Smiles in the candlelight of movies
Cold winter fog
2023-08-01 00:44:06
fifth grade
impressions of after reading

I watched the film Smile in Candlelight that day. When I reviewed the film again as a teacher, I got to know Mr. Wang Shuangling better, and really felt the selfless dedication of Mr. Wang Shuangling. It touched me a lot.
The film tells the touching story of Wang Shuangling, an ordinary teacher in Shanghai. She is kind and everyone respects her. Although she is weak and ill, she has repeatedly shouldered the burden of the worst "disorderly class" in the school and watered every student's heart with her love. It is like the red candle that appears many times in the film, burning herself and illuminating others. Xiao Ming's parents were arrested by the public security bureau for gambling and reselling yellow video tapes. Xiaoming, who has been infected with evil habits, is left unattended and becomes a wanderer. At this time, teacher Wang Shuangling extended a warm hand to Xiao Ming, and took him into his own home. Like his own children, she cared for them in life, enlightened them in thought, and comforted them with her love like spring breeze and rain. Xiaomiao returned to life and began to thrive, and Xiaoming became an aspiring student.
Compared with Miss Wang, I was immersed in pondering whether we have her patience when we deal with the problems of students in the process of growing up. When students face difficulties, will we be selfless to compare with Miss Wang like her, Whether we really love our posts, can we be loyal to our duties and fulfill our responsibilities? Can we spread our love to the world like her, and moisten the children's hearts like a clear spring.
After watching the film, we felt that Mr. Wang Shuangling was full of love and high sense of responsibility for his students. I think it is these two points that make her devote herself to her students without any regrets. Although she doesn't have her own children, dozens of children call her "mother" from the bottom of their hearts; Although she is only a primary school teacher with low income and low status, she is respected and conquers all people with her highly responsible and enthusiastic working attitude; Maybe many people don't understand her, but she is undoubtedly happy and satisfied.
After watching the film, the shadow of Mr. Wang always comes to my mind. There are also many good teachers like Wang Shuangling around me. They have spent a lot of effort to let us grow up healthily. How noble the teacher is! Just as the educator Tao Xingzhi said, "Come with a heart and don't take half the grass." I will follow her as an example to constantly motivate myself and become a good teacher conscientiously.
Comment: The context is clear, the sense of hierarchy is strong, and the qi narration is orderly and not disorderly. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Carefully selected, the materials seem to be customized for the theme. The plot twists and turns, and the narrative process has a certain sense of ups and downs, which reflects the curved beauty of the plot and is fascinating.