Classic novel copy (novel aesthetic copy)
Heart of contract
2023-02-06 09:03:03
Complete sentences

1. Life pulls us farther and farther away, but closer becomes a kind of overlook—— Liu Tong, Towards the Light

2. You know, the most sad weather is the clear sky—— The Best of Us, Chang'an, August

3. Some people dare not meet, some things dare not face, because we simply have no time to prepare—— Liu Tong, Towards the Light

4. The falling rain is drizzling, and the dripping water under the eaves is like a pearl curtain hanging, blurring a pair of figures in the door—— Young Master, you are delighted with "Sifan"

5. At that time, I didn't know how contradictory human nature is. I didn't know how much affectation is contained in sincerity, how much meanness is contained in nobility, or virtue can be found even in evil—— Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence

6. I think very low of myself, but that doesn't mean you can think very low of me—— Whose Youth Is Not Lost by Liu Tong

7. These people are cool when they meet, and feel relieved when they break up—— Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence

8. The best way to make a person strong is to have a person who wants to protect—— Hello, Old Time

9. Think secretly, like secretly, and give up secretly, as long as you know everything. As long as you know everything, he is dust in his eyes. He doesn't need to ask where dust comes from—— Young Master, you are delighted with "Sifan"

10. It's better to demand yourself first than to criticize others from the highest moral point! If the other party is guilty, you are innocent! No one is perfect. We can have different opinions in our hearts, but we have no right to throw stones at others—— A Nai's Ode to Joy

11. Many urban girls are already pretentious precocious women, not children; There are a lot of girls who are just confused, stubborn and asexual children, and they can't say women—— Qian Zhongshu's Fortress Besieged

12. She is an abandoned spaceship in the vast universe. He is the only answer in the intercom that has been silent for many years—— In August, Chang'an "All these Years"

13. Who knows how difficult it is to be playful and not mean. People who are naturally kind are often not very interesting—— Maugham's Reading Essays

14. Qin lives alone in the obstetrics and gynecology department. It's quiet all night. She is the only one who enjoys the swaying and fragmentary moonlight of the big trees on the window. She walks all over the wall and the ground—— Xiao Hong's Life and Death Scene

15. Marriage is a besieged city. People outside the city want to go in and people in the city want to come out—— Qian Zhongshu's Fortress Besieged

16. As people grow older and more complex, the difficulty and cost of making friends are rising rapidly—— The Best of Us, Chang'an, August

17. If a cucumber is willing to bloom a yellow flower, it will bloom a yellow flower, if it is willing to bear a cucumber, it will bear a cucumber. If they don't want to, even a cucumber will not knot, nor a flower will open, and no one will ask it—— Biography of Hulan River by Xiao Hong

18. In fact, I miss you very much, not only when I am far away. But I can't say—— In August, Chang'an, "Oranges Born in Huainan, Secret Love"

19. That doesn't mean she is a bad person. Many respectable people drink too much and like to do dirty things. These are bad habits, just like biting your nails. If you call them bad, they can only be so bad. In my opinion, those who lie, cheat and are cruel are really bad people—— Maugham's Blade

20. It is only because I met and fell in love with you that you are unique—— In August, Chang'an, "Oranges Born in Huainan, Secret Love"

21. The bridge is still lighted. It is a runway that extends to the distance. It is the way to return and also the way to start—— In August, Chang'an "All these Years"

22. Gai and his wife are not the same at the beginning. The so-called "more love is easier to hate than less love is easier to change" is also called the end of love. Some people died of overeating due to food injury, and some died of hunger due to lack of food—— Qian Zhongshu, Tube Cone Compilation

23. In the small town of Hulan River, my grandfather used to live there, but now he is buried—— Biography of Hulan River by Xiao Hong

24. I thought I could bear to go on the road alone, and was not afraid to hide in the hypocritical crowd. Unfortunately, behind the vigorous youth, there was only a bright sadness—— Hu Weihong's "Hide and seek, fog of the sea"

25. Sometimes, the time is too narrow and the finger gap is too wide. So I desperately miss, but in the middle of the passage to unexpected sudden change—— Hu Weihong's "Hide and seek, fog of the sea"

26. Common people are the kind of people they want to be, but the kind of people they have to be—— Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence

27. The original intention of laughter gradually lost. It was originally a rich expression of humor, but gradually became a cover for the lack of humor—— Qian Zhongshu, "Write on the Edge of Life"

28. Wearing a plain dress, walking in the wind, running and flying, even smiling like a dandelion, floating around—— Liu Tong, Towards the Light

29. Companions do not necessarily have to go to the end together. It is enough that the other side brings them laughter on a certain section of the road—— Hello, Old Time