Life is very tired, and reality is very hard (55 sentences)
Precious old friends
2023-02-23 13:19:58
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1. Life is when you don't know what will happen next. Therefore, we should prepare at any time and anywhere. I'm tired of living!

2. I just occasionally get tired, cry, make trouble without reason, feel upset, and become unfamiliar with everything.

3. In this senseless age, no matter how tall others are, I still choose to be a person who adapts to myself.

4. Wandering, in the farthest horizon, blooming, in the yellow sand all over the sky. Look for, lost vows, lost, in endless thoughts.

5. The person you don't like can be reciprocated with a silent smile; If you like someone, you can do whatever you want, because your love will show itself.

6. Once the dream was broken, pick it up, try to piece it together, then break it again, pick it up again, until one day, it can't be pieced together again.

7. When we have something to do, we regard busyness as fatigue, while when we have nothing to do, we regard relaxation as boredom.

8. The furthest distance in the world is not love, not hate, but familiar people, gradually becoming unfamiliar.

9. I thought that love was when we were young, we all grew up, so it was very naive and happy. When they grow up, they will grow up without growing up, and they will be very tired.

10. The biggest problem with a long life is that you don't want to say much, don't want to be disturbed, and long to be embraced.

11. I will not ask, will not mention, sad, heartache on a person to keep walking, with silence instead of everything.

12. If you look forward to tomorrow, you must first step on reality; If you want to be brilliant, you must never stop.

13. Love is a hundred years of loneliness, until you meet the person who is committed to protecting you. At that moment, all the bitter loneliness has a way back.

14. Living in the world is nothing more than facing two big worlds, the big world outside and your own inner world.

15. If you still ask your parents for the money you spend after you are 20 years old, your famous brand can only show off your incompetence.

16. The so-called life is the endless lies, the impenetrable hearts, the endless worries, and the endless ups and downs.

17. Happiness is not a destination, but a journey. "If you want to look forward to tomorrow, you must first step on reality; if you want to be brilliant, you must never stop.

18. What is the feeling of the impossibility of life and the impossibility of life truth? Maybe people living in different classes feel different.

19. Later, the wine glass was broken, the long hair was cut, the obsession was broken, and the diary was torn. You don't know where it is. How can you ignore the unfinished story.

20. The most tiring thing in the world is to watch my heart break and stick it up with my own hands.

21. People should always follow their own heart when they are alive. Happiness is not something that you will visit when you wait for it. Sometimes you need to fight for it yourself.

22. Probably, everyone will meet a person who can't be together. It's hard to let go, but it's too tiring to persist. It's the most painful when you can't love.

23. In addition to marrying you and transferring money, it is false to say that you like you and miss you. It is better to make a huge sum of money to ask for warmth.

24. The truly attractive person is actually a person without gender, namely a neutral person. Its concept is not homosexuality, but the ultimate devil who is tempered by a part of the male and female characters.

25. Finally, I can't bear it. Finally, I said that I was tired, and my heart was tired. I didn't dare to think about the future. I didn't want to look at the past. Everything was expected but I couldn't extricate myself from the slow destruction.

26. One day you will understand that kindness is more difficult than cleverness. Wisdom is a gift, and kindness is a choice.

27. There are two things in the world that cannot be retrieved in any way. One is the past time; The other is what you said.

28. I have seen all your appearances, and finally I saw that you don't belong to me. I will always like you, but I will never love you again. Thank you for your company. Goodbye.

29. I recently wake up every morning and want to cry. I don't know why. It's a long time alone or a long time alone. It's still too tired.

30. Noisy trumpets on the road, noisy quarrels around, loud voices of reading in the school, and curses of dissatisfaction with the world. Are used to it.

31. We should know how to cherish and protect everyone around us, because we can only meet each other in this life by looking back at the broken neck in the previous life.

32. The life of rich people is too wonderful. I can't adapt to the life. It's really tiring to make friends with rich people.

33. There are some things we can only talk about, because we can't tell everyone what we are thinking about; Sometimes we pretend to be happy, because tears can't fall on everyone.

34. Live carefully and talk carefully. Later, I felt too tired and closed my mouth.

35. Be natural when busy and natural when idle; If there is more chance, there is more necessity; Get calm, lose happy; Praise is indifferent, demotion is calm. Understanding the "eight natural", this life is leisurely.

36. Making many friends is not a miracle. The real miracle is that when everyone leaves you, there is still a friend standing firmly by your side.

37. Maybe everyone has to pay out of his heart and lungs in return for the result of cracking his heart and lungs. From then on, he will find the benefits of heartlessness.

38. All I can look forward to is your back. You don't know, there is always a me following you behind me.

39. Please believe that time will become your best self, and time will polish your unique beauty.

40. What you gain from giving up your dignity is just pity. If you don't love, let go. If you struggle hard, you will only get bored.

41. When I recall the past, it is as fragmented as a flash of light. It has already been in my heart forever, and the slight drunkenness is a sadness that can never be touched.

42. Some people, after years of absence, will still be excited to meet again. Some feelings, no matter how deeply they are buried, will feel pain when they are mentioned.

43. Every poisonous apple has its own prince charming. Every problem has its own solution.

44. When you stay up late every day, have you ever thought that the person you like has already snored and will not love you when you wake up without you in your dream.

45. Sometimes, we are very tired. It is not that our life is too harsh, but that we are too easily infected by the outside atmosphere and influenced by other people's emotions.

46. One wants to find someone to accompany him. A man loses himself. I don't know if there is any hope to pursue.

47. The so-called growth, in fact, is not afraid of falling, making you smile and cry, gentle and stubborn. You come against the light like warmth.

48. All people are true when they swear, feel that they will not break their promises, and they are true when they repent, feel that they cannot do it.

49. Another night, lonely and indifferent lingering. Still floating long thoughts, bleak ice like frost and snow is fog? Is it smoke? Is it tears? Or rain?

50. Knowing that freedom will be lost, knowing that it will rain in every city, just as I will miss you wherever I go, missing is the beauty of youth because I don't know the truth.

51. It turned out that I was too young and naive at that time. I am not a person who can stand all kinds of hardships. My tenacity is limited. I will also be tired.

52. It is wise to go straight because we have found a shortcut; It's open-minded to turn the straight road because you can see more scenery.

53. There are many passers-by on the road of life. Everyone has their own destination. Others go east, west, south and north, while I go to you.

54. There are many things in life that you do not want to do but must do. This is responsibility. There are many things in life that you want to do but cannot do. This is fate.

55. People only care about things they like, so it is obvious whether a person loves you or not.