Model essay on the impressions of the thirteen hairpins in Jinling
Rose with thorns
2023-09-21 22:06:34

The film has been prepared for 4 years, with an investment of 600 million yuan. Aiming at the global market, we invited the Hollywood special effects team and first-line movie star Christian Bell to join us for the first time, and employed dozens of new actors. It was released in China on December 15, 20XX, and won widespread praise in China. Its popularity has led to its box office rising, and it has accumulated 6.2 billion yuan in domestic box office. This film is the box office champion of domestic films in 20XX.

Yan Geling, the original author, said that her participation in the commemoration of the "Nanjing Massacre" began in 1993. At that time, in Chicago, the Chinese community showed the first pictures of the massacre. Every year since then, she has participated in the Holocaust commemoration activities, and then also participated in the "60th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre" commemoration conference held by China and Japan in Nanjing in 1997. She felt that she had to write a work for this historical cup when she visited the execution sites of the Holocaust. Then came the novel and Zhang Yimou's masterpiece

The most tragic sacrifice in war is always women. Women are the ultimate prize of conquerors. Women suffer twice as much. And no matter in what culture, virginity symbolizes the necessary degree of holiness, and the occupier can not be considered as an overall occupation without trampling on the holiness. This is the male game - the cup of war for women.

Yan Geling said that this story is dedicated to the female victims of the Nanjing Massacre. When the sacrifice in the story unfolds, she expects readers to find, like her, that their sacrifice is not only tragic, but also brilliant.

Zhang Yimou saw Yan Geling's novel before the Beijing Olympic Games, and then bought the copyright. He said that the perspective of the story was very unique. From the perspective of 13 legendary women in Jinling, he expressed a theme of redemption, reflecting lofty humanism. He hoped that the film would bring a different feeling to the audience, which must be different from the previous Nanjing theme films. Zhang Yimou said that compared with the original work, the film has added a story clue to show the Chinese people's bloody struggle, which needs to show the Chinese people's bloody nature and indomitable spirit. There are many war scenes in the film, but not too much emphasis on the big scenes. The war scenes need details to be remembered.

Zhang Yimou graduated from the Photography Department of Beijing Film Academy in 1982. Together with Chen Kaige, Tian Zhuangzhuang and others, he has achieved the "fifth generation of Chinese films". Since 1981, he has directed Red Sorghum independently, and then successively directed Raise the Red Lantern, Autumn Chrysanthemum Lawsuit and other films, making Chinese films take shape in the world. Almost all of his works have been shortlisted in major international film festivals. The most prominent feature of Zhang Yimou's works is that they have strong national connotation and strong Chinese characteristics.

Zhang Yimou majored in photography, so he has great attainments in art, especially in color. It seems that he prefers red most. His personality is the emphasis on red and black, which strengthens the visual impact. He is good at using color. No matter which movie he makes, it can well reflect his flexible use of color.

This time, the "Thirteen Hairpins in Jinling" directed by him also has many highlights. The story tells that when Nanjing was occupied in 1937, only one Catholic church remained unoccupied for the time being. Female students from church schools, prostitutes along the Qinhuai River, soldiers and wounded soldiers, as well as an American John, all entered the church one after another. In this relatively closed space, they jointly dealt with a life and death catastrophe and had all kinds of wonderful feelings. However, the church is not a pure land forever, and the temporary tranquility was soon broken - the Japanese army rushed into the church and found the female students. The soldiers who were desperately resisting shot and saved the female students at the critical moment, and died bravely. Later, the Japanese army forced female students to perform for the Japanese army at the celebration. Everyone knew that this would be a bad way to go. The female students, unwilling to be humiliated by the Japanese army, prepared for mass suicide, but were rescued by prostitutes headed by Yu Mo. Finally, these 13 prostitutes, who are usually regarded as despicable, inspired chivalrous blood before the invaders' dehumanizing butcher's knife. They wore hymns and scissors to go to a solemn death appointment instead of the female students in the church

