New Sentences on April Fool's Day
No more love songs
2023-03-09 02:03:33
Complete sentences

1. April Fool's Day, my heart aches, my flesh aches!

2. Will you take the April Fool's Day confession seriously?

3. On April Fool's Day, turn around, smile and cry.

4. I confessed to you too, although it was April Fool's Day.

5. I prepared for the festival, but no one lied to me.

6. If you give me a play on April Fool's Day, I will give you a play on Tomb Sweeping Day.

7. April Fool's Day is coming, whose sincere words will become jokes on that day.

8. It's almost the annual April Fool's Day, and you can't pick ministers after you leave.

9. Today's children, breaking up focuses on Valentine's Day, and advertising focuses on April Fool's Day!

10. People dare to tell the truth on April Fool's Day, but others always treat it as a joke.

11. No one likes you even if no one tells you on April Fool's Day!

12. Today that woman dare let me celebrate April Fool's Day! I will let her celebrate Mother's Day next year!

13. On April Fool's Day, many people say what they really mean, but they are treated as jokes.

14. It's April Fool's Day. Say a word of truth, even if you regret it after saying it.

15. On April Fool's Day on Monday, the company asked us to go to work, but it was still 8:30! The more you think wrong, no! We can't be fooled!

16. When you saw this short message, you had been poisoned by fierce love. The antidote is to marry me. Don't think about it. Let's get married! Happy April Fool's Day!

17. Ah! Your skin is so shiny and your fragrance is so irresistible. Let me bite you hard, my dear - braised pork in brown sauce! Happy April Fool's Day!

18. Some people say that Valentine's Day is April Fool's Day, because they always say false love words; April Fool's Day is Valentine's Day, because someone will tell you the truth on April Fool's Day.

19. On April Fool's Day, we should start from the nearest, the most intimate, and the temper; Students can cheat, colleagues can fix, close friends can tease, lovers can play.

20. If it is a mistake to be beautiful, I have made a big mistake; If cleverness is a crime, I have committed a heinous crime. It's hard to be a man! But you are fine. You are both right and innocent. I envy you! Happy April Fool's Day!

21. My short message is overwhelming and full of nonsense. (This) There is no silver in the land, three hundred liang of sunshine, three days of online fishing and water, deep and shallow, superb, fighting for the jade, you smile! This is to wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

22. The heart of fools is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable. It's my treat today! By the way, don't believe anyone who asks you to eat, drink and have fun on April Fool's Day. Don't ignore anyone who asks you to work overtime for a meeting. It's a lie! believe me!

23. April Fool's Day is coming, please keep alert. All received messages, not only can't be believed, but also have to be understood in reverse. There are many short messages that praise your cleverness, which have been intercepted by me halfway. Please show them off after April Fool's Day!

24. The animal world is wonderful. The lion roars and the birds sing. Zebra and antelope are eating grass, while bears and elephants are fooling around. The rabbit bullied the turtle and always wanted to race with it. Only Bastard is quiet, turn on your mobile phone and watch the excitement! Happy April Fool's Day!

25. The sweet talk on Valentine's Day fooled you, but the truth on April Fool's Day could not move you! Do you know any new sentences about April Fool's Day? Here are 80 general sentences that I have brought to you. I hope you will like them!

26. According to the eight characters of your birth date, you are sure to make a fortune today. First, blow an explosive hairstyle, wear patched clothes, take a stick in your right hand, and a porcelain bowl in your left hand. Walk along the street with the words "Please do me a favor" in your mouth. Happy April Fool's Day!

27. Special love for special you. Are you still racking your brains to express your feelings? In this ghost festival, you can change your style and send her a spoof message. April Fool's Day SMS is coming! April Fool's Day is wonderful because of you.