Words to comfort a lovelorn friend
never give up
2023-05-01 14:08:05
Famous sentence

1. Life is always unhappy. Worries and sorrows become garbage. Open your mind and don't think about it. Welcome the future happiness building.

2. Frustration has given plants tough branches, crisis has given eagles sharp wings and claws, and difficulties have given lovers the attachment to each other. I believe that wind and rain will also give you a stronger heart and stand up bravely.

3. This world is a disaster. Everything happens according to circumstances. Try your best to get what you want, and don't regret what you can't get. Keep happiness in your heart.

4. A person's world always needs another person as a foil. When he leaves, he can't support you. He believes that he will have a better tomorrow. The flowers will bloom the same tomorrow if they die.

5. What you haven't picked is just a flower of spring. The whole spring is yours. Don't lose heart.

6. Life is still long, no one can predict tomorrow, maybe your true love is still waiting for you in the next second. When we break up, we can be ourselves. A person's world has its ups and downs as well as its beautiful moments. When thinking about him, just think about his good, his smile. Remember once loved a person, regardless of who finally started betrayal, happy.

7. Love is a completed choice, while lovelorn faces an upcoming choice. In the future, as long as there is one person who can match your heart. We can turn back and say to the years: Thank you, I am glad that the lovelorn.

8. Gains may not be long, and losses may not mean no more. Don't hurry to lament that there is no love in life, but there is plenty of grass in the horizon! Turn around and dry your tears. The Son of Heaven is waiting for you in the sun.

9. Women, like flowers, need the nourishment of love. However, it is not good to have too much flower fertilizer. The lovelorn is conducive to adjusting the fertilizer absorption, so that it can be turned into flower mud to protect flowers when necessary in the future.

10. Happy breakup. I wish you happiness. Let go of the wrong talent and the right one. Let go of the sand you can't hold. Let go of the man you can't hold.

11. Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound. Love enriches life, while pain sublimates love.

12. The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist in what should not be.

13. Change your love. He is not the only one who will treat you sincerely.

14. The man riding a white horse may not be a prince, but a monk in Tang Dynasty; The one with wings may not be an angel, she may be a birdman; Lovelorn is not necessarily painful, it may be the beginning of another fate.

15. Here is a song for you: first love is the beginning, love is the climax, lovelorn is the episode, and marriage is the end of the film. Don't talk about lovelorn, in fact, I have experienced it; If love is not lovelorn, love road is boring. I hope you can get out of the haze of lovelorn as soon as possible.