51 Send 86 short messages to leaders on Labor Day
Autumn Leaves
2023-06-18 12:57:39
SMS Collection

1. Man: I love it or not. You are there. I do it or not. The housework is there. Nobody cleans it up for a month. Dear, Happy Labor Day!

2. Whether it is May Day or June Day, good health is the only way. I hope you will treat May Day as June Day and Chongqing as Paris, and life will be full of sweetness. Happy May Day!

3. May Day, may as well go out and have a look. May we relax and breathe, go to the beautiful sunshine, hand the yellowing worries to the flowing water, and pay attention to the distant mist, so as to have a happy Labor Day!

4. Labor is the most glorious, and labor is the most glorious. Happy Labor Day!

5. Poor mobile phone user, I'm very sorry because you confirmed this message, which infected the bacteria of May Day labor. Now bacteria are walking through your body with vigorous steps.

6. Labor Day is not a labor day, and rest should be relaxed. Bathing in the spring, enjoying the spring breeze, happy life is endless. The tide of yearning is surging, and the meaning of blessing is different. I wish Labor Day a happy one.

7. The spring breeze welcomes the Labor Day and extends the eyebrows for May Day; I have to take a break from busy work, and be happy when I am tired; The paid vacation is joyful, enjoying the return and laughing; I wish you a happy Labor Day.

8. Think of your busy figure, always see your hard back. Always disturb your peace carelessly. Please relax on Labor Day. Rest for a better life in the future.

9. Those who receive my blessing will never be fired; Those who read will soar; Those who store will love sweetly; The deleted person will be lucky again and again; The forwarding people are very happy on May Day!

10. Today's Labor Day, remove troubles, fade fatigue, recover frustration, and pull black tears; Create happiness, paste good luck, copy health, and search for happiness. May Day package, send you beautiful!

11. I work hard at ordinary times. In this happy May Day, I wish every worker who works hard at ordinary times can have a perfect time on the happy Labor Day.

12. I wish you good health, good luck, and beautiful women are graceful and full of imagination; Life is rich, health and Robust, and career is rapid; Caiyuan Johnson&Johnson Teng Sina, stock Changhong emitting purple light. happy International Workers ' Day.

13. My wife, May Day is coming. It's time to have a good rest! Go to bed early today, get up early tomorrow and buy all the vegetables for the seven day holiday. Don't forget that the gas tank should also be replaced!

14. You have an angel like face, a devil like figure, and even your farting posture is so perfect. Can you control the rhythm in public? happy International Workers ' Day!

15. The businessman said: Time is money; Workers said: Time is wealth; May Day said: time is happy; May 4th said: time is happy; I said: I wish you a happy May Day!

16. The road of missing is endless; Rainbow after rain, beautiful moment; The clouds in the air drift away with the wind. The boat in my heart sails with love; I missed you when I didn't see you! I wish you a happy Labor Day.

17. Sweet honey, the sweet honey of your smile is like flowers blooming in the spring breeze. Why are you smiling so sweetly? Because I sent you a short message. Happy May Day, baby!

18. In the message of May Day, I give you five firsts: happiness first, fortune first, health first, peace first, and bless me first. Please enjoy everything in this festival!

19. You are nailing me to a board, and friendship is nailed to a board; You are a needle and I am a thread. The needle goes through the thread and leads by hand; You are the boat and I am the sail. Follow the call of the lucky wind. May Day is coming, I wish you happiness!

20. Joy is flying, and we invite you to dance in a relaxed rhythm. Take advantage of the sunny season, outing to relax. Friends love each other deeply, May Day comes, I wish you happiness!

21. SMS is a pleasant ringing tone, words are wishes in the heart, sending is to convey happiness, happiness is a panacea to eliminate loneliness, and the most precious thing in the world is to make friends happy! I wish you a happy Labor Day.

22. Stretched eyebrows, happy heart, leisurely big head, busy small head, healthy inside, smart outside, and rich hands are irresistible! Happy May Day!

23. It is not important to have more money or less money; Fame, fame, profit and benefit are just suffering; Happy is good, healthy is good. May Day is coming, I wish you happiness and peace.

24. I wish you peace with the sound of rain. The rain washes away the troubles, the rain carries away the thoughts, the rain falls on the heartstrings, the raindrops round your wishes, and the rain moistens your heart. May happiness always accompany you. I wish you a happy Labor Day.

