simple but elegant
2023-11-06 22:02:43

The movie "Impossible to Reach" tells a story like this: "There was a circle and embarked on the journey to find another corner. It tried large pieces and small pieces of broken pieces, but it failed to achieve its goal after all, until one day, it found the perfect corner, it installed that corner, and then walked faster and faster..." Philip found it in the film, and Dell also found it.

The film tells the story of a wonderful friendship between Philip, a white businessman paralyzed by an accident, and Dell, a poor black youth who takes care of his life. Philip, a super rich businessman, was paralyzed due to a gliding accident, and only the facial nerves could move all over his body. Dell, a novice nurse, became Philip's life nurse by accident. From inexperience to interaction in life, the two became very good friends. From the perspective of the film's form of expression, many humor and warmth elements are embedded in it, highlighting the equality between people and the development of human potential in the main thrust, and speaking with a clear air, I believe that it will bring a different experience to the cinema audience.

American humor is close to daily life, integrating static and dynamic life into two worlds

"Impossible to Reach" creates a world of life that is very different between Philip, a rich businessman, and Dell, a poor black youth. This description is not shown through a very macro depiction, nor is it exaggerated in exaggerating Philip's economic strength. How to portray the difference between Philip and Dell's life world is shown through many details of humor.

For example, when Dell first entered his room, he was even embarrassed by an intelligent shower room; When Dell was busy taking care of Philip, he was as clumsy as a lost child; When Dale watched the opera with Philip, the awkward situation that he could not fit in caused others to laugh... On the one hand, he saw Philip, a rich businessman who was troubled by disease and unwilling to be arranged for fate, and on the other hand, Dale, a poor man who was discriminated by his family and wanted to regain his life after leaving prison, and when the two people with different backgrounds really got together, Just the collision of living habits makes people laugh.

Warm reflection after humor, "the most perfect corner" enables people to find the value of life

Apart from humorous daily life, the protagonists show their attachment to life and rise to difficulties. The paralyzed Philip "rebelliously" chose a rookie nurse for the reason of "discovering potential and encouraging development", from which we can have a glimpse of his attempts and breakthroughs in the business world, reflecting his once dominating the business world; Dale, who has accomplished nothing, is a habitual thief when he comes out of prison, but his deep concern for his wife and children is obvious. To some extent, Philip and Dell are also people who value friendship, dare to challenge and dare to innovate, which is why they will eventually become friends and make progress together.

Philip has strong economic strength, and he does not lack of comprehensive care. But in Dell, he has regained his passion for life, from being obsessed with his wife's death to embracing life again and daring to express his feelings; From refusing to celebrate the birthday and self sealing to joining the group and participating in the carnival; From his aversion to Yvonne's interference in life, to his acceptance and openness, from his difficulty in facing the nightmare of gliding in the past to soaring in the air again... Philip achieved a breakthrough in his own emotions. Dell fell in love with opera from a person who had no interest in art, and created a more comfortable life for his wife and children from giving up halfway to tapping his potential. It can be said that both Philip and Dell have found the "most perfect part" in their lives. Maybe they have defects, but their mutual influence and encouragement together have changed their life mood imperceptibly.

In the name of being funny, they tell stories of warmth, and remove barriers with an alternative perspective. Two imperfect people have found their own "perfect part" in life. The film is called "unreachable". In addition to Philip's "physical obstacles", the two people have forged an indestructible friendship in their daily life, awakening each other's longing and enthusiasm for life. Life is full of surprises, good at discovering the beauty of human nature, and realizing the value of life in self determination and infinite creation, which is also the theme of the film.