73 sentences describing people's sadness
Happy my brother
2023-08-03 12:11:16
Complete sentences

1. Who doesn't learn to be strong while getting hurt.

2. Now you see so haggard I, will there be a trace of heartache.

3. People can cry when they feel uncomfortable and can't find a clue.

4. I still like you so much, just like the eclectic plays in the old city.

5. Some relationships can be broken if they are broken, so that we can get together and get apart, and each can be well.

6. Don't come, I'll be all right. From now on, the landscape will never meet, regardless of the length of the old people.

7. It's very sad. Someone else will get what he has worked hard for so long.

8. The hardest thing is not to be separated from each other, but to love each other and dare not think about the future.

9. If one day you love someone as I love you, you will know how tired I am.

10. You should understand that there is no future between you and that person. In this life, there is no future.

11. I tried not to miss you, but I missed you more and more. I tried to stop tears, but I cried more and more fiercely.

12. Many things have no time to go, many people will only leave the scene suddenly, and many words will hurt before they are spoken.

13. The most terrible thing is not to forget, but to infiltrate. It is to think of you from all things in the world.

14. I was going to pick the stars for you, but I think it's OK. I can reach the stars but I can't reach you.

15. Tears choked in the chest, too much, I don't know how to tell, finally, I can only choose silence.

16. We will all experience a person who makes you unforgettable, but it is not him who can and will come to the end.

17. The most painful cry can not shed half a tear. The deepest loneliness is standing in the crowd and speechless.

18. In the end, I realized that leaving with great fanfare is always a trial, and the real leaving is always silent.

19. I always thought that the worst situation was that you left me. In fact, the most sad thing for me was that you were unhappy.

20. If you don't want to see something, you can close your eyes. But you can't lock your heart on things you don't want to think about.

21. You break into my world, and then give up halfway. I am the last person who cannot bear to part with you, and I am also the one who is heartbroken.

22. Betrayal is like a knife, which is firmly inserted in my heart. Even if you pull it out, there will be a deep wound.

23. The biggest mistake we have ever made is probably to get angry with the most innocent people around us when we are in a bad mood.

24. The so-called "can't put it down" is just four glasses of liquor, three cigarettes, two tears and a hard night.

25. Disappointment is not terrible, but the fear is to comfort yourself with the peace after disappointment, and try to continue to believe with luck.

26. Time and people are changing. Some things, no matter how hard we try, will never go back.

27. The so-called Ge'an Tianya is about that you feel that the night is short, but I am looking forward to a long time to come.

28. I used to think that if I really treat a person I love, it will last forever. Now I think of it as a joke.

29. In the softest place in everyone's heart, there is a person who once loved deeply but never got it.

30. Once a dream was broken, pick it up, try to piece it together, then break it again, pick it up and piece it together again, until one day, it can't be pieced together again.

31. The more familiar you are, the more you know where the stabbing will hurt you. Let nature take its course, which contains a lot of despair and unwilling.

32. You are my dream of worrying about gain and loss, and I am your dispensable person. After all, the arrows that cross the mountains and rivers stab people who are extremely passionate.

33. Sometimes feeling is a process of enjoying the cool when others plant trees. But I teach you to love, not to love others.

34. We always try to comfort others like wise men, but torture ourselves like fools. In many cases, it's ourselves who can't cope with us.

35. Time didn't wait for me. It was you who forgot to take me away. We were lost in the strange wind and rain. Since then, we have been separated from each other.

36. What is more terrible than death is being abandoned by the most trusted person. It's better to give me a knife rather than suffer from such a thousand arrows piercing my heart.

37. If I never met you, if I never fell in love with you, if I didn't believe in you at the beginning, maybe I wouldn't be who I am now.

38. Sometimes estrangement is not a nuisance, but rather too fond and helpless. I don't want to wait for failure with expectations, so I have to pretend to be generous and go first.

39. Invisible scars are the most painful, and tears that cannot flow are the most grievances. Sad, a person slowly taste good, sad, a person to bear good.

40. That person doesn't like you. It's useless for you to take the initiative a thousand times. Just like a wrong password, you can't log in a thousand times.

41. In fact, I really want to talk to someone, but I don't know where to start. The final thing is to say nothing and tell myself that tomorrow will be fine.

42. Later, I got used to living alone. I got used to not expressing my sadness, not telling my heart, and not loving me anymore.

43. Most of the time, it is not work that consumes your energy, but the people you meet at work. Work itself is not tiring, and balancing emotions is the most tiring.

44. I really want to know that if one day, I lose everything and become nothing. Who will stand beside me and say, "It's OK, but also me.".

