Excerpts of succinct and beautiful love sentences in 2023
Eternal sun
2023-07-30 19:27:30
Complete sentences

1. How much I love you, and finally become sorry. It doesn't matter how much I'm sorry. It doesn't matter how much. Finally, I said thank you.

2. It is not easy for everyone to face life. You have your troubles, I have my difficulties, everyone has silent tears, everyone has unspeakable pain, do not compare, do not admire, since alive, we should be open-minded; Since we are moving forward, we should not be afraid of setbacks. Don't think too much. Life is for us only once. If you close your eyes someday, you will never see the light again.

3. Love is sometimes a habit. You are used to having him in your life, and he is used to having you in his life. Once lost, it is like losing everything.

4. Like a person, there is no pain. Love a person, there will be a long pain; However, the happiness he gave was also the greatest happiness in the world.

5. If we were all children, we could stay in the same place in time, sit together and listen to the stories of never aging while slowly honing our heads.

6. I cater to the people I love everywhere, erect all the thorns on my body to the people who love me, and then they all left, but I can never go back.

7. Acacia is like the wind, may the wind blow you to sleep; Care like rain, may the drizzle wash away your fatigue; Love is like a spring. May the spring moisten your heart. Baby, today's Rose Valentine's Day, I wish you happiness and companionship!

8. Whether I love you or not, I still promise to accept you.

9. Just a background becomes a landscape.

10. I used to love deeply, maybe I didn't understand love, I was hurt for unknown reasons, I felt sad for unknown reasons, and I was afraid of losing after I owned it. It's always like this.

11. You should know that there is no right or wrong in true love. In a love or marriage, whether it is vigorous or flowing, it is true and worth cherishing.

12. Love is a kind of trust that needs to pay a price. If not loving is unacceptable, don't open your heart easily. Temptation and loneliness are not reasons for love.

13. I heard that the meaning of travel is to escape. What I escaped from was not a city, but a memory.

14. Love can praise happiness, can also sing songs, can also be used to love.

15. I like you. If you don't like me, I will throw the note out of the window. If you also like me, you will pass the note back ". Later, it will write" The window cannot be opened ".

16. Just want to return to the simple happiness of love, just want to guard the night like stars forever.

17. The world is a stage, and all men and women are just actors.

18. The real touching love is not the happiness of a pair of people, but that he has not grown into your love, but you have moved for him.

19. If you like a person, you will keep all the joys, sorrows and sorrows on him. You will spend all your enthusiasm to think that you have got the whole world. You will pay recklessly and recklessly without fear of pain or injury. Finally, you will feel very happy when you are all hurt.

20. My ministers and concubines only have dust all the way, covered with shoes. In addition, my ministers and concubines are as light as feathers, and my bags are empty. I didn't want to buy a deep feeling for myself until I met you by chance.

21. If only one person is active and performing in the love affair between two people, then this person will be like a clown. The one who always enjoys happiness is the other, and he has only sorrow.

22. Not everyone who passes by will know each other, and not everyone who knows will be concerned. And I met you and met again. You made me worry about you, let me miss you, let my world revolve around you, this is love.

23. Thank God for letting me meet you, you know? Meeting you is my greatest happiness, meeting you is my eternal happiness, I hope you will always live in my heart, I hope I receive sunshine from you every day, receive strong, brave, I love you!

24. Marriage has nothing to do with love. People always think that marriage will come naturally when love is mature, but they don't know that marriage is just a way of life. Everyone can get married, which is very simple. Love is quite another matter.

25. When love passes by, the dull life will also stir up ripples. Who else is like me now, immersed in the memory that no longer exists, reading the blog once left, full of scattered thoughts, but can't remember how strong love is, how true love is, and how much love has been paid. Maybe for me, it is the last result.

26. We carefully collect the keys to each other's lives, stick to the door of love, and open each other's hearts at any time. Dear, Orange Valentine's Day, let love flow into our beautiful love lake, and let the waves of love open

27. On that day, I closed my eyes in the incense mist in the Sutra Hall and suddenly heard the truth in the Sutra. In that month, I shook all the prayer rollers, not for transcendence, but just to touch your fingertips. That year, my concubines bowed their heads and crawled on the mountain road, not for an audience, but for the warmth of being close to you. In that life, my concubines turned mountains, rivers and pagodas, not for the sake of afterlife, but to meet you on the way.

28. Everyone is a star in the sky. Come to the world to look for the warmth and love that the star lacks. I don't know which star I belong to. I hope it's not too far away from your star. It's not too difficult to find.

29. I don't take care of myself at all. I should learn to take care of myself. If I'm not here, I will take care of you.

30. The premise of Capricorn love must be trust, which is very true. Without trust, there is nothing left.

31. In this life, I would like to measure the distance from beauty to white hair with missing you. For you alone, I would like to guard a city. Don't let the sky grow. Just to know, just to love, just to look back and see your happiness.

32. Every time I am ready to send a postcard there, I find that my missing on the way cannot find the person who can deliver it. Even if there is such a person, I don't know her address.