The more I grow up in 2022, the more I fear losing sentences
2023-03-31 00:20:31
Complete sentences

1. The more I grow up, the more I am afraid of losing. I have more strange ideas and lower tears. Life is so beautiful that I am afraid of losing.

2. When you grow up, you gain more and lose more. Fear of this day, but it will always come.

3. Life is impermanent. Everything is trivial in front of life and death. In this year, too many people left, either in life, old age, illness or death, or natural or man-made disasters. The more they grow up, they will experience more separation and death, fear loss, and fear nature more.

4. The more you grow up, the more timid you are, the more afraid you are to lose everything you have. But the result of life is to get it and then lose it.

5. The older you grow, the more cautious you become, the more forward looking and backward looking you become, the more fragile you become. Growth takes away not only time, but also the courage of those who were not afraid to lose.

6. People's growth is a process of constant loss, so the more they grow up, the more afraid they will lose. The loss in the dream is enough to frighten people. Fortunately, it is a dream. I cherish all my family, friendship and time.

7. It is a lucky thing that someone is willing to warm you, but the more you grow up, the more afraid of losing. So while cherishing these warmth, you should rationally let yourself not sink.

8. The more I grow up, the more lonely I will be. I can't bear the things I could bear before, and I'm no longer afraid of losing. Unlike the past, I worry about gain and loss. The most important thing is to be good at myself. It's really good to be good at yourself!

9. I thought I could face death more calmly when I grew up. In fact, I was more afraid and flustered than the first time. The older I was, the more I was afraid of losing.

10. Insomnia is caused by thinking too much and doing too little. Sometimes hope is broken, which is better than waiting for hope. The more grown up, the more lonely, the more afraid, the more lost, the more helpless, the more disappointed.

11. The older I grow up, the more afraid I will lose my close relatives. The departure of relatives is an incomparable pain.

12. The more you grow up, the more you are afraid of losing, and the more you are afraid of leaving, because you will understand what real leaving is and what permanent loss is when you grow up.

13. The more you grow up, the more afraid you are, the more afraid you are of losing, and the more afraid you are of irretrievability. There is less and less time left for you. Once you make mistakes, it is difficult to remedy them. Therefore, you become cautious and conservative.

14. When people grow up, they are more and more afraid of losing, but they are more and more afraid of separation, and more and more easy to touch the scene!

15. I try to maintain every interpersonal relationship. I'm afraid of losing. As I grow older, I don't want to socialize. When there are many people, I want to escape. I can't avoid it. I hate myself like this, and I hate my glass heart and affectation.

16. Don't want to grow up, afraid of time, don't want to lose more, want to go back to childhood, want to try to keep everyone around.

17. The more people grow up, the more afraid they are of losing. They want to seize everything they cherish, desperately believe in everything they can believe, and pray for mercy on their fate!

18. The more you grow up, the more timid you are. You are afraid that your relatives will fall ill and lose. Everything is too small in front of life.

19. Worried every day, afraid of losing. How long can I stay with you if you grow up holding my hand? How I wish this day would never come.

20. Don't be kidnapped by your own emotions. In fact, things can't overwhelm us. On the contrary, emotions will overwhelm us. The more you grow up, the more afraid you are of losing. But we must learn to face it.