25. Are you off duty? It's May Day tomorrow, isn't it a little exciting? Have you made a plan for the event? How about going for a walk and relaxing together? Waiting for your news!

26. Xiao Zhang, famous for being late, was on duty early this morning and asked curiously: Why is Xiao Zhang so early today; Xiao Zhang answered: May Day is coming. Can I not get lucky early today; Wish you a happy Labor Day!

27. What we share is joy, happiness, sweetness and happiness. We have made an appointment with friends during the May Day holiday, and what we share is friendship. I'm waiting for you to meet me. Happy May Day!

28. There is a distance called far; There is something called fate; There is a feeling called missing. There is a person who is not with you, but wishes you happy every day in the May Day holiday by SMS!

29. You are handsome and beautiful. Act as fast as lightning, speak as fast as the wind. He is intoxicated with his work and often tired. Persuading you to work well and be physically strong!

30. What is the happiest thing in the world? More work, more pay. What is the happiest thing in the world? He who does not work gets paid. Happy Labor Day! The latter does not hope, but works hard for the former.

31. Dear friends, how are you! Congratulations on your winning the May Day Labor Medal, two wrinkles, three white hairs, a waist of four inches, a temple of five feet, and a weight of six kilograms. It's time to take a break!

32. I know you like me very much and want to live with me forever; I really like your silly appearance, but my mother just doesn't agree. She said: No pigs at home!

33. Let dreams fly across the ocean, let your heart wander, let love smell, let greetings fly, and let blessings warm your heart. Sweep away your fatigue, open your happy chest, and wish you a happy Labor Day!

34. It's the happiest thing to miss you on May Day; Seeing you is the happiest thing; Love you is something I will always do; To take you to heart is what I have been doing; However, it just happened.

35. Greet you on behalf of all the blessings during this period of time, welcome you on behalf of the flowers, plants, hummingbirds, insects and butterflies outside, and bless you on behalf of the connected and unconnected relatives and friends: may you be happy during the May Day holiday!

36. Giving up is not necessarily cowardly, but sometimes wise; Persistence is not necessarily brave, sometimes blind; Losing is not necessarily pain, maybe easy, having is not necessarily happiness, maybe a burden.

37. Happy May Day. Here are five ones for you to wish you a smooth career; Loving each other wholeheartedly; The family is warm and happy; Sincere friendship always has me; Happy life!

38. Caring does not start today, and blessing does not end today. I send you my most sincere heart, most care, and deepest blessing, and gently tell you that I wish you a happy Labor Day and all the best.

39. I believe that you can give roses with lingering fragrance in your hands, even though there is still a long way to go for love. Although there are many mists and peaks in front of us, we will see a piece of bright sunshine after passing by! Walk with me, love is ahead!

40. The May Day holiday is coming, so travel and play are indispensable. You should be cautious when spending money. Happy mood is the most important thing. Don't go to dangerous places. Don't forget about conservation and environmental protection. You can easily spend the holiday. You can't run away from work.

41. May Day is coming. It's holiday. Leave it behind quickly. The flowers are beautiful, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and the wind is blowing. Fog is not fog, flowers are not flowers, forget troubles, more carefree. Have fun, smile, say hello, and wish you well!

42. Usually, you are like ants on a hot pot. You are really tired. May Day, I wish you are a lovely pig. You will wake up naturally when you sleep, carefree, happy, joyful and happy!

43. Let the wind untie your sadness, and let the rain wash away your sadness; Let green hang all over your heart, and let the hot sun give you a glow. Please cherish the beginning of summer and hope your dear friends are happy every day!

44. On the May Day holiday, I will give you five gifts: health and safety gift, happiness and happiness gift, work luck gift, sweet and mysterious love gift, and life comfort holiday gift. I wish you a happy May Day.

45. Five plus one equals six, which means great success. I wish you every success in your career; Love five plus one, happiness to old; Five plus one every day, good luck; Five plus one, happy forever! happy International Workers ' Day!

46. It's hard to get rich through hard work. Sweat breaks into eight pieces. The journey is not over. Smile at harvest time. You can't have a bad conscience when you get rich. Money has no virtue and poor quality. You are afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night. Happy May Day!

47. The so-called happiness is having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a lover who loves you deeply, and a group of trusted friends. When you receive this message, you will have everything! happy International Workers ' Day!

48. May Day is coming. Come to work together, take the happiness shovel, get rid of the worry silk, swing the happiness hoe, cut off the sorrow grass, wave the wishful axe, cut down the sad branches. May Day is happy, happy, and happy!

