97 sentences about happiness
Light smoke and mist
2023-03-25 05:55:04
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1. I can't give you the whole world, but my world is all for you.

2. The most honest moment in a man's life is when he signs a marriage certificate.

3. Enjoy the sunshine bath, and the happiness that only we can understand.

4. Sometimes I lose my temper to you, just to know where I am in your heart.

5. Happy people will be happy wherever they are. Happy I am because of you.

6. I don't believe in happiness, but I believe in you.

7. Love is a light, so wonderful, guiding the future we want.

8. How many secrets does a person need to hide in order to spend his life skillfully.

9. I just want to be happy all my life.

10. I won't care about your past, because what I want is your future.

11. I inquired about the whereabouts of happiness all over the world and finally learned that happiness is not a legend.

12. I have nothing in my mind except your charming smile.

13. The happiest thing is that when I look at you, you are looking at me.

14. The best thing is that you naturally hold my hand in the crowd.

15. In this world, there is only an excuse for sadness, but no reason for degradation.

16. Happiness is that when I was thinking about you, your phone call came in.

17. I am full of expectation when I think that I will spend the rest of my life with you.

18. I like you to walk behind me, no matter what requirements you accept.

19. I want to hold hands with you and walk together to the moment of breaking up with the world.

20. In my lifetime, I will only talk about warmth and not about sorrow. I will fall in love with each other and be accompanied by safety and warmth.

21. One day, we will live a life where I can kiss you when I turn over.

22. I am not a generous person. I never want to share my own people with others.

23. The first company, the last need. The farthest distance, the nearest heartbeat.

24. Sometimes, only after experiencing the biggest setback can there be the most thorough change.

25. There is a person living in everyone's heart, who either misses, secretly loves or misses.

26. It's not that you have everything I like, but that I like everything about you.

27. Happiness has been separated from me for a whole century. I can't look back or forget the pain.

28. I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

29. The best feeling is that when I look at you, you are already staring at me.

30. It will not rain every day in the future, because every day with you will be sunny

31. My heart beats so frequently when I cuddle up to you, even if the world ends, I will laugh arrogantly.

32. I just hope you can understand that I will feel at ease when you are here. No, I live like a year.

33. I hope that when we hold hands, we will live a lifetime. I hope that when we sleep together, we will live a lifetime.

34. I am a complete idiot. I can do nothing but like you!

35. I love you forever. Death is the boundary. I never thought of giving you up in my life.

36. Youth is like a bouquet of flowers. Love is a fruit. It is happiness to allow you to own it.

37. One minute's heartbeat, one hour's liking, and one day's loving. Forgetting him is a lifetime.

38. To love you is a continuation of feelings in the dying days of a previous life, and an unchanged promise before reincarnation in this life.

39. The ferris wheel of happiness has no beginning and no end, and some are just sweet boxes.

40. I am willing to accompany you crazy, laugh, cry, and grow old with you.

41. I love you so deeply and carefully. Don't you realize that I love you?

42. There is no reason to fall in love with someone. After falling in love with her, everything became the reason.

43. One does not have to be rich and powerful, as long as one can sleep safely every night of his life, it is enough.

44. I cannot give you the whole world, but I can give you my whole world. As long as you need.

45. The only love in my life is given by you, and the only pride in my life is also given by you!

46. The so-called happiness is that a fool meets a fool and attracts the envy and jealousy of countless people.

47. The happiest thing is that when you want to hug someone, he will hold you more tightly.

48. Sometimes I want to leave you, but I don't trust to give you to anyone, so I have to love you more.

49. A tacit understanding and a persistence; A sincere, a love; This kind of happiness, I am very satisfied!

50. It's cold. Hold your hand tightly. Don't let any man enter your heart. Only me.

51. Our behavior determines our character, just as our character determines our behavior.

52. I like flowers in spring, trees in summer, dusk in autumn, sunshine in winter, and you every day.

53. I love your present. No matter what happened in the past, I will be responsible for your future from now on.

54. The hot temperature of the palm is proof of loving you. The fast heartbeat is evidence of loving you.

55. Love is not nostalgia, not enthusiasm, but years. Years have become a part of life.

56. Life is like copper money. Everyone can use it as he likes, but a coin can only be used once.

57. If you want to enter a woman's heart, it is not enough to just have love and love. You must understand her.

58. We are like a snail, moving forward slowly. Although we are small, we should also find our own happiness.

59. If you dare to bet all your future happiness on me, I will dare to spare my life to accompany you to the end and not let you lose.

