Tell me about the whole book. Tell me funny
Between two smokes and water
2023-07-18 09:06:32
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Jealousy belongs to jealousy. Don't be a dog. Is it interesting to slander people behind their backs?

2. Whether the coat is clean, others pay attention to the collar, but the wife pays attention to the pocket.

3. When I look at you foolishly, do you also look at me foolishly.

4. I came and left quietly, waving a dagger, leaving no one alive.

5. I changed her from a girl to a woman; She turned me from a boy into a poor man.

6. Since I like a distant person, I'd better take the opportunity to like more.

7. Don't think that a girl can make me fall for her beauty. At least she is stupid enough!

8. They didn't show their skills in the monthly exam, and they really felt that they taught well.

9. Sometimes I feel that I have become ugly. When I take out my ID card, I find that I am worried too much.

10. In the bath, please do not disturb, please buy tickets for peeping, 40% off for individuals and 20% off for groups!

11. In those days, I was also a seed of infatuation, but I was killed by a thunderbolt.

12. Every time a new book is issued, the first response is to turn to the last page to see if there are any answers.

13. Although you wear perfume, I can still vaguely smell a scum smell.

14. The most romantic thing I can think of is that you are getting older and older, while I am still young.

15. Eating is what I want. Being thin is what I want. I can't have both.

16. The mobile phone was handed over for a week, but when I got it back, I found that all the games had been cleared.

17. On this warm spring day, I will take you with me and you will take the money with you.

18. Don't complain about life all day long. Life will never know who you are, let alone listen to your complaints.

19. In this life, in this moment, I wish I had you, sister. Always be with you. Love you, my sister.

20. This man is unlucky. Even a sneeze can frighten him. Even taking off a sweater can electrocute him to death.

21. When you get married later and the marriage object is not me, I will move to your next door and be a quiet Lao Wang.

22. When I was a child, I thought I could save the whole world when I grew up. When I grew up, I found that the whole world could not save me.

23. The symbol of immature men is that they can make heroic sacrifices for their ideals, while the symbol of mature men is that they can live humbly for their ideals.

24. When I am angry, can you stop curling your mouth and look at me with innocent eyes, which makes me want to laugh. I'm angry, okay?

25. The heart should let you hear, the love should let you see, not afraid to admit how attached you are; When I miss you, I hope you can receive my sincere message!

26. It is so inexplicable to love you. I know I will not be the only one in your life, but you are the love of my life!