Article 7 Hounds 400 words
Half a cigarette
2023-06-29 14:03:02

Friendship makes the world more beautiful. The friendship of friends makes people feel extremely happy. How wonderful the world is!

"Snake" makes people scared when they hear the name, and some people are going crazy with joy. You will find it hard to believe, but there is a true story!

A family has a snake. Everyone knows that snakes are cold-blooded animals, so no one dares to visit! But what everyone did not expect was that the snake became a loyal puppy. As soon as the owner went out, she would follow her immediately, and would fall on the owner's arms to sleep after a long time. It turns out that the friendship of the owner has purified a cold-blooded animal into a warm blooded and soulful animal!

I also have some experience in life. I am a timid person, dare not face strangers, but once I sold a little spoondrift newspaper to make me no longer timid.

It was sunny that day. I was very nervous when I thought of going to the lecture theatre to sell newspapers, because I had to face the leaders of the province to investigate. I heard my friend whispering "Come on" behind me. I finally thought about it and rushed up to "Auntie, buy a newspaper! The content inside is wonderful." I finally said it. I happily patted Zheng Yuhan's hand and said, "It's good to have you, or I will give up. Long live friendship!"

Friendship, a seemingly ordinary thing, has infinite power. It makes people dare to face setbacks in life and let us understand the true meaning of life - as long as there is love and friendship, the world will be more beautiful. Long live the flower of friendship!