49. As long as you can weave a beautiful net, why care about the hardships of spinning; As long as you can realize your dream, why care about the confusion when climbing. No matter how busy you are, remember to have more rest on May Day. Happy Labor Day!

50. The distant shadow of the lone sail is in the blue sky, and the best wishes of friends are endless; You are born to be useful, and your body must be taken care of; Apart from Wushan Mountain, there are clouds. You can enjoy it every day; 5. Here, I wish you happiness forever and health all your life.

51. The happiest thing is that when you are thinking of someone, someone is thinking of you! Is there such a romantic thing in the world? If you are thinking of me, then I wish you a happy May Day!

52. A happiness train, officially started at this station, runs on the 2011 safe track, dedicated to missing fuel, full of all good wishes, terminal: your heart. Friends, I wish you a happy May Day!

53. The stars pass my yearning, the breeze passes my blessing, the warm red sun warms your heart, and the fragrance flows into your heart. May Day is coming. I hope you can relax and have a good rest. I wish you a beautiful holiday.

54. Give you good luck, good luck, happiness, happiness, warmth, and success. Happy May Day!

55. The elites fighting for money from all walks of life sent a couplet: the first couplet: it's time to eat, it's time to drink, and don't put anything in your heart; Second line: bubble bath, looking at the watch, comfortable second is a second; Horizontal scroll: Happy May Day!

56. I was crazy racing on the crowded information highway. I turned left to surpass Zhang San, turned right to surpass Li Si, and accelerated to surpass Wang Erpoczi. I finally arrived at your terminal with full wishes. I wish you a happy May Day and relax!

57. The latest news: During the May Day holiday, molecules hit Tata Zoo with missiles, and thousands of wild animals in the zoo scattered for their lives. A frightened chimpanzee has fled to the street and is reading a short message.

58. Cowhide is not boasted. Trains are not pushed. Blessings are not given to anyone at random! It is filial piety to send to parents, respect to teachers, flattery to the boss, and witness friendship to send to you! I wish you a happy May Day!

59. Life is like a boat, we set sail; Work is like a rocket, we ignite it; Life is like the sea. We use our hard work to make salt, so that every drop of seawater is salty. Every second of life is full of flavor. I wish you a happy Labor Day.

60. Labor Day is coming soon. The tired and busy people will have a rest. The fatigue and tiredness of work will disappear, and the depression and trouble will be forgotten. The three-day holiday will be a happy and joyful one! I wish you a happy and relaxed May Day!

61. May Day is coming, I have five gifts for you. I hope you can make a great success in your career, live a safe life, do business with one capital and make a huge profit. If you buy lottery tickets carelessly, you will win the big prize. May five blessings always be around you. happy International Workers ' Day!

62. May Day is coming, pick up the broom and sweep away: sweep away troubles, and be carefree and happy; Sweep away bad luck, good things come in pairs; Happy packaging, physical and mental health, happy pottery. May Day be happy, happy, happy and auspicious.

63. May Day, before the Tomb Sweeping Day and after the Dragon Boat Festival, the work is easy, the money is bright, the sorrow is broken, and everything is unimpeded. With one heart, one warmth, one care, a dozen happiness, and a lifetime of luck, I connect the blessings of three festivals. Happiness is yours!

64. When is the holiday? Message to Qingtian. I don't know how hard work will last. I want to be lazy occasionally, but I'm afraid I'll be fired. The weather is unpredictable, and people have labor holidays. I hope you can have fun during the May Day holiday! Happy holidays!

65. Send blessings and make a good wish on Labor Day. I wish you happy every day; Send a wonderful feeling, wish you happy every year; Send a short message to wish you happiness forever; May Day, I wish you a happy life and a healthy life.

66. The way to eat is to open one door and close one door; The way to practice qi is to spit and inhale; The way of walking is left and right; The way of civil and military affairs, relax and relax! May you close your eyes, have a good rest and keep healthy in the warm breeze of May Day!

67. It's May Day. I heard you are very busy. Happiness wants to meet you, sweetness wants to make love with you, happiness wants to play with you, good luck wants to discharge to you, and Ruyi wants to become attached to you, so I have to miss you hard. Wish you a happy May Day!

68. Because of dreams, the sky will be blue; Because of love, roses will be bright; Because friends, miss will be infinite; Because of labor, the mood will be relaxed. May your Labor Day dreams come true, love is sweet and friends are forever!

