Let go and talk
Happiness is being together
2023-04-23 03:04:37
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Once a lover, now a passer-by

2. When you don't know what to say to him, don't say anything. Silence has infinite meanings.

3. The road is still moving forward. Take off all the camouflage. Most of the endings in the life story come from your choices. There is nothing to complain about.

4. When the language is pale, silence is speaking.

5. It's not that I don't want to talk, but there are many words I can't say. It's safer to keep them in mind.

6. Because of insipidity, our love sometimes drifts away from the originally warm harbor; Because of curiosity, our journey will turn at some crossroads carelessly.

7. Let go and realize that everything is just the accidental intersection of two parallel lines. When everything disappears, the parallel is still parallel. Even if it is not far away, it is also the end of the world.

8. Elegance is not trained, but a kind of experience. The beauty of a person is not his face, but all the past events he has experienced, leaving scars in his heart and fading away, making him strong and peaceful.

9. Life really has too many irreversible hardships, many things and many reasons. It's not easy for you to figure it out if you keep thinking about it. It's good to know that people are alive.

10. My girlfriend told me today that you are not tall, rich and handsome. Why do you love me? Let's break up!

11. Learn to live alone, no matter whether someone loves you or not. Do well what you should do, with or without love.

12. Breaking up is just a warning to yourself, don't abuse yourself next time.

13. The previous goal is the basis of your next goal, and the next goal is the continuation of the previous goal.

14. Love like fish and water is the highest pursuit of both husband and wife, but we always think that we are water and the other is fish.

15. Destiny often jokes with us. He will force you to get what you don't want, but you can't get what you want.

16. On the road of life, there are choices, abandonment, setbacks, responsibilities, successes and failures.

17. Maybe if you leave, you will never come back; Maybe you won't let me depend on you anymore; Perhaps dependence is the greatest harm to myself; Maybe the hurt will finally let me go; Maybe I will leave if I let go

18. Years, like an uneven one-way road, must move forward no matter what.

19. After leaving you, there are two me in the world: one pretends to be happy, and the other is really sad.

20. No matter how slow the pace is, it's useless. Why is it difficult for passers-by to walk

21. Since I broke up with you, I have found more people chasing me

22. Don't step on other people's footprints and find your own way.

23. Life should be steadfast. The journey of life has a long and dark future.

24. In order to save traffic, I said goodbye to my partner.