At the beginning of the story, the characters gradually emerge in the smoke of war. The director also used the way of pushing the camera to make the image of the heroine in the film clear gradually, which triggered a series of stories later. Later, the hero also came into people's view in the war between China and Japan, but the hero of this film is an American. The film employs international movie stars and teams, and we have to suspect that Zhang Yimou's film is suspected of having an impact on the Academy Awards. As a matter of fact, with its high box office and good reputation, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" won the nomination of the best foreign language film at the American Golden Globe Awards, six nominations at the 6th Asian Film Awards, one nomination at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards, and the best sound editing award for foreign language films at the 59th American Golden Scroll Awards. Although it didn't win the Oscar, the film was quite good on the whole.

The shaping of characters is the top priority of the film. The characters in the film are the core of narration, the core of conflicts, and the basis of film modeling. Therefore, Zhang Yimou has also made great efforts in the selection of actors. As early as 20XX, Kaifeng Yimou began to select actors. Since the story happened in Nanjing, he expected to select Nanjing artists. However, there were only a few artists from Nanjing, so he decided to employ new artists. Luckily, Ni Ni was chosen as the heroine. Ni Ni, who plays the role of jade and ink, is full of charm. Behind the bright and beautiful scenes on the screen is the efforts made by the new person: the posture of walking and sitting needs training. Also learn to play mahjong and smoke cigarettes. A lot of teachers were invited, and some old people whose families had had romantic experience before were invited to describe the behavior of romantic women in that era. Ni Ni explained the appearance, posture and mental struggle of the prostitutes at that time very well in the film, which was once praised by professionals and audiences.

Of course, the hero in the story should not be underestimated. Christian Bell, who was once the winner of the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, played the leading role in "The Fighter" - that is, the award-winning leading role is called "the most creative leading role". He came to Nanjing alone and spent 4 or 5 months with a completely unfamiliar team. He was completely free from the demeanor of big name stars. He was approachable and understood others, which greatly impressed Zhang Yimou. Bell plays Judge John in the film. He goes to church to make up and bury the priest, but the priest's body should be blown away. But he still wanted money. George had no money to give him, so he stayed in the church. Therefore, the following scene of him desperate to save those female students came into being.

We have to admit that Zhang Yimou is very successful in characterization. At least the two heroes he created have completely captured our hearts. However, it has to be mentioned that Zhang Yimou seems to have exaggerated the heroic image of John, an American, and completely ignored the teaching team that fought desperately with the Japanese army to protect female students at the beginning. Tong Dawei, the actor of Instructor Li, is covered with dust and sand in the whole film, without a clear face. Instructor Li forgot his life and died in battle with so many brothers in the teaching team, but no one remembered him in the end. We have to say that this is a kind of sorrow. Maybe Zhang Yimou should think about this problem in his later works.

Zhang Yimou spent a lot of time and money on setting and shooting scenes in order to make his carefully shaped characters live and full of vitality. The story happened in Jinling, that is, Nanjing, so Zhang Yimou set the scene in Nanjing. At the beginning of the story, in the smoke of gunpowder, the buildings destroyed by the war turned into ruins. The teaching team and the Japanese army opened fire there. In order to bomb the tanks, the teaching team used its members as cover, and finally all died. To tell the truth, the war scene is neither grand nor intense. In such a big production, there are several tanks on the battlefield, and it is impossible to see that this is a big production movie. In my opinion, Zhang Yimou's war drama is not as good as Feng Xiaogang's.