69. Although there is little blessing in a short message, there is no heavy concern about one. It's too boring to pay for each other, but you can't change it with your sincerity. Exchange my sincerity for your sincerity, and achieve priceless treasures in the world. Sincerely look forward to more wonderful cooperation next time.

70. Wife, you have worked hard! Take advantage of this holiday, let's go out together. The location is up to you! Men work to support women, women work to support men, Laozi work to support sons, sons work to support grandchildren, so the society has developed.

71. Money is something outside of your body, so you don't have to earn it with all your heart. Healthy life is the foundation, and family reunion is very meaningful. May 13 is a short and long holiday. I will leave work to meet my relatives. Parents, wives and children are laughing and cheering. I wish you a happy May Day!

72. "May Day" gives you five tips: a smooth life and a smooth sailing; Satisfied career, one capital and ten thousand profits; Friends make friends, and you feel like old friends at first sight; The lover is intimate and affectionate; Happy every day, happy life.

73. ldquo; The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the cloud is flowing, the song is free, love is intentional, love is crazy, the day is eternal, and you are unforgettable. My friends, happy May Day! "

74. Although labor is valuable, life is more precious. Although getting rich is good, health is more important. The May Day holiday has come. Relax and have a good rest. All the pressure and sadness have run away. SMS greetings will disturb you. Wish you good luck and happiness around during the Labor Day!

75. Because of the priceless truth, a rose is worth more than a big tree; Because there are sincere blessings, a blessing is more valuable than a bag of dollars; Because a short message is more precious than thousands of words, I wish you a happy Labor Day!

76. Mobile phone vibration is the heartbeat. Smile when the bell rings. SMS means more attention. Telephone greetings often come. I pray for you every day. I throw away all worries and worries. I am surrounded by happiness and good luck. happy International Workers ' Day!

77. When the morning and night begin to fall, you will kiss my mouth crazily. Sometimes I really want to get rid of you and let you not be so close to me, but I know you like me and love my lovely toothbrush! Happy Labor Day!

78. Look at the mountains and wish your family peace and stability; Look at the water, may your wealth roll in; Look at the bamboo, wish your career step by step; Look at the pine, wish you young and never old; Look at the message, wish you happiness and smile; Wish you a happy journey.

79. May Day is coming, I will send you one, two, three, four, five. I wish you good health and good health without disease; Second, I wish you happiness and happiness without annoyance or annoyance; 3. Good luck running around; Four wish happiness enveloped in laughter; 5. I wish all the best and all the best.

80. The mountains and rivers are interdependent, the mandarin ducks are playing with the water, the two love each other, and the two are fresh and flowing. You and I have a heart to heart, a heart to heart, a heaven sent marriage, and the two love each other. Promise me that I will give you a lifetime of ownership and happiness! 5. 1 Happy.

81. On the arrival of May Day, I send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing. I sincerely wish you and your family a happy Labor Day! Heard that you have a heavy burden on your shoulders and can't stop working day and night, I wish you a happy life, healthy body and mind, and smooth everything in your busy schedule.

82. Health is the best gift, satisfaction is the greatest wealth, care is the most sincere greetings, caring is the most selfless miss, and blessing is the most warm words! I wish my friends all the best and a happy May Day!

83. On May Day, the mentality of "the soul is destroyed" moved the table a little, and the vision of positioning is wide. If you repair your worry chair, you will be happy in all directions. Take care of your happy backpack, and enjoy your physical and mental health. Friends, I wish you a happy May Day!

84. Diligence is a great thing, and labor is the most glorious. Use your hardworking hands to dress up a beautiful life path; The combination of work and leisure, fatigue is easy to hurt, timely self-regulation, have a lasting labor force. May Day is coming. You are busy and hardworking on weekdays. Have fun, relax and get ready for your next journey!

85, May Day! Five plus one, I hope your mood will follow "6" and five minus one, and I hope you will be satisfied with "4"; Five times one, wish you "5" worry "5" worry; Five divide one, wish you happy "5" limit!

86. People should be of good quality. They should be diligent when doing "labor" rather than "prison" work. They should be upright when they are "model workers". They should comply with the "Labor Law" and not always want to "grab a handful". They should not always be enthusiastic about public welfare. They should help others "with their hands" rather than "enjoy leisure and hate hard work" on Labor Day. A clockwork message "chatter" may you laugh after reading it! happy International Workers ' Day!