On the Happiness of Stone Head Soup
Cooked Man with Beancurd
2023-11-20 04:45:22
primary school
topic of conversation

After school, I read a very meaningful picture book "Stone Soup" at Mr. Zhang's home. This story mainly tells that three monks came to a village where people were indifferent and cooked soup with stones. The villagers were curious about how stones could make good soup? So under the guidance of the three monks, they had pots, salt, pepper, radishes... Finally, they had a feast together, told stories together, sang together, and felt the happiness they had never experienced for a long time.
After reading this story, I remembered that I got 80 yuan to buy lollipops for my friends. It was the first time that I received such a large amount of contribution fee. I thought: "One music is better than all music". So I bought lollipops for the students of the Literature Society. When they used exaggerated expressions to show the saliva flowing three thousand feet, my heart was sweeter than honey. On that day, I exchanged happiness and happiness with sharing.
Later, Jiang Nan also took a hundred yuan contribution and brought pudding to everyone. The partners of the Literary Society vied with each other to share their achievements. Sometimes it's food, sometimes it's fun, and sometimes it's handmade.
At that time, I understood that sharing can make a joy twice, three times... The more you share, the more joy you will have. Sharing can bring happiness to people. Other people's "awesome!" and "thank you!" are memorable words in life, full of positive energy. You pay, I also pay, the world will be warm because of our pay.
I also remembered the situation when I was fighting against the top in school. I made a self-made folding top and defeated all my classmates. Slowly, everyone stopped playing with me. I thought it was boring, so I taught everyone the methods. The students not only learned how to make stacked gyroscopes, but also had the courage to innovate and transform more powerful gyroscopes. Since then, the campus has been full of joy.
Today, after reading Stone Soup, I realized that I added a little seasoning to this pot of soup, but I got a pot of soup full of love and happiness.