Sales Department's performance promotion slogan for the Double Twelfth Festival in 2022 (72 selected sentences)
A hurried traveler
2023-06-15 17:03:19
A complete set of slogans

1. Knowing is knowledge, doing is wisdom, doing more and speaking less.

2. Actively motivate me, work hard and gain more, and sweat breeds achievements.

3. Skills are improved, performance is improved, perseverance is maintained, and performance is impressive.

4. The performance is rising, persistent and impressive.

5. Release and dream, today and tomorrow, I will create.

6. Never give up, we are the best team.

7. Pursue quality, seize the day, go all out, unswerving.

8. Don't be a giant of words, but a model of action.

9. The road is tortuous, and the path of "money" is infinitely bright.

10. God rewards hard work, sustainable operation, clear goals and unswerving.

11. Sincere cooperation, positive optimism, hard work and forge ahead.

12. Don't let slip a little, don't give up a hope.

13. Pay today, reap tomorrow, go all out, and make a brilliant career.

14. Pay today, reap tomorrow, do your best and make a great success.

15. Pay equal attention to attack and defense, all staff take action, activity goals, and service orientation.

16. The wind is rising and the clouds are surging. Everyone goes out, rummages and visits actively.

17. Careful and professional, the body shows its spirit first, reaches the standard quarterly, and moves forward again.

18. Time waits for no man. We should work hard to improve our performance and challenge our achievements.

19. Concept comes first, skill is obvious, perseverance, open the door.

20. All staff move together, wind rises and clouds rise, visit every day, and remember.

21. Strive hard to overcome yourself and challenge the limits.

22. Loyal cooperation, positive optimism, hard work and forge ahead.

23. I have Ling Yunzhi, who can see all the mountains.

24. Business planning, focusing on management, persevering and maintaining good performance.

25. Clear goals, unswerving, diligent and sustainable operation.

26. If you make a little progress every day, your efforts will pay off.

27. Quality improvement, communication and sharing, intensive cultivation and sustainable brilliance.

28. Old Kung Fu, Enthusiasm oriented, and Sustainable Business.

29. Dare to stand in the face of the storm, and be a wave leader.

30. Intensive cultivation, sustainable brilliance, quality improvement, exchange and sharing.

31. Winners will never give up, and quitters will never succeed.

32. Be peaceful in mind, sell and preach the gospel, and serve with love.

33. Work happily, dream in your heart, and work together to regain your momentum.

34. Concept comes first, skill shows itself, persevere, and make progress.

35. Customer satisfaction, network extension, virtuous circle, return for life.

36. Stick to attendance, improve professionalism, share and communicate, and share your worries.