Reading the Biography of Pipilu
The sky is no bluer than the sea
2023-08-13 11:46:45
primary school

Today, I finally completed a thick Pipi road book. It tells the stories of Pipilu, Bauer's adventure, the crisis at the end of this century, the Red Tower Paradise, the taming of rabbits, the painting storm, Babo and his UFO, and the Pilp toothpaste adventure. My favorite story is the crisis at the end of the century. If you haven't seen it, take a look
The crisis at the end of the century is about: in the vast universe, not only our earth has a source of life, but also water in the sand. The people above the stars are very ugly. They are very jealous that humans have such good skin, so they decide to let humans become animals. Pipi learned this secret and decided to fight for the protection of human beings, so he started a fierce battle. In the end, he defeated Satax's devil with his intelligence and won.
Why do I like reading this book? Because this book let me know that human imagination is like a boundless sea. As long as you dare to imagine that you seem to be a composer, any notes are your pity. In addition, it has some humorous language, so that you will forget fatigue and lethargy, and will feel relaxed and happy. More importantly, he told us a wealth of knowledge. For example, people are two-sided, and both teachers and adults like good rabbits.