The most popular sentence of women's trembling voice is about exquisite women recently (65 selected sentences)
Let go
2023-05-18 00:00:45
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1. When a woman no longer shares her happiness with you, she has been indifferent to you.

2. Don't forget to promise yourself what to do and where to go, no matter how difficult or far.

3. When you encounter something disgusting, you should learn to be calm and unhurried. People or things that have nothing to do with you should not care too much. The scum in the world is in a variety of ways and can't be prevented.

4. I am a person who thinks of old things, old things and old things, but I don't think of old people.

5. When there is no one to help you, you should stand up straight. The road is still long and your back should be beautiful.

6. I hope you are a little girl who can buy a candy and a heroine who can't be replaced by a golden mountain.

7. Dear girl, one day you will meet someone who makes your laughter and tears meaningful. He treats you kindly and regards you as the most important one in life.

8. If you don't accompany the sunset, who are you? You are not here to share weal and woe. You are unworthy of glory and wealth!

9. You will be restricted by whatever protection you are protected from. What can protect you from the wind and rain can also keep you out of sight.

10. I will not be anyone's princess or princess. I will be my own queen.

11. Please be confident. You are a landscape, there is no need to look up at others' landscape.

12. Cut your hair if it doesn't grow long. It's ok if you can't stay together.

13. The appearance of the world depends on your gaze at it, and your own value depends on your pursuit and attitude. All good wishes are not in waiting, but in striving.

14. Independence is another kind of scenery for women.

15. It's easy to make up, but it's too difficult at first. Instead of mutual suspicion, we should go our separate ways. I will laugh generously and walk freely.

16. A glass of wine to myself. I wish that I can defeat all obstacles, that I can resist all kinds of poisons, that I am ruthless, and that I am free and happy.

17. No matter how hard you try to make yourself perfect, there will always be a group of people pointing at your back. They may not be bad people, but they can't understand your way of life. Therefore, free and easy is the most important.

18. Where is the best age? The best age is when you meet that person.

19. If I had white hair and a late face, would you still hold my hands and be gentle.

20. Don't think that if you don't meet often, your feelings will fade. I tell you, with our friendship at the beginning, I dare to be wild in your life all my life.

21. People who cannot spare time to sleep will sooner or later spare time to get sick; Those who cannot spare time for love will sooner or later spare time for blind date.

22. How can you bear the wind and the waves for a while? Take a step back, why don't you take a step back?

23. To be a bad man, after all, there is no shortage of heroes in this world.

24. It will be dark and people will change. There is still a long way to go. Don't be too crazy. You can't decide who will be brilliant in the future.

25. For men, the most important thing is to spoil a woman alone. Don't betray the woman who follows you wholeheartedly.

26. If you give it to me, I would rather not give it to others. It's not terrible if you can't get it. It's a joke if you can't keep it.

27. You can have a bad love, but you can't indulge yourself in a rotten life. May you be like a child in the sun and an adult in the wind and rain.

28. Women are made of water, so don't be too cold to her. Once it turns into ice after zero, you will eventually be frostbitten.

29. Don't think applause is encouragement, and mosquitoes are also treated like this!

30. To be a warm girl, you should not only warm yourself, but also bring warmth to others.

31. The sea of people is vast. Don't turn back and make do with it easily. Do a good job of managing yourself. Be grateful for the small fortune in life, and naturally there will be good people to love you.

32. Indifference, sometimes not heartless, is a way to avoid being hurt.