbon studded with gems. The ground was also bright, and when I looked at the vast expanse of white, it really seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

Seventy two, the moon is pure and sacred, and even the rising process is beautiful and moving. Look, the round moon is hanging lightly on the top of the tree, like a naughty child playing hide and seek. The moon climbs up little by little. Gradually, it has reached the top of the mountain. At this time, the moon is more like a girl, more gentle and lovely. After a while, I looked up and saw the bright moon in the sky, emitting milky light. The clouds around were rendered very beautiful by the moonlight, which made them unique.