Latest incorruptible SMS
Proud snow and setting sun
2023-06-19 15:08:05
Blessing words

1. Take history as a mirror to understand the rise and fall of the people.

2. Don't be impetuous when you are an official, violent when you are in power, and arrogant when you are a person.

3. Corruption and bribery, if you don't get rid of this disadvantage, you will be deeply affected.

4. Prefer the national treasury to become a mountain rather than move the greedy silver family.

5. The construction project is accompanied by a clean government, and the self-discipline of life will always follow.

6. A clean man's life is easy, and a corrupt loser's life is full of fear.

7. Pine, bamboo, plum, three friends in winter; Honesty, integrity and integrity are the three most important things for officials.

8. If the ant nest is neglected, it will collapse. If a small bribe does not refuse, it will become a huge one.

9. Those who know themselves are not moved by flattery, and those who are honest are not fascinated.

10. Work hard to be a man; To be a good official, honesty first.

11. Honesty is the foundation of governance, diligence is the priority of official, and honesty and integrity.

12. Being in power for the people and the people's aspirations; Holding power for oneself is self defeating.

13. Greed is like fire. If you don't stop it, it will start a prairie fire; Desire is like water. If you don't restrain yourself, you will drown yourself.

14. Be an upright person and do things cleanly, not for fame and wealth but for the common people.

15. Keep upright like green pines and green bamboos, and watch the peach and plum spring breeze in peace all my life.

16. He who is obsessed with profit is like a drunken man; People can't bear their ugliness, but they don't realize it.

17. Anticorrosive and detoxifying agents, advocating integrity and national prosperity, adhering to zero tolerance, and realizing the Chinese dream as early as possible.

18. If you can't tear away face, you will lose principle; If you play favoritism, you will betray the people.

19. Do not stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand. The Party and the people are under supervision, and it is hard to escape.

20. Indifferent to fame and wealth, the wind blows the sleeves and the body is upright; The straight and crooked are clear, and the righteousness is born in the chest.

21. Be an upright person and an honest official; Open and sincere, indifferent to fame and wealth.

22. Establish an anti-corruption risk education mechanism, strengthen the ideological and moral defense line, and enhance the ability to resist corruption and prevent change.

23. Have the right to not use it, to commit dereliction of duty, to abuse it, to overstep one's duty, to exercise caution, and to behave in a civilized manner.

24. Always keep self-discipline, strict requirements and keep forging ahead; Always be broad-minded, open-minded and broad-minded.

25. Be fair, honest, and unafraid. The alarm bell is often sounded to build the ideological defense line, and gradually keep clean and honest.

26. The competition mechanism is a melting pot, which can create the strong and eliminate the weak; The value of life lies not only in continuity, but also in flash.