92 maxims of cherishing time
With the bright moon
2023-06-18 12:56:27
A complete set of maxims

1. If the young do not work hard, the old will be sad.

2. Don't blame the east wind for the spring scenery.

3. Those who forget today will be forgotten tomorrow.

4. The industrious bee never has time to mourn.

5. To arrange time reasonably is to save time.

6. Soybeans do not squeeze oil, time does not squeeze white will slip.

7. The way to finish the work is to cherish every minute.

8. Generosity to time is chronic.

9. Time creates more converts than reason.

10. He who waits for time is a waste of time.

11. Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon seem to grow younger.

12. Time should be treasured, and books and fields should be cultivated without taxes.

13. It is easier for young people to learn than to become young people.

14. Time is like a spring, which can be shortened or lengthened.

15. Time is my property, and my land is time.

16. The setting sun is boundless and the river is endless, so I have to be busy this day.

17. Nails are hammered in, time is squeezed out.

18. Time is the most experienced judge who examines all criminals.

19. The more stingy he is with time, the more generous he is with it.

20. Life between heaven and earth, if fleeting, suddenly.

21. All saving comes down to saving time in the final analysis.

22. If you want to become a career, you must treasure your time and make full use of it.

23. Today is life, today is power, today is behavior, and today is creation.

24. People who never waste time have no time to complain about lack of time.

25. Those who are good at using time will always find plenty of time.

26. Heaven and earth are connected with everything; Time is a traveler for thousands of generations.

27. Using Cunyin is the secret of winning in any kind of battle.

28. If there is anything you need to do tomorrow, you'd better start now.

29. Time is life, time is speed, and time is strength.

30. Whoever wastes his life is throwing away gold without buying anything.

31. If one wastes his life, he will leave gold behind and buy nothing.

32. Of all the criticisms, the greatest, most correct and most talented one is time.

33. Mediocre people will spend their time, while capable people will spend their time.

34. Time is a golden river. Don't let it slip through your fingers.

35. Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always time.

36. Those who waste their time will lose their youth and life will abandon them.

37. Lost cattle and sheep can be recovered; But the lost time cannot be retrieved.

38. The sky can be filled, the sea can be filled, and the mountains can be moved. The sun and the moon pass by, and cannot be recovered.

39. Just as every gold carving is precious, every moment of time is also precious.

40. Diligent people, seven days a week; Lazy people, seven mornings a week.

41. Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always time.

42. The prime of life does not come again. One day is hard to come again. You should be encouraged in time. Time waits for no one.

43. There is a difficulty in life, that is, how to make an inch of time is an inch of life.

44. Those who abandon today will not have tomorrow; But yesterday, it was nothing but running water.

45. Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always time.

46. Time treats people equally, but the value of time in everyone's hands is different.

47. Time treats people equally, but the value of time in everyone's hands is different.

48. The more stingy he is with time, the more generous he is with time. The motto of cherishing time.

49. According to my observation, most people come to the fore in the time when others are deserted.

50. Time is a great writer. It will write a perfect ending for everyone.

51. We know that time has both truth and falsehood, depending on what people give it.

52. Time can reveal the hidden things, and also can make the brilliant things dim.

53. Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the material of life.

54. Do you love life? Don't waste time, for time is the material of life.

55. Do you love life? Then don't waste time, for time is the material of life.

56. To make a person's limited life more effective is to extend his life.

57. Time is life. To waste others' time for no reason is tantamount to killing people for money.

58. Time is life. To waste others' time without reason is tantamount to killing people for money.

59. Time is life. To waste others' time for no reason is tantamount to killing people for money.

60. Time is the soil of all achievements in the world. Time brings pain to dreamers and happiness to creators.

61. The lights are on at the third watch and the chickens are on the fifth watch. Black hair doesn't know how to study early, while white hair regrets studying late.

62. When men were studying, black hair didn't know how to study early, and white hair regretted studying late.

63. Being good at choosing the key points means saving time, while doing things carelessly without getting to the point is equivalent to throwing empty guns.

64. When are the mountains and rivers covered with tears and clothes, rich, noble and glorious. Not only now on the Fenshui River, but every autumn the geese fly.

65. Time is the product of minutes and seconds. People who are good at using sporadic time will make greater achievements.

66. Time is the product of minutes and seconds. People who are good at using sporadic time will make better achievements.

67. Yesterday is an invalid check, tomorrow is a promissory note, and today is the only cash you have

68. There are three steps of time: the future comes late, the present flies like an arrow, and the past never moves.

69. There are three steps of time: the future comes late, the present flies like an arrow, and the past stands still forever.

70. Saving time means making one's limited life more effective, which means prolonging one's life.

71. There will be a long time between today and tomorrow; While you are still in spirit, learn to act quickly.

72. Save time; That is to say, it makes a person's limited life more effective, which is equal to prolonging his life.

73. I don't know how many people in the world who can succeed in setting up their careers have become unknown because of the rare time they have passed.

74. In terms of time, it can be divided into early, middle and late; In Japan, it is called today, yesterday and tomorrow; As a whole, there are periods of youth, strength and wormwood.

75. Time is the most selfless, and it is 24 hours for everyone; Time is also selfish. It is not 24 hours for anyone.

76. Time is the most unselfish, and it is 24 hours for anyone; Time is also the most selfish. It is not 24 hours for anyone.

77. One minute, one result. For scientific workers, it is not eight hours a day, but every inch of yin is precious and every inch of yang is competitive!

78. In your absence, the water of the Yellow River flows from heaven to the sea and never returns. Don't you see, the mirror in the high hall is sad with white hair, and the morning is like green silk and the evening becomes snow.

79. The year "taught us a lot of things that we didn't understand for a long time.".

80. Human life is very short, and the short years require me to understand the process of life

81. Time is the fastest and slowest in the world, the longest and shortest, the most ordinary and precious, the easiest to ignore and the most regrettable.

82. When many people are hesitating on a road, they have to get out of the way and let those who cherish time rush in front of them.

83. Time is a lovely lover. How much he admires you and tells you every minute; Labor, creation, don't waste your life.

84. Good deeds always require time, and great things cannot be achieved without a lot of effort and labor. If you want to eat walnuts, you must first bite the hard shell.

85. Boat against the current and push hard, one pole slackens and retreats thousands of fathoms; As Gu said, "It's a pity that this day is full.".

86. Time is available 24 hours a day, but one day's time brings intelligence and strength to industrious people, leaving only regret to lazy people.

87. If the afterglow of the setting sun shines on your hands, and you find that they have not done anything of value that day, you should regard this day as lost.

88. Those who use "minute" to calculate time have 59 times more time than those who use "hour" to calculate time.

89. Those who use "minute" to calculate time have 59 times more time than those who use "hour" to calculate time.

90. Those who use "minute" to calculate time have 59 times more time than those who use "hour" to calculate time.

91. The most valuable thing in the world is that "today" is also the most easily lost. Because it is the most easily lost, it is more valuable.

92. If the life span of a person is calculated as 85 years old, compared with that of the universe, it is certainly very short. However, if the life span is calculated as time and day, it is not short, but rather long. As long as we don't waste time and use time rationally, we can certainly learn a lot.