Impressions of Fragrant Film
Young after the vicissitudes
2023-11-12 12:43:05
high school
impressions of after reading

The prologue opened, and a sudden rainstorm broke the original peace. All was destroyed overnight. The debris flow not only swept away the lives of the children's relatives, but also took away the children's vision of the world. There were no tears or light in their eyes, only melancholy and endless sadness. They get on the school bus, but don't know where to go
The vicissitudes of human life, love is boundless. The state cares for the children in the disaster area and has rebuilt a school for them - Bofei Middle School, which has become a "new home" for these displaced and bereaved children. Here, the teachers who nurtured love with love extended a helping hand to these young people in the haze, took them out of the sea of suffering, and became their favorite people. Perhaps it is these teenagers who have experienced disasters that make them more determined and brave. They study hard and choose to repay the society after graduation. In the debris flow disaster in Wenxian County, they rushed to the front and tried to help more people.
The most touching theme of the film is "disaster relief, education to save the heart". The angelic teacher holds the key to love and opens the heavy mental shackles of four children. The first teenager, Dorje, could not let go of the death of his sister and parents, and closed himself in his own world, where there was only darkness and hopelessness... He was unwilling to communicate with others, so full of despair about the world that he chose to commit suicide in the bathroom. In order to untie his heart knot, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Jiang took him back to his hometown, let him forget himself, and continue to live well instead of his parents and sister. The second teenager, Jing Xiaoxiao, blamed herself for failing to grasp her mother's hand and thought that she killed her mother who loved her most. Due to family reasons, her father did not give her enough care and more scolding, which filled her with fear. In order to untie her heart knot, Miss Zhou asked her father to pay more attention to Yu Jing Xiaoxiao. Finally, Jing Xiaoxiao and his father embraced each other, and they both untied their hearts. The third young Miao Lang could not accept his grandpa's death because his parents were away all the year round. When he saw his grandpa's tumbling car destroyed, he felt that his grandpa was really gone. When his classmates and teachers restored his grandfather's jumbo cart, he finally let go of his obsession and really faced the fact that his grandfather died. The fourth young man, Yuncao, was frosted by the disaster. She had no physical problems, but she could not stand up and closed herself. In order to make her stand up again, Miss Zhou tried her best. Finally, inspired and guided by her partner, she stood up from her wheelchair. Four teenagers, when they were most afraid and helpless, two teachers holding the torch of love lit the flame of hope in their hearts. Let them face life, reality and future bravely.
"Life is not a straight road. There are headwinds and sharp turns", "When you lower your head, you can only see your feet. When you raise your head, you can see the vast sky", which is the golden sentence and theme of Fragrance, it tells the essence of education and survival. The teaching method of "great love" of teachers is moving. The morality, spirit and model of teachers are vividly displayed and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
Each plot of the film Fragrance is gripping. At the end of the film, Mr. Jiang shouted at the empty mountain, which is not only a consolation to the spirit of the dead, but also a search for the disappearance of his colleague, Mr. Zhou.
The film tells us that in the face of suffering and setbacks, we must learn to be strong and brave. When love is there, the flowers will open and the fragrance will last forever. The spread of love can not be separated from the people's teachers. Teachers should not only teach knowledge, but also pass on love. I only hope that the film Fragrance can enlighten every parent who has made mistakes in education to pay attention to their children's education; May every famous teacher spread love while teaching knowledge; May the children in disaster face life bravely without fear of setbacks!