Personal Observation of Example 6
Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall
2023-10-28 04:47:32
Senior One
impressions of after reading

From the teacher Zhang Guimei, we can see that she is not only an excellent party member cadre, but also has devoted her life to the party, the people, and the education work and students she loves. She is an outstanding representative of the Communist Party members in the new era and an outstanding example of educators in the new era. She dedicated her whole body and mind to the Party, education, and people in poor mountainous areas, and explained that Communists never forget their original intention and remember their mission with practical actions.
We should take the learning of advanced models as the benchmark, look for gaps and examine and analyze our own problems against the Party Constitution, norms and regulations. As a party member cadre, we should take Comrade Zhang Guimei as an example, carry forward the innovative spirit of reform and pioneering, and correct the pragmatic style of taking root at the grass-roots level and being diligent and dedicated, with the public servant feelings of caring for the masses and serving the people, Do your own work in a down-to-earth manner.
For more than 20 years, Comrade Zhang Guimei has always kept in mind the purpose of the Party, adhered to the feelings of serving the people, maintained the determination of casting souls and educating people, and remained indifferent to fame and wealth, cultivated, stimulated and spread love with love, and fulfilled the promise of "as long as I have a breath, I will stand on the platform" with practical actions.
In December 1975, Zhang Guimei responded to the call of the Party and came to Yunnan from Heilongjiang to support border construction. In the following time, she devoted herself to the education in the poor mountainous areas in the southwest border of the motherland. In 1996, shortly after her husband died, Zhang Guimei gave up her superior working environment in Dali and applied for transfer to Huaping County, a deeply impoverished mountain area. From then on, she did not go to big cities step by step, but to mountainous areas, ethnic minority areas, and poor areas step by step. After arriving in Huaping, she gave up joining Huaping No. 1 Middle School with the best conditions in the county, chose to teach in the ethnic middle school with the weakest teachers and the worst conditions in the county, and undertook the teaching task of Chinese and political courses in four graduation classes. No one likes hard work, so does Zhang Guimei, but she chose hard work. She said, "I am more needed in hard places." It is also in this process that she felt more and more important to do a good job in education in ethnic poor areas.