83 sentences of meteorological proverbs on agriculture
2023-07-14 09:37:06
English Proverbs

1. One ripe early, ripe early.

2. In July, the north wind blows in time for rain.

3. Clouds in the east, rain is not fierce.

4. South wind head, north wind tail.

5. Hair is loud, wind is blowing.

6. One day south wind, three days closed.

7. The people jumped and the rice smiled.

8. It is not hot in June, and the rice does not bear.

9. Winter snow is plentiful, spring snow is useless.

10. Winter snow is quilt, spring snow is ghost.

11. Great cold with three whites is good for vegetables and wheat.

12. See you later when the rainbow is broken.

13. At the vernal equinox, wheat sprouts rise.

14. Dianguang northwest, it rained repeatedly.

15. It thunders at the beginning of autumn, and there is no frost for a hundred days.

16. The stars are shining, and the wind is blowing in the rain.

17. The rain hits the fifth watch, and the sun shines in the puddle.

18. It rained three times in the beginning of spring, and the ground was covered with rice.

19. Fear not the first Yin, but the second Yin.

20. The east wind does not blow until noon.

21. Clouds rise from the southeast, and it will not rain long.

22. The clouds rise and the mountains are dark, and the wind and rain can be seen every day.

23. At the beginning of June, one thunder, one thunder and nine platforms.

24. Cover the quilt in June, and no rice will grow in the field.

25. Winter snow is a quilt, spring snow is a knife.

26. The magpie barks on the branch and reports the sunny day when going out.

27. On the summer solstice, the wind blows all around, and the farmland is empty.

28. Dark clouds cover the sky, and heavy rain comes quickly.

29. The broom cloud in the sky is raining for three days.

30. In the light heat, it is thoroughly hot, and in the heavy heat, it is cool.

31. The sun is full of rain at the third watch, and the moon is full of wind at noon.

32. Red clouds rise at sunset, and the next day will be sunny.

33. Dark clouds meet at sunset, and wind and rain cannot be said.

34. Fear the darkness in the southeast in the morning and the clouds in the north in the evening.

35. Sooner or later, the sky is rainy.

36. Walk in the clouds in the morning and sun the dog to death at noon.

37. It rains in the morning and clears up one day. It rains in the evening until dawn.

38. The drought lasts for ten months.

39. The spring rain is all over the street, and the harvest is exhausting.

40. The spring rain is as expensive as oil, which worries farmers more.

41. When you look at the west at dusk, it will be clear tomorrow.

42. The sky is bright when it rains, and the roof is polished when it rains.

43. There are rain mountains with hats, but no rain clouds.

44. Do not go out in the morning glow, and travel thousands of miles in the evening glow.

45. When the mulberry leaves are frosty at night, they are worried about sericulture.

46. The loach is upstream and downstream, with heavy rain behind.

47. Sea clouds rise in the morning, and wind and rain wait for the hour.

48. Steamed buns cloud all over the sky, and it will rain tomorrow.

49. White dew and white meadows, and the autumn equinox is full of rice and weeds.

50. The autumnal equinox turns clear to the end, and the rice husk turns into rice.

51. The cold and wet weather in autumn makes early frost.

52. If the red cloud does not rise, it will not be sunny.

53. Red, white and black clouds are twisted, and hail is not small.

54. The falling rain falls slowly, and the rain has not dispersed in recent days.

55. The harvest was completely lost due to the cold dew wind.

56. Thunder with horizontal flash and hail as big as a bowl.

57. The east wind is strong after the rain, and it will rain again in the future.

58. It is good to plant beans in lowlands after thunder wakes the insects.

59. When hail comes and goes with the wind, it turns against the wind.

60. The wind blows and the rain pours, and the sky is dark after the clouds.

61. Black clouds set in Phnom Penh, and it rains only three times.

62. A long sunny fog will be cloudy, and a long rainy fog will be sunny.

63. A long rain will lead to a long sunny day, and a long sunny day will lead to a long rain.

64. Every day there is a storm in the valley, and I sit at home to harvest rice.

65. The east wind blows all the year round. I'm afraid the east wind is not strong.

66. Late rice depends on the weather. The hot autumn harvests the late fields.

67. In a shower of sun and rain, plant yellow seedlings and eat white rice.

68. In May, it was windy and rainy in the south, and in June, it was dry at the bottom of the shaft.

69. People are jumping in the house when it is hot, and rice is laughing in the field.

70. There are eighteen rivers of rain in the summer, and the river is dried up without rain in the summer.

71. In the summer solstice, the wind is the first in the southeast, and the life is poor without planting tide.

72. Great summer heat and mild summer heat are not summer heat, but summer heat at the beginning of autumn.

73. Seeding cannot be done at Qingming Pass, and transplanting cannot be done at Lixia Pass.

74. The west mountain is a little red at sunset, so I get up in the middle of the night to put up a canopy.

75. It rains in the morning and sunny on the same day. It rains until dawn at night.

76. It's hard to buy a drought in May if you have money, and you can eat in June even when it's cloudy.

77. Peach blossom falls in the mud, and the wheat is thrown into the dust.

78. The water tank is sweating and the toad cries. It will rain heavily soon.

79. It rained before and after the Qingming Festival, and the peas and wheat were shot.

80. The willows and willows face north during the Qingming Festival. This year is a good crop again.

81. Swallows fly down the snake aisle, ants move to the mountain and wear hats.

82. The night rain of autumn crops is as strong as dung. Every night rain is a fertilizer.

83. It rains in the dark and sunny in the white, so there is no place to get enough food.