600 words after reading Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers
Life is made by oneself
2023-06-17 03:03:50

"The oil flies sing quietly here, and the crickets play the piano here. When they turn over the broken bricks, they sometimes meet centipedes; and the spotted x cantharides, if they press their fingers on its spine, they will clap and emit a puff of smoke from the back orifices..."

Read Mr. Lu Xun's "Morning Flowers and Evening Picking up from Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore" carefully, and enjoy the naive feelings that are revealed from the lines from time to time. In front of my eyes, there are many fascinating natural paintings. From the article, I can see that the author is full of humor and wit, full of childlike interest and yearning for freedom, and reminds me of my childhood from time to time.

In his article, Mr. Lu Xun expressed his passion for nature and freedom. He hoped to play freely and have close contact with nature. He didn't want to be controlled by his parents and domestic slaves all day long, which is unique to children. Once upon a time, I had left my childhood and entered the youth. Every day, I was busy studying and struggling in my life. But I think I am still a childish child, and sometimes I have sweet childhood dreams. When I recall those childhood trivia, I often remember them fresh and can't help laughing. As a child, I also had many colorful childhood trivia like the author, which still makes me laugh.

That is, when I was five or six years old, my parents were very busy, so they arranged for me to live in the hometown of my grandparents. There are endless fields, the sky within reach and a large group of friends... I always like to lie in the fields, bathed in the sun, and feel the baptism of nature. Catching fish, catching shrimp, catching crickets, playing in the fields, and sometimes falling into the mud to become a "little clay man"... Now, these have become my memories, and I will treasure these wonderful fragments in my mind forever, and savor them from time to time. Childhood has gradually become far away, leaving only a few trivial memories. It is better to read "Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers" carefully, experience the childhood dreams of different ages, love nature and yearn for freedom with Lu Xun.

In the process of reading, I went back to my childhood with the author, reliving those people and things, and recalling my former friends. However, childhood has been far away from us, leaving only fresh impressions. It is better to read "Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers" carefully, love nature and yearn for freedom with Lu Xun. Carefree play, close contact with nature.