The most distracted copy in 2023
Lily sprouts new branches again
2023-02-08 07:29:34
Complete sentences

1. Don't think I love you, you can not cherish! One day, I will point to the heart and say to you proudly, "Here, there is a replacement."~~~

2. May you be happy without pretending. May you enjoy your life and be sincere and kind. I wish you a peaceful life and respect me for the rest of my life.

3. May all the waiting in the world come as scheduled, and may all the happiness in the world be just right.

4. You don't need to be a submissive and compromise person anymore. Respect and understanding make the relationship equal, warm and full of expectations.

5. In this world, it is not easy to meet a person who really likes, and it is not easy to be liked by a person. We should all learn to cherish, cherish the people we love, and cherish the people who love us.

6. Don't always criticize others. Since you have decided to love him like that, don't constantly criticize him after waiting together. Before asking others to make progress, let yourself make progress first.

7. People and things, one is not sure, the other is not aware. The power of knowledge, understanding or not understanding, is a kind of injury. Seeing or not seeing, is a kind of scenery. Looking at the past from the heart, today is still consuming time.

8. Life, there are always some people and things, reluctantly do not come, strong but, after all, two injuries..

9. I'm not lost, I'm not hurt, I'm not angry, I'm just a little tired, I'm tired of paying too much, and giving too little back. If you don't hold the hands you want to hold from the beginning, the missed years will become a constant search and accommodation.

10. Calm is the normal state of life. How far a person can go depends not on his body, but on his belief. Life is hard, but as long as you firmly believe in yourself, don't admit defeat easily, and dare to face it, success will be greeted with a smile sooner or later. In life, there is only a past that cannot be returned, and there is no present that cannot be returned.

11. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.

12. Happy times can bring you beautiful and happy experiences, and painful days can also leave you profound and valuable experience. Every day in life has its unique meaning.

13. Everything was as I expected. I hit all my guesses, but in the end I lost nothing!

14. I really want to go back a long time ago, to meet you who are all mine with picturesque looks and thoughts, and I who am full of joy for my life.

15. When one day, you find that your emotions can not be expressed in words, but rather let yourself gradually disappear in the street with gorgeous street lights at night, this is loneliness.

16. The world is unique. People have to go home, cover the stars with cloth, and then touch the lights.

17. Watching the Korean TV show, the heroine leaned her head against the bus glass. It was so beautiful that I almost had a concussion.

18. Too many thoughts and concerns make it impossible to move forward. When you think about it, it is you who have trapped yourself and put chains on yourself.

19. The price of growth is to learn to disguise and hide. The most direct reason is not that the career is dangerous and the people are unpredictable, but that in the adult world, you can never know the true portrayal of the other person's heart, and the other person can never know your true thoughts. This is the chain of suspicion of Big Liu, so each of us has to be a disguised hunter in the dark forest.

20. At that moment, I seemed to hear the sound of the collapse of the whole world.

21. The most unforgettable thing is that you never think of it, but never forget it.

22. If you want to define a good life, it is cozy. If you want to give a definition of contentment, it is three or five bosom friends, talking and laughing happily.

23. Don't be too mean to the person who loves you. There are few people who are really good to you all their lives. How many people wake up when everything is going to be lost. Everyone has a temper and can bear all the anger for you just because that person loves you more than you do.

24. Let nature take its course rather than worry. Everything will be better in the end. If it is not good enough, it means it is not the end.

25. In fact, I have been trying to adapt to the cold of the world, no matter the temperature or people's hearts, so I have been giving time to let the past pass and start.

26. In fact, living is really a beautiful thing, not because of the beautiful and spectacular scenery, but because of who you meet and who you are warmed up to, and then hoping to become a little sun one day to warm others.

27. I know that life is hard, but only when I meet you will I want to live forever

28. Maybe my smile is not bright enough, but it is enough to clear the haze of winter for you; Maybe my hands are not gentle enough, but they can sweep away the worldly dust for you! If fate arranges us to be together, I will cherish you.

29. Any small problem between husband and wife may become a big trouble affecting family happiness. Even the two closest people in the marriage are independent individuals, and they will have their own feelings. The most intimate people will be uncomfortable with words.

30. Rely on time and read fleeting years. Quiet, a Zen, life is safe and warm; A simple, time is fine. Pick up a touch of time to be quiet and understand. Time passes through the autumn, and you can harvest a flower in your heart. Tell a piece of heart talk and Zen, and let a piece of plain reading follow the wind and rain. Scatter the heart talk in the city, and your heart is far away. Time is so quiet and beautiful. It's very nice!

31. How much a person loves you depends not on how many things he has done for you and how many times he has cried, but on how much he has about you in his life.

32. No matter how recklessly you love, others will still think that you can love more. It is not that anyone is born unsatisfied. This is totally your habit, and you can only blame yourself for the final result.

33. How can such lovers become friends after they are separated. Even funny is that in the end, the two people are like strangers, and then gradually move away from each other, living their own lives.

34. The harder you try to catch something, the more damage you will suffer. It's better to let go of it in time.