Copy of homecoming circle of friends (copy of homecoming circle of beautiful friends)
Light up the soul
2023-04-14 11:03:06
Complete sentences

1. In the end, she was the only one in the Stark family to go home.

2. The subway, looking very warm, set foot on the way home, silly leaning. Watching different performances.

3. Listen to our songs and set foot on the way home, because we have unlocked a city. Happy you, happy me, brother, we will meet at the next match.

4. Finally, I have the courage to set foot on the road home. There is a long way to go, and the future is unpredictable. I always thought that I was heartless and heartless, but now I find that how can I leave my parents behind?

5. A smile, a sad conversation. Meet by chance, help me set foot on the road home again. thank you! Beautiful Inner Mongolia sister.

6. I have made some progress at last, baby, I will continue to work hard to catch up with you. Tomorrow is the day to go home. I love you, baby. Good night?

7. I stepped on the way home with joyful steps, pretending that the heavy summer had passed, and I began to imagine next year. Yes, it is necessary to absorb the flavor magically! But the most urgent thing is to stay in front of the screen and shout for her daughter. It's more appropriate to start from me

8. Migrant workers set out on their way home with heavy bags on their backs, and the expectation of reunion comforted the fatigue of wandering people this year. How many people cross mountains and rivers in order to travel once, just for the idea of going home!

9. After waiting for a day, the rain is still falling, and now I have to step on the way home. Is my heart extremely lost?

10. I finally went home. I fainted in the hotel room early this morning and woke up after a long time... I almost missed the plane again, my luggage and the follow-up flight. I waited for more than two hours before I set out on my way home.

11. On a stormy day, an old man could not go home because of the inconvenience of his legs and feet. He wandered helplessly in the rain. Finally, he thought of asking Poe Credit Union for help. With the help of Poe Credit Union members, he finally set foot on the road home!

12. Clear sky, blue sky and white clouds, sudden storm, how can I walk home without an umbrella!

13. Last night, I set foot on the way home excitedly, but I didn't catch the bus home. I ran for more than five hours with my suitcase and turned around half of Shanghai. Finally, I came back to this small house with my luggage. Sad, my arm hurt very much when I got up today, alas~

14. From the moment I got on the bus the day before yesterday, I started to walk home crying. I knew it was useless, but I couldn't help it until I saw my mother was fine.

15. Finally, I set foot on the way home in the early morning, packed up the company's things, and it was my turn to go home to clean up. How can it be as peaceful as a business trip tomorrow when I have been away for half a year! Today, I said goodbye to different people. I felt a light sadness and reluctance, and I was vaguely uncertain... OK! Only go forward.

16. I always envy my elder brother and sister for their leisure in their hometown, but I can't persuade myself to go back to the county. I always have a voice in my heart that I shouldn't do that, but as I grow up, I gradually can't bear to travel far away, and I gradually set foot on the road home more times in my dream

17. Attended the touching wedding, ate delicious food and set foot on the way home.

18. This morning, the younger brother's family ended their short trip plan and embarked on the way home. Good life is waiting for them!

19. When I was young, I was afraid that others would leave me in one place. When I grow up, I seem not afraid, at least I can find my way home. But it really happened. After enough crying, I dried my tears and started on the way home. It's a prop to drink two bottles of water alone, but

20. Glancing at the night, I can only see the silvery light, and it turns into the morning light in a twinkling. I am on my way home, and I know the direction! Lyrics