60. Some songs accompany me to grow up. How many times have my eyes become red? How can some people forget? When they close their eyes, they will naturally think.

61. There was a man who gave me quiet love, accompanied me to see the beauty of the world, and made me happy all my life.

62. The reason why you feel lonely is not that no one cares about you, but that the person you care about does not care.

63. The parting of others has nothing to do with me, but I can't sit back and ignore if you just frown.

64. The distance between heaven and earth is like our distance. When I found out, I had fallen in love with you hopelessly.

65. Life is so short and the world is so chaotic. I don't want to quarrel, have a cold war, or have a second of regret with you.

66. To really love a person, you need to do this: you must care about what you should care about, and never care about what you should not care about.

67. Because there is wind and rain, happiness is worth cherishing. People will always live a way to wait for happiness.

68. My heart's boat is sailing into the sea of your heart. Please don't blame the boat for carrying too much, because it is full of love.

69. I hope your name and I can be written together, whether on the wedding invitations or on the funeral tombstones.

70. I know I am not mature yet, but I confidently told myself that one day I will be happy and mature.

71. There are some people who will never be together in their whole life, but there is a feeling that they can hide in their hearts for a lifetime.

72. If you love a girl, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happiness than to abandon her for her happiness.

73. Trust the people who like you, don't always doubt my sincerity, and leave some space for each other after intimacy.

74. I just want you to believe in my words: "If you are always here, I will always love you."

75. When you do not get the money and material reward room for the labor you have paid, you will certainly get equal spiritual pleasure.

76. We should know that we are born to do things that other people cannot do except us.

77. I hope your name and I can be written together, whether on the wedding invitations or on the funeral tombstones.

78. As long as you are willing, when you are frustrated and need a shoulder most, tell me that I will appear immediately.

79. A happy woman will meet a man who deceives her all her life. Unhappy women will meet men who cheat her for a while.

80. The happiest thing for me is that I slept with each other all night. When I opened my eyes in the morning, your first words were: I miss you.

81. Sometimes, it's just for love that you hide. What we can't avoid is the silent feelings.

82. Sometimes I don't want to cry when I am wronged, but I can't help crying when others ask me what's wrong with you.

83. Always miss you. Even if you are bad, always put yourself in the other's shoes and never want to make your face strange.

84. Yesterday, he told me to stop just half way through his confession, and tears came down immediately. Who knew he said that I should chase you.

85. A cup of light tea and a pot of mellow wine can be shared with friends, talk about ancient and modern times, and drink together. Happiness is so simple.

86. I can swallow the sour fruit you left behind, just as I can block a hundred bullets for you. You know, I only dare to be cruel to myself.

87. My dear, please listen to me: "For your sake, I can go up to nine days to see the moon, and down to five oceans to catch turtles!"

88. Even if in another hundred years and one thousand years, we will both become gray, and our ashes will also be merged together. There is me in you, and there is you in me!

89. No matter how many times you make a noise and say hurtful words, you will finally make up because you care about each other. This is happy love.

90. No matter what happens, don't say you don't like me or give up my relationship easily. The next station may not be better than me.

91. She asked him, will we be together in the next life? He put his arm around her and said with a smile: Fool, you asked this question in your last life.

92. It was not until I met you that I understood the feeling of "looking at a person, you will smile inexplicably".

93. A good life is created by you, so we should make beauty the lead singer of life. Destiny is responsible for shuffling the cards, but it is us who play the cards.

94. Many times, I calmly do something, drink water, lose sleep, and then suddenly miss you in pain. It really hurts, and I bend down and cry in pain.

95. Don't forget what you have, cherish what you have gained, don't give up what belongs to you, keep what you have lost as memory, and work hard to get what you want.

96. Busy is a kind of happiness, which makes us have no time to experience pain; Running is a kind of happiness, which makes us feel the real life; Exhaustion is a kind of enjoyment, which makes us have no time and emptiness.

97. Being together is a kind of fate. It's really precious. Don't let the person who likes you cry and feel sad easily. Cherish every minute of being together. Good memories should be left for happiness and laughter.