45. It is probably inappropriate that I cannot make you laugh, and you will only make me cry. Later, I said I would go, but you did not detain me, and I did not look back.

46. Maybe God will arrange us to meet other people before meeting the right one; When we finally meet the right person, we should be grateful.

47. It will be a long time before we know that the things we gave up will never be seen again in the days to come.

48. I never like to let others see my tears. I would rather let others think I am happy and heartless than let myself look miserable.

49. You were the first one to approach me, but I was the last one I could not bear. Perhaps, deep feeling has always been let down, and only thin feeling will be missed repeatedly.

50. Everyone thinks that someone will hurt after suffering, someone will remember after a long time, and someone will lead after a long time. But the reality tells us that we should be busy in life. If you are tired, you must carry it yourself.

51. Love is like this. Some people will slowly fall into the dust of time. They have cried, laughed, quarreled, and quarreled. They are reluctant to part with each other again.

52. You still make my heart beat, but I have no courage and strength to embrace you. I can still accompany you, but I'm not for you in this life.

53. Let go of the person who is going farther and farther, and the things that can't be changed. It's good that some people can walk together. Don't expect him to accompany you to the end.

54. Please give me an invitation when you get married. You are happy, sad, angry, and gentle. I have seen all your appearances before, and I want to finally meet you who do not belong to me.

55. I admit defeat in this relationship and let you go. Although I still can't forget it, I will still feel heartache and think of you, but I understand that wishful thinking has no end.

56. Later, when a glass of wine can solve the problem, I don't want to waste tears anymore. It's hard to like a person who doesn't belong to you. Even if you are jealous, you will have a bad reputation.

57. If one day you walk into my heart, you will cry because it is all you. If one day I walk into your heart, I will cry, because there is no me inside.

58. You suddenly stop loving someone you have loved for a long time, stop listening to songs you have listened to for a long time, and suddenly change the habit you have kept for many years. After all, time is better than love.

59. Falling in love with a person who doesn't love you is like digging a hole for yourself and jumping into it. The person who digs the hole is himself. The person who jumps into the hole is himself. In the end, the person who can't climb out is himself.

60. My heart wrenching desire to stay is just a sign of reluctance. Instead of looking for excuses everywhere, you can just say "I don't love you"

61. There is a person in everyone's heart who is no longer a lover or a friend. Time goes by, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not, you will always be used to thinking of you. Then I hope you are all right.

62. No matter how painful it is, you will always smile and say no pain, because no one will feel distressed even when it hurts. You are used to hiding, so you always smile heartlessly. Over the years, laughter has become a habit, and pain has become a habit.

63. There is a person who will never betray you. This person is yourself. Who is not hypocritical, who is not fickle, who is not who. Why take some people and things so seriously.

64. Intuition is quite accurate. All the snubs and scorns you can detect, and all the feelings you feel that you no longer like or care about, are not because of sensitivity, but because of the facts.

65. It turns out that nothing in the world is forever. A friendship will fade away after leaving. A love, separated and scattered. Cherish what you have now. Maybe the next second, it will no longer belong to you.

66. When I was a child, I cried when I was sad, and when I finished crying, I was OK; When you grow up, you will smile when you are sad, and you will be fine when you smile. But, the original nothing is true, now nothing is told to myself.

67. I believe and expect again and again, and feel disappointed and cold again and again. I think I can no longer listen to the so-called arrangement and future. Even the most important waiting, I began to waver.

68. The most sad thing is not that you never met, but that you met, got, and lost in a hurry, and then left a scar in your heart. When it hurts, it hurts. You don't even have the right to resist.

69. Human nature is ugly and can not stand the test. You think that those people you have helped will at least show compassion when you are in trouble. However, these people are often the ones who are most likely to fall into the trap.

70. I have loved many people, and finally no one accompanied me to the end. I lost a lot. I never repeated what I had given to one person. I have walked for a long time, but I didn't dare look back at it in the end. I still walked alone.

71. I think that as long as I smile every day, I can not see my troubles. I thought that as long as I closed my eyes, I could not see the whole world. I thought that as long as I covered my ears, I could not hear those troubles. But, after all, I just think.

72. In the dead of night, I am so sad that I want to die and cry to collapse. The next day, when I woke up, I saw that my arm, which was full of tooth marks, was still like a person who had nothing to do. Night after night, day after day, I realized that all the pain had to be borne by myself. This is growth.

73. The disappointment of girls comes from the last time you spoke. I will never do it again. I will never do it again, and then you will be the same as before, without any change. You can tolerate your immaturity, but no one can stand you.