Girlfriend birthday friend circle copywriting (girlfriend birthday friend circle copywriting)
Late autumn
2023-07-03 00:04:51
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1. The mouse falls in love with the cat, and the god horse is floating clouds. The lamb falls in love with the wolf, and the truth is the most powerful. I wish you to express your love to her as soon as possible. Everything is possible. Don't become an unreachable love because of the implication! I wish you everything you want to be, and I wish you a beautiful return!

2. Love makes people silly, love words are a bunch of silly words, love letters are silly words, and lovers are little fools! Happy birthday, my little fool!

3. Today is your birthday. May my greetings be a shade of green to protect you from the sun and rain; May my blessing be a rainbow, a surprise for you; I wish you a happy birthday and happiness.

4. I wish you a big meal; Singing beauty accompaniment; The daily income is not enough; Dare to compare longevity with turtles. Happy birthday!

5. You are the only concern in my heart. Although I am not with you, missing is like breathing. I hope you are happy every minute and have the best in the world. Happy birthday!

6. I don't need sweet words. I don't have any valuable gifts. I don't have any amazing moves. I have to sincerely send you a care and simply say: Happy birthday!

7. Here is a birthday cake for you. It is made of happiness, auspiciousness and good luck, packed with my love, care, enthusiasm, infatuation, and entrusted to God of Luck as a postman. Happy birthday.

8. Yingying: The sky is like water today, and the water in those days is like heaven. Love is in my heart, and lovesickness is longer than dreams. Happy birthday to you! Every day in life is always young and beautiful!

9. Tell me, when will you come back? Cultivate my deserted smiling face and tie up my rowboat that lost its rudder. May you be happy today!

10. Once a year wish, once a year birthday, at this moment, may your heart be filled with happiness and your hands full of gifts! Say to you affectionately: Happy birthday, baby! May this be your most beautiful memory!

11. I like to think of your black hair with my eyes, your voice with my ears, and your name with my pen; Think of your movements with silence, your dreams with insomnia, your smile with joy, and your birthday with candles: Happy birthday!

12. On your birthday, I will give you happy notes as a gift. I hope you will be happy and safe every day of the year.

13. Today, the sun is as bright as pearls, the air is as fresh as spring water, the flowers and trees are as beautiful as pictures, and the songs of birds are as bright as flowing streams. So today is your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday and happiness.

14. In my yearning, I thought of your birthday. I would like to express my feelings for you in a few words. Sincerely wish you a long stay of youth, and wish to quietly bring you peace and joy. Happy birthday, baby!

15. Give you a rose that has just been picked honey, let our love have a firm belief, let our life be as sweet as honey, and let our every day be full of miracles. This is the real us, come on!

16. Give you all my love, and care about you with all my feelings! My dear, I wish you happiness on your birthday! Have a mood all day, have a good dream at night! You are my lifelong concern, bless you!

17. Today is your birthday. At the first moment when you turn on your mobile phone, I send you the first wish of today. Happy birthday and everything comes true.

18. On this special day, I have nothing else to say, just want you to know that every year today, you will receive my blessing, feel my love, love you forever!

19. Birthday wishes for you, good things follow you, supervisors attach importance to you, diseases hide you, lovers love you deeply, pain away from you, happiness follows you, and everything goes well with you!

20. Wordless and wordless, if at once, if away. I miss you, together every day; I love you deeply, silently in my heart; I wish you a happy birthday!

21. Rainbow is the lace of the sun, decorating every sunny day, stars are the lace of the moon, embellishing every romantic night. Happiness is a birthday blessing. I hope you have a wonderful moment, dear, happy birthday.