A Complete Collection of Stephen Chow's Classic Quotations on Emotions (Selected 60 sentences)
Beautiful mood
2023-02-02 12:44:24

1. My real identity is to change the social ethos, become popular with thousands of girls, improve the connotation of young people, stimulate the film market, and become a master expert Gu Jing, whose English name is Jing Koo!

2. Although we are poor, we cannot lie or beat others; We can't take things that are not ours; We should study hard and be useful to the society when we grow up

3. Birth to me is a side effect! Don't you enjoy the manufacturing process?

4. Human is life, demon is demon. As long as you have a kind heart, you are no longer a demon, a human demon?

5. I mean my method is a lovely and distracting hometown used by the ancient miracle doctor Hua Tuo. In ancient times, Yun Chang was absorbed in playing chess and scraping bones to cure poison. Today, I 007 concentrated on watching porn, digging bones and taking bullets--

6. How can it be? Even a pair of underpants and a piece of toilet paper have their own uses.

7. I thought that we could talk about some feelings based on our friendship, but it was still a business.

8. I am the abbot of Shaolin Temple, and I have lost my name in dreams. Amitabha! I come and go with the wind

9. I used to spend the 10 yuan to study and become a doctor and lawyer, but for world peace... Alas!

10. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Are your parents still there? Say something, I just want to make one more friend before I die.

11. I think there must be love in the movie, but my love is more generalized. It is not only love, but also the feelings between friends, brothers and sisters, and people. I think this is the most important.

12. It's really disappointing. When I heard your voice, I thought you were a very emotional person with movie fantasies. From your appearance, I can see that you have no connotation.

13. Wife, stop fighting, come out to see God!

14. Why do you treat me like a pig? Let me sleep when you see me.

15. Wrong! This is not an ordinary box, it is the God of the box, referred to as the God of the box!

16. Ten thousand years too long, love me now.

17. It's painful to be a handsome guy. You can't understand these strange shapes.

18. Brother, you are just a robber. Don't learn from others!

19. Look at you. You are sneaky and shameful. How can you come out with me to wander the Jianghu?

20. My admiration for you is like a torrent of water, continuous, and like the Yellow River breaking its banks out of control.

21. Only by working hard can we achieve little success.

22. All love in the world is love, no difference between big and small.

23. Wow! To be honest, I am called Yushulinfeng better than Pan An, a little prostitute named Zhou Botong with plum blossom crushing crabapple!

24. I should hit you, but it's sad not to hit you!

25. I am Tang Bohu, the embodiment of beauty and wisdom, hero and chivalry.

26. Oh, you're dead. My elder brother will kill people when he wakes up! Wow, he is about to wake up.

27. The highest level of love is regret.

28. Absurdity! I dare to say that no one dares to pretend before me. Please be quiet!

29. Do you need reasons to love someone? Don't you need it? Do you need it? Hey, I'm studying with you. Why are you so serious?

30. Don't blame me for being too frank! You rotten sweet potatoes and rotten eggs are too naughty to take my life!