Signature English Love
Give you half a kiss
2023-04-10 12:52:09
Complete set of signatures

1. Why can't I love you.

Love can not afford, why are you in love with you.

2. Time is passing, but Chengruo is sleeping.

Time is passing, but if the bear is sleeping.

3. Since you don't love, why bother me?

Since you don't love me, why come to me?

4. Love doesn't have to be many. I hope one love will last forever.

Love does not need to be more, I hope a love will be eternal.

5. I love you is not anyone can replace.

I love you not for anyone.

6. Standing in a corner, watching you quietly.

Standing in a corner, watching you quietly.

7. What you can't get is enough.

Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.

8. The words raised by life for you compose a poem of rock music.

Life for you to mention the words, the spectrum into rock music.

9. I am either a friend or a stranger in my life.

My life is not a friend, it is a stranger.

10. Try to accept another person for another life.

Try to accept another person, change another life.

11. All the happiness can't be pasted on me.

All the happiness, can not paste to me.

12. Run their own future and listen to their own songs.

Each run their own future, each listening to their own songs.

13. The autumn leaves are fluttering and falling to the ground; My heart is in a trance and dead.

Autumn leaves fall, fall; my heart a dead heart.

14. A short love will only bring dust like nightmares.

Short of love, only in exchange for the nightmare of the general dust.

15. Every time we quarrel, it is the beginning of a story.

Every time we fight, it's the beginning of a story.

16. It turned out that when he didn't need you, it was when he left.

When he didn't need you, that's when he left.

17. When you are unhappy, you can hold up a smile with your hands.

When you are not happy, you can use your hand to hold up a smile.

18. Time is like a kaleidoscope, making your eyes lose their direction.

Time is like a kaleidoscope, let your eyes lost direction.

19. I want someone to understand me, even if I didn't say anything.

I want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.

20. In love, some people would rather die than let go.

Love, some people would rather die than let go.

21. Don't ask me if I'm doing well. I can only say that I'm still alive.

Don't ask me to live a good life, I can only say, still alive.

22. Think more about me when you can't sleep. Don't waste time.

When you can't sleep, think of me, don't waste time.

23. There is a person who once let me know how wonderful it is to live in the world.

There is a person, who let me know how beautiful the world is.

24. Time tells me that it's too old to make trouble without reason. It's time to be sensible.

Tell me the time, unreasonable age, the sensible.

25. You should believe that happiness and happiness are our end.

You have to believe, believe that happiness and happiness is our end.

26. I don't know where he is good. Let you abandon me and work hard for him.

He did not know where the good, let you leave me for him regardless of personal danger.

27. So deliberately to disguise, but still can not deceive their own hearts.

So deliberately to disguise, but still can not deceive his heart.

28. I will try my best to like what you like. Don't curl your lips. Not jealous.

I will try to love you. Pie. Don't be jealous.

29. Who can understand the words on the screen and the tears on the keyboard.

The words on the screen, tears on the keyboard, and who can understand.

30. Smile to cover up tears. Is it because I'm too strong, or because you don't allow me to be sad.

Smile to hide my tears, I am too strong, or you can not let me sad.

31. I like people who laugh, especially those I like.

I like the person who likes to laugh, especially I like the person I like to laugh.

32. How far will I go in my life and when will I stop.

I have to walk a long way in my life, when I can stop.

33. There is only a liar in the world who is sincere, because he is sincere.

There is only a liar in the world is true, because he is a true lie to you.

34. The golden year of Pinellia, the sad passing of youth, the invisible past.

Jin, the passage of youth Pinellia sad, invisible as trassient as a fleeting cloud.

35. You said that love is the only one. We are so lucky that we will never change our mind.

You said that love is only, for the lucky and the strong.

36. When I needed your help most, there was no one around.

When I need your help, no one is around.

37. The boy I love, who looks good when he smiles, is not for me.

I love that boy, it is very nice to laugh, but not for me.

38. It rained all night, but it couldn't wash you away from my heart.

It's raining all night, but I can't get you off my heart.

39. The stabbing pain spreads to my heart, which is imaginable.

Thorn heart pain, spread my heart, this feeling can imagine.

40. Love is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction together.

Love is not looking at each other, but together to see the same direction.

41. Later, we learned that it was not love, it was just lying to ourselves.

Later, we know, that is not love, it is just lying to oneself.

42. I miss you everywhere. This is the most disgusting thing I did behind your back.

Where are you, this is one thing I carry you do the most disgusting.

43. I can't forget you, so only if you forget me can this relationship end.

I can not forget you, so only you forget me to end this relationship.

44. I can't always guess what you are thinking. Your emotions are always fluctuated by small things.

I can't guess what you are thinking, your emotions are always small.

45. Most courtship is desperate, and the final result is broken.

Most of the love is the final outcome regardless of personal danger is smashed to pieces.

46. You don't deserve to be seen in the black and white world of Russia, because Russia wants a colorful sky.

You don't play in the Russian black and white world, because I want the color of the sky.

47. The sky is high and the land is far away. Not for long, only for once owned.

From day heights, they decide on what path to follow. Not for a long time, the one that once had.

48. If the outcome is not what I want, then I would rather not participate in this process.

If the outcome is not what I want, then I would rather not be involved in the process.

49. Once I was blinded by dependence, and I naively thought that this was love for you.

Once been dependent on blind eyes, naive to think that this is your love.

