Reflections on Family Education
Smiling face with red eyes
2023-07-22 14:06:18

Education is divided into family education, social education and school education. Parents should not only care about their children's intellectual development and academic performance. I think parents should pay attention to: children's physical and mental health education; Emotional education; Social morality; The education of non intellectual factors such as will quality is family education. With the growth of children, knowledge teaching and intellectual development must be completed by professional teachers, that is, school education. Even if parents know this knowledge, they may not know the way to solve problems, or even contradict the way of professional teachers. Therefore, as parents, doing a good job in family education is to support teachers' work. Now, I will talk about some of my experiences about my children's education.

1、 "Strict" is the first word, and we must not go to "spoil" or "spoil"

Nowadays, there are more only children, better family conditions, and more intergenerational discipline, even other people's discipline of children. All of the above phenomena are likely to lead to "wrong love", "doting", "spoiled", "selfish" and "self-centered" for children. I asked my grandparents to do what I should have done by myself. For example, among the first, second and third grade students I teach, there have been occasions when parents have cooked for their children. We should never think of it as a trivial matter. The reason why I call it "event" is that such children have no sympathy, no ability to take care of themselves, and no will to overcome difficulties. Children are easy to make mistakes when they grow up. Parents should be strict with themselves to help them overcome their shortcomings, and also strict with their children to maintain good habits. For example, I asked my children not to bully the small with the big, but to be polite to people. I am strict but not autocratic towards children. Autocracy is to force children to grow up. Strict discipline must pay attention to reason and convince people with reason. In terms of my child's education, I respect him with correct views, do not hurt him, and tell him some truth that he can understand without hurting his self-esteem.

2、 Always pay attention to appropriate praise

Children, like adults, may also face a lot of troubles, for example, sometimes they cannot do homework, have no friends, and are afraid of writing compositions. We should not ignore the existence of these problems first, and then try our best to help solve them. At this time, parents' timely encouragement and enlightenment are particularly important. Usually, I will carefully ask him to tell me the reasons for his troubles, and then there is always a sentence: "You must be able to solve your own problems, and my aunt believes in you." Children need encouragement and praise. "Praise" not only shows parents' confidence, but also strengthens children's confidence. I know many such parents, who are arrogant, lack due respect for their children, and are unfair to their children. Children will respond with their own unique means. They may cry, or be wayward, or do some "bad" things in return. "Kua" should pay attention to skills, as well as methods and methods. When the children's exam results are average or poor, don't give them the sense of the end of the world. Help them find some reasons. The key is to find out the bright spots of the children and praise them. Don't let them lose confidence.

3、 Try to cultivate good habits

Habits can be divided into learning habits and various behavior habits. Nowadays, children have high IQ, and most of them are poor in learning due to bad habits. Such as watching TV while eating, while doing homework while talking, or to accompany adults to do homework. What is particularly scary is that some children are tardy when they are young. Even if they study very well now, they will be very troublesome in the future. Therefore, I advocate to finish the homework in the shortest time, and of course, do it well. The purpose of doing this is to train children to be attentive, agile and nimble, and improve their learning efficiency. Otherwise, children are likely to lose interest in learning due to long learning time, and become bored with learning passively.

Parents are children's first teachers, and our speech and behavior have a subtle effect on children. A child is not an object in our hands. She is a complex person with thoughts and feelings. If you can't understand her and communicate with her since childhood, you just rely on your parents

The so-called "power" will overwhelm him. When he goes to junior high school or senior high school, his academic performance will plummet. Because he can't find fun in his study, he will learn to lie, focus on making friends, and indulge in games. It is often heard that some parents say, "My son is not afraid of us, but he is afraid of teachers." In fact, there are two mistakes in this concept of parents: one is that he is unwilling to take the responsibility of disciplining children, he wants to shift the responsibility to teachers, and hopes that teachers will manage their children well and wait to pick the fruit; The second is to explain that he does not know how to manage children.