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Yimou has great attainments in the aesthetics of color application, so it can also be well reflected in this film. Shujuan, a female student, looked at the women in the Qinhuai River in the big colored glass window. Suddenly, bright colors appeared in the gray space, which immediately attracted our eyes and brought us a necessary impact on our vision. It seems that the colored glass is a medium for the church to communicate with the outside world, and many scenes take place there. Shujuan has always watched the situation outside through the large colored glass, and the bullets outside hit the people in the church through the glass. When pieces of stained glass shattered by bullets scatter, we will also be dazzled by color conversion and light mapping. This is the effective combination of light and color. We also said that Zhang Yimou especially prefers red, which is also necessary in this film. Red represents blood. In this situation, choosing red is nothing more than to express the cruelty and blood of war. Indeed, war is merciless and cruel. Many people lost their lives because of war.

The structure and framework of the film is the style of the film. The style of Zhang Yimou's film is a strong sense of history and life. The teaching team sacrificed their lives to save the female students. Yumo and her colleagues went to the celebration party to save the female students instead of them. George also went to save men disguised as women. John also started to save the lives of these female students for those who never knew each other. Everyone has the spirit of sacrificing himself to save others. We can admire the nobility of this spirit, but we turn to think about it. Is it really right to sacrifice Yumo to save Shujuan? I can't comment. Yan Geling wrote in the preface of the book that virgins symbolize the necessary degree of holiness, and the occupier can't be considered as an overall occupation without trampling on the holiness. So everyone is desperately protecting Shujuan and her and protecting our dignity from being trampled. I think, in this way, we can fully understand.

After talking about the style of the film, we have to mention the plot of the film again. Looking at the styles of feature films around the world, there are basically four patterns of story endings: reasonable, expected; Reasonable, unexpected; Reasonable Chinese and foreign, expected; Beyond reason, beyond expectation. This film is reasonable and expected. To tell the truth, when I saw two thirds of the film, I had expected the end. It can't be said that the film is vulgar. At least I think Zhang Yimou has done a good job in shooting and directing.

This film is very grand as a whole, which is well reflected in the use of language. The whole film is integrated with a lot of English dialogues. The characteristic Nanjing dialect and a small amount of Mandarin really make people feel great. This is a female drama of Zhang Yimou's version. Basically, it is a film that praises prostitutes. This is a film that expresses the emancipation of the mind after many human conflicts. At the same time, it shows how respected a cultured prostitute is. From this point of view, I still like this film. He revealed many human weaknesses and noble human brilliance.

Well, after talking about the film profession, I want to talk about my own experience of watching movies. I was deeply impressed and moved by several scenes and fragments. In one scene, Instructor Li, played by Tong Dawei, goes to return the shoes to the female students after sending Pusheng off, with tears in his eyes. After that, he could have changed into plain clothes to escape, but he did not leave, but guarded them on the ruins opposite the church. At that time, I cried when I saw it. There was no affectation. It really moved me. One is John, an American. He stayed in the church for money at first. Later, he met Yu Mo and them. After a period of getting along, subtle changes took place between them. John fell in love with Yu Mo. After struggling in his heart, John decided to help them leave Nanjing. So later John met Teri, a friend of his peers, and Teri asked him to leave by boat with him. He resolutely refused. I also admire and appreciate this. But the feelings in the war were too cruel, and Yumo and John could not be together. Yumo and her sisters chose to go to the celebration party instead of Shujuan. The result is predictable. But even so, Yumo decided to go to the banquet. She felt that even a prostitute would die heroically and gain something. Saving Shujuan and her is a very beneficial event. At the end of the film, there is no ending written about them, but the ending can be inferred from the tearful eyes of John and Shujuan. However, we still have the illusion and expectation that they will survive.

Although it took me a long time to watch this film, about two and a half hours, I didn't feel impatient and tired at all. I watched it quietly. Maybe I can't fully understand how Zhang Yimou felt when shooting this film, but I'm still deeply moved. Without commenting on the good or bad of this film, this film has moved me and touched the softest place in my heart. I think it is good!

This film was called "The Flowers of War" by foreigners, which is also the flower of war. Yes, jade and ink are like beautiful flowers in the war. They finally bloom in Nanjing, a hot land. Their sacrifice is not only tragic, but also brilliant.