Hourglass 3 Rao Xueman's Quotes
2023-07-29 21:08:13

1. At the moment I decided for the eternal secret that I should make happy people happy, while sad people should leave far away.

2. The reason why she is called cockroach is that she often jumps out when she should not, which makes people want to slap her to death.

3. You know, happiness is hard won. To me, it is always like a bubble. It is crystal clear when it comes, and ruthless when it goes.

4. Love or hate, once you decide to let go, everything becomes water. Where it flows, it only sets off some old images, leaving only a little residue of years.

5. The students in my class all thought that I was a princess. Only I knew that I was an orphan in the beautiful world. I had nothing, but I still had to smile with many scars.

6. Is our heart, like these small gravel, only by constantly tightening itself through the narrow gap, can we get conversion and no longer be lonely?

7. Don't make anyone sad, because in the end, no one's life is easy. More respect can respect yourself more effectively, and more understanding can make you live a more calm life.

8. Age is the tail of youth, short and defeated; Like the last note of a piano piece, no matter how high pitched it is, the end is to disappear and leave.

9. At the age of, the tail of youth is short and defeated, just like the last note of a piano song. No matter how high the tone is used, the end is to disappear and leave.

10. We are two poor children who are bored. That's why I am like this. That's why he is like this. But how can I learn to forgive?

11. But I will always remember that night, the darkest and most helpless night in 17 years, she found me and gave me that hug. She saved me. This life indelible gratitude.

12. The panic in my heart can only be understood by myself. When I try to be normal, the panic turns into a sharp knife, scarring my already unbearable heart.

13. The hourglass of time precipitates the past that cannot be escaped, and the hands of memory always pick up those bright sadness. The wings of youth cut through the painful memory; Yesterday's tears stirred ripples in my heart.

14. I saw the cold moonlight outside the attic through the window lattice, shining on the wall of the small attic. The wall was bleak and dark. I hugged her tightly to wake up and swore in my heart that I would make her better.

15. To make a woman truly beautiful and attractive, it needs men's recognition and praise. If you want a man to be a man, you need a woman to care and love him. You should comfort your man like a child.

16. The rain in the summer of that year was as much as the stars in the sky. It gave me a beautiful clear sky. We all had small wounds. We sewed and mended the young love. I will always stand around you and accompany you to the end.

17. Xin, a man named Xin. He turned his mother into a cold-blooded devil. He made an ordinary woman become a heroine admired by everyone by mistake. He gave her a poison, and he made her suffer from illness and mental torture day and night.

18. The most painful thing is that something that has disappeared will never be seen and will never come back, but it will leave a thin and sharp needle stuck in your heart all the time. It can't be pulled out. If it wants to hurt you, you will have to hurt.

19. Cute doesn't mean laughing all day long. Maturity doesn't mean pulling a small face every day. Happiness can also be mixed up. Happiness can also be mixed up! Keep our true thoughts, camouflage can deceive the world, never deceive their own hearts.

20. Maybe in the 10th year of her death, I got an antidote, or a charm? But who knows? We've only known each other for a week. Just like those people who have known each other for many years, many years later, they just make people sad.

21. Maybe in the 10th year of her death, I got an antidote, or a charm? But who knows? We've only known each other for a week. Just like those people who have known each other for many years, many years later, they just make people sad.

22. If you want a man to stay with you, you must let him be "good at". A man is a kite, trust and love are strings. A woman is a kite pilot, sometimes letting a man get closer and sometimes letting a man get farther. As long as the strings are continuous, he will always know where his home is!

23. I always like the sunshine in the afternoon. He made me believe that everything in the world will turn around and that the destiny will be generous and beautiful. We will eventually grow up and grow up quietly with a feeling of no resentment. In the final analysis, growth is a kind of happiness.

24. I always like the sunshine in the afternoon. It makes me believe that everything in the world will turn around, and that the destiny will be generous and beautiful. We will eventually grow up and grow up quietly with a feeling of no resentment. In the final analysis, growth is a kind of happiness.

25. Pay close attention to family harmony, happiness, love, society, warmth, and love. No matter what the society is like, whether it's sunny or cloudy tomorrow, love is always around.

26. There are always a lot of naive people who are willing to maintain romance in this world. They have their own way of life, which can be admired even if you can't learn it. Or, try occasionally. Especially when you have nowhere to go.

27. Don't try to please everyone. Don't live in the mouth or eyes of others. Time flows through your fingers like an hourglass. What you can't refuse is the beginning, and what you can't resist is the end. Along the way, we are looking for and losing.

28. I saw Mi Li crouching on the ground with his head in his arms. At first, I didn't understand what tricks he was going to do, but I soon found that he was crying. When he saw a puff, he turned from a low sob to a wail. He cried so sadly, as if he had been wronged.

29. I saw the cold moonlight outside the attic shining through the window lattice on the wall of the small attic. The wall was bleak and dark white. I hugged her tightly to wake up and swore in my heart that I would make her better. In this life, let her live in the bright sunshine forever. certain! must!

30. My secret is small particles hidden in my heart, which nobody knows. So only I can understand the panic in my heart. When I tried to be normal, the panic turned into a sharp knife, scarring my already unbearable heart.

31. Love, what is love of love? Love is the moon, and love is the sun. Only the true combination of two people can have day and night. Love is that the moon is crying, and love is not over. The red sun is rising, and the bright moonlight is staring silently. Who are love and love?

32. Life is a meeting and parting again and again, and life is a forgetting and beginning again and again. The hourglass of time precipitates the past that cannot be escaped, and the hands of memory always pick up the bright sadness. Take your luggage and travel with your heart, just to feel the beauty and find the scenery you have never met.

33. Pleasebebrave, although the person who gave me this sentence has gone nowhere for a long time, in any case, I should follow its guidance and go on. There is no choice but to accept happily. Whether I'm 17 or 70. Even if my life is a game that has already been cursed and led.

34. Life is like an hourglass. You can't go back after you sprinkle it. On the way of growing up, I learned that there are some habits we must give up; On the way of growing up, we also refused to grow up, but it gradually became clear that no one can refuse to grow up. So we learned to work hard for our future.

35. Lovelorn is like an hourglass, while tears and heartache are the trickle of sand. Each reversal of missing will cause a breach of the dike. Every lovelorn once sang "Happy Break up" to torment the time after break up. Love is the best thing in the world. Even if it breaks your heart, you should forget it with a smile and start the next journey.

36. The thin swing can no longer treat the young me as high as a butterfly and scream happily, as it did a long time ago. If the rope breaks when I fly, if I can die freely without tasting all the pain, frustration, unwillingness and retreat in life, will it not be as painful as it is now?