Personality signature about love qq Talk about love (61 sentences)
A good horse will not turn back
2023-06-03 05:21:59
Complete set of signatures

1. Don't fall apart just because you lost a relationship. Love is dead, but you are still alive. If you treat your relationship as all people, it will become a waste.

2. Snow, cold wind, I hope you will not hurt the wandering people, go to find a house with warm light, and meet kind people.

3. You don't know how happy you are when you watch your favorite person during the turn exercise in class.

4. In fact, it's no use for me to cherish you again. Don't I hold you tightly this time, and it may not fail. Still waiting for you to tell me not to misuse God. I have a premonition of everything.

5. You can have a bad love, but you can't indulge yourself in a rotten life.

6. It's better to be confined to you than to have a vast world. I don't like the sea of people. Everything outside of you has no gravity. I don't want anything new but you.

7. If you like it, you can chase it. If you break up, you can recover it. If you quarrel, you can reconcile. Love doesn't need face.

8. Love is an ideal, marriage is a reality, and the person who gets both must be a good mixing expert.

9. Love is like tug of war. If one person lets go, the other will get hurt.

10. It takes one day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

11. If I can climb the wall with you, no matter how difficult the wall is, I will not be afraid, because I have climbed the most difficult wall that makes you fall in love with me.

12. I really want to lean on your shoulder again and listen to the wind to tell you your tenderness.

13. I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

14. Love is not a flower on the soil, but a fertilizer on the soil. The last flower is your life.

15. Don't come back after leaving. It's not that I don't want you. It's just that I have tried to lose your feelings. One time is enough.

16. Real love is not a temporary favor, but an impulse to persist even though I know there is no result. I know it's a pity to miss it when I meet you

17. Life is life, ideal is ideal, reality is reality, and you are mine.

18. Every person who says he doesn't believe in love has an impossible person in his heart.

19. Where does the feeling come from? It's just that I hope you can love me as I love you.

20. Love is not something to cherish when you are free.

21. Love is not to change each other, but to grow together.

22. Don't worry about anything, simply love.

23. What you pay is rewarded. What efforts are equal to results is nothing in love.

24. If you can't find a broken kite, ask the clouds in the sky. Have you ever seen your dream.

25. Love leaves scars, but it also teaches people to forget the pain.

26. Don't buy useless things no matter how cheap they are; Do not love people, no longer lonely do not rely on.

27. If one person owes you something, another person will return it to you, including love.

28. Love is an eye, which cannot hold half a grain of sand.

29. Love is like a ghost. Many people believe it, but few people meet it.

30. Meeting is a ten mile spring breeze, so it is you; Love is a long journey, and finally you.

31. Love is a kind of fate, a kind of feeling touch, a kind of telepathy, and an interactive sharing.

32. Women who are unattractive think men are fickle, and men who are unattractive think women are realistic. Love is the means to bind the lover, but true ability is the only magic weapon to bind love.

33. The most beautiful poison in the world will only make you happy in life and unwilling to die.

34. The beautiful life of the prince and princess is always the most empty but most people dream of in the love castle.

35. The old man said that love could run for tens of miles just to say I miss you

36. Be careful when you collide with your heart; When love and love meet, they are destined to accompany each other for life; Destiny lets us hold hands and love each other so that we can stay together forever.

37. The more women love, the deeper they love. It is not that women cannot extricate themselves, but that men do not know that women are born to rely on.

38. After dark clouds, the sun is more cheerful, and after discord, love is sweeter.

39. What do you think it feels like to like someone? At first sight, I felt happy. I missed love after a while, but I still felt my heart pounding for a long time.

40. Women never regret love, but regret not ending it earlier.

41. Maybe your eyes and eyebrows have the look of the world, otherwise how could I see the stars and think of your eyes, and the wind will remind me of your hair.

42. For men, love is nothing but an external thing, but for women, it is the whole life.

43. Good love is a spring breeze. It blooms wherever it blows.

44. Life is a contract that can be terminated at any time. Love can transcend life and death when it is most beautiful.

45. You will not think of the people around you. The people you think of are not around.

46. In fact, in a relationship, boys can love girls for a long time as long as they always spoil girls.

47. I pinched my fingers and figured out that you were short of me, so I came here.

48. Marriage means: love is contradictory and stupid, and then add the root sign.

49. You can't force others to love you. You can only try to make yourself worthy of love. The rest depends on fate.

50. There is a kind of love in love, called letting go. When love goes away, we should know how to let go.

51. Let me look at you. Every night in my dreams, I always look at you. In the world of mortals, when I think of you again, I will see heaven on earth.

52. I won all but you.

53. There is nothing wrong, just can't go back. Love is so short, forgetting is so long. Who really takes who seriously, who loves for whom.

54. Love never knows its depth. Till the moment of parting.

55. Love is not a charity. It can't be given freely. Emotion has no formula, no principle and no reason to follow.

56. I am not afraid that love is a play, or that you are the leading role, while I am just a photographer.

57. You can love others but you can't love me. I've worked hard for so long and you never know

58. How many twilight have you spent in confusion? Yesterday's smiles and twinkle mixed with the blood of the sunset, and love was in the morning.

59. You should have at least two impulses in your life, one for desperate love, and one for a trip that takes you wherever you want.

60. If one day, the world will not want you. If you want to panic, come to me and I will tell you that I don't want you either.

61. Love is a game. Can afford to play, continue; Can't afford to play, out.