50. I once hoped to leave everything to you, but I never wanted to leave loneliness to myself.

Wanted to leave all for you, I once thought but lonely for myself.

51. Who are you, a young writer who yearns for things day and night, turning into a song in the desolate road of the city.

You are the pen youth, in the vast shortage of pedestrians in the city turned into a song who yearn day and night.

52. In fact, a person is not alone. It is really lonely when you miss someone.

In fact, a person is not alone, miss a person's time is really lonely.

53. I don't know why, as long as I have you by my side, my heart will no longer be uneasy.

I do not know why, as long as you are in me, my heart is no longer on tenterhooks.

54. I must be a shining neurosis in your ordinary life.

I must be in your ordinary life, do not have a strange life, to do a sparkling mental.

55. Maybe a person has no choice but to smile when he really has no choice.

Maybe a person in the real helpless, in addition to the smile, but also to smile.

56. False friends are easy to find and disperse; True friends are the hardest to find and the hardest to break up.

False friends are easy to find, easy to loose; the most sincere friends are hard to find, but also the most difficult to disperse.

57. Don't worry too much about the ambiguous future, but work hard for the clear present.

Don't worry too much about the uncertain future, just as clearly now make efforts.

58. I love you so deeply and carefully. Don't you realize that I love you?

I love you so much, Hu Guan caring, don't you know I love you?

59. I have a wish that when you are unhappy, you can find me to make you happy.

I have a wish, I hope you are not happy to find me so that I can coax you happy.

60. I would like to become a fairy tale. The angel you love will spread his wings and become his hands to protect you.

I would like to become a fairy tale, you love the angel, open their wings to protect you.

61. Losing is more terrible than not getting, because there is a process called having.

To lose more than a terrible, because there is a process called once owned.

62. It only takes one second to fall in love with a person, and the remaining time is used to win her heart.

Love a person only needs a second, the rest of the time, is used to win her heart.

63. If you can't be good to me for a lifetime, please don't be good to me, even for a second.

If you can't be good for me, please don't be good to me, even if it's just a second.

64. I love you, so what? The first letters of three words are not a play.

I love you, and that's how, the first letter of the three letters together, it is not a word play.

65. Life has always been simple, but we can't help making it complicated.

Life has been very simple, but we have been unable to help it become very complicated.

66. Don't attach too much importance to some things. In the sky of life, those are just stars.

Don't take things too seriously, in the sky of life, those are just a little star.

67. In the invasion of time, you corrupted my heart and made it out of its orbit.

In the time of aggression, you have corroded my heart, let my heart out of his tracks.

68. Let me keep running, let me forget your side face, let me break through the past love.

Let me go, let me forget your face, let me through the past love.

69. People are cheap. People who love you and spoil you are not rare, but those who are cold to you are always after you.

People are cheap, love you love you the people you do not care for you, but his stern manner.

70. You always said you loved me before, but now you say it's not suitable. If everything has never happened, why would you say you would be sad.

Before you always say love me now say not suitable, if all didn't come to you and why say will be sad.

71. Some things are true but no one believes them; Some things are so realistic when they are fake.

Some things, obviously is true but no one believe; some things, obviously is false but so lifelike.

72. I only want to smile at flowers when I wake up, and sleep with flowers when I get drunk. From now on, I will not ask about human affairs, but only be a immortal.

To wake up with a smile when the flowers, only the flowers sleep when drunk. From now on the earth, only to make the world not old fairy.

73. Everyone who speaks with a certain mood wants to convey it to someone, but unfortunately someone does not understand it.

Every one of the people, with a certain mood to convey to a person, but some people do not understand.

74. You said that we are the third kind of feelings, but do you know that I still want a little selfish possession.

You say, we are third kinds of feelings, but, you know I want to have so a little bit of selfish.

75. I still love you today. I have been waiting for you to see through all the scenery, and come back to accompany me to see the long run.

By now I still love you. I have been waiting for after you put all the scenery all through, come back to accompany me to see the long.

76. When two men chase a woman, the one with a shallow affection will give up first. When two women chase a man, the one with a deep affection will give up first.

Two men chasing a woman, the first used feeling shallow quit, two women chasing a man with the first giving up feeling.

77. I am Lin Xiao in front of teachers, Nan Xiang in front of lovers, Tang Wanru in front of friends, and Gu Li in front of rivals.

I was in front of the teacher Lin Xiao, in front of the person you love me is south Hunan, in front of my bestie is Tang Wan, is my rival in front of gu.

78. Fifty years later, when my grandson asked me what a Porsche was, I would tell him that it was a kind of car and took away the best driver in the world.

When fifty years later, my grandson asked me what Porsche was, and I would tell him that it was a car, and took the best of the world's best.

79. Nowadays, people wear clothes not to keep warm, but to have clothes to take off at critical times; Nowadays people cohabit not to get married, but not to get married.

Now people's clothes, not to keep warm, but in order to have a critical time to take off; now people live together, not to get married, but in order not to get married.

80. When I met him, I couldn't help believing that it was fate. Dream, just know this deep feeling. I can't resist it. I don't want everlasting beauty, but you and I in the reincarnation of life.

Met, can not let me believe that this is the fate. Dream, to know this feeling. Unable to resist, I seek not enduring as the universe beauty, but generation after generation of reincarnation in you and me.