61 short sentences describing spring scenery
Cold cloud
2023-05-09 06:55:21
Complete sentences

1、 The breeze, with its moist fragrance, gently blows through the treetops, the fields and the river in front of my house.

2、 The pace of spring is approaching, but I can smell her fragrance in the corridor of my dream. When I wake up, I decide to go to the outside world to look for the scent of spring.

3、 The birds are singing beautiful songs happily, flying up and down the budding willow trees, showing their talents with moving dance movements, and dancing in the spring.

4、 After the spring rain, the sun came out and it was sunny. The whole world looks like it has just been washed. It is very refreshing. The air is very fresh. Take a breath, sweet as honey.

5、 I like the spring rain, not only because of its heroic appearance, but also because of the light blue misty rain. In this rainy season, you make a rain free world for me.

6、 When spring comes, she looks like a music conductor. She directed the magpie cuckoo to jump on the branches and sing clear and graceful songs; She directed the lovely lamb to jump beside the ewe.

7、 On the ground, there are thousands of colors, singing and dancing. The grass poked its head out of the soil and stretched out. Seeing that spring had come, it hurriedly arranged its hair. Huaguduo also poked her head out, and the spring breeze told her that spring was coming.

8、 Before the wind, I want to persuade Spring to live. Spring is on Fangcao Road in the south of the city. It does not fall into the water with the flow, and it is used as flotsam on the mud. In the mirror, one feels that the stars are wrong, and one can live up to his conceit. The dreamer is far away from many worries, only in the rain of pear blossom.

9、 In February and March of spring, the gentle wind blows gently, like a drizzle falling from the sky without reason. Thousands of willows, together with their yellow and green eyes, red white yellow flowers, green grass, green leaves.

10、 Jiangnan is beautiful in spring. The wind is soft, the air is fresh, and the sun is warm; The wheat seedlings in the fields are like a sea, and the villages dotted around are unsinkable boats, criss crossing curved rivers and riversides.

11、 The other is Huagu Duoer, who is too shy to come out. A gentle breeze blew, and several petals of the peach blossom fell down, on your shoulder, on your head, on the tip of your nose, making you intoxicated here.

12、 Spring is the season to pursue dreams. It is the warmth that makes me fly away from depression and pursue my dream. I started my dream journey in spring. In the warm spring, let your dreams last longer than the sky, and leave a wish for your imagination.

13、 The spring rain is rustling down, like embroidery needle, like cattle hair. The snow on the river melted, and the snow water converged into a brook, flowing noisily. In the river, little tad tads are swimming playfully, as if looking for their mother. They are very cute.

14、 The spring breeze gently blows the earth, and the grass comes out of the ground. Their whole body is verdant, which looks like a green carpet from a distance. As soon as the spring wind blows, they sway from side to side, as if they are nodding to the spring wind. It's very interesting.

15、 When spring comes, the geese fly to the far south in groups. Their elegant posture sets off the bright and clean blue sky like jewels. The black and white feather reflects the dawn of the East, glittering and beautiful!

16、 The spring rain came to the fields, watering the rice seedlings. It seems that Daomiao has also received the news. They are all holding their heads high and welcome in line! Think about how spectacular it is. They allowed to suck the sweet dew of spring rain and silently thanked in their hearts.

17、 The rain in spring is soft, and it beats on the bamboo branches and leaves. The rain sometimes falls in a straight line, sometimes falling with the wind, leaving a beautiful image like smoke and fog, like yarn and silk, and the splashing rain flowers seem to be jumping notes on the piano, playing a beautiful melody.

18、 Spring girl walked to the river in the wild, and the river tore off the white seal. Small fish and shrimp played happily in the river, and the water in the river became lively, singing about spring and nature. The river is no longer lonely, and it has regained its former liveliness.

19、 Last night, the bamboo shoots pierced through the soil and came up from the ground; Last night, the grass changed its yellow clothes and new green clothes by the spring wind, defending the earth; Last night, a willow tree sprouted its first yellow tender leaf; Last night, a peach tree was a little pink.

20、 Spring is coming fast, quietly and unknowingly, the grass is green, the branches are sprouting, and the wild flowers and rape flowers are blooming all over the place. Everything is bathed in the dawn of spring morning, swaying and swaying in the spring breeze, like a girl's singing and dancing, beautiful and moving.

21、 The wind blows softly; Branches, flickering leisurely; The bright sun, basking in the body, warm in the heart, brilliant spring flowers. The chirping birds reveal the beauty, music and joy of spring. Ah, charming spring, what a beautiful spring!

22、 The rain in spring is soft. The spring rain is beating on the bamboo branches and leaves. The rain sometimes falls in a straight line, sometimes falling with the wind, leaving a beautiful shadow like smoke, fog, yarn and silk. The splashing rain flowers seem to be jumping notes on the piano, playing a beautiful melody.

23、 In the sunny March, the peach blossoms are blooming on the branches. It is beautiful, charming and bright, like red clouds, which are set off against the weeping willows of the green tree mother-in-law, forming a beautiful scenery in spring.

24、 I like flowers. Spring is the season when a hundred flowers bloom. The colorful flowers always smile brighter than the sun. Look, the white pear flowers in the garden like snow, the pink peach flowers and the trumpet blowing winter jasmine are competing to open, and the colorful small wild flowers on the hillside are extremely lovely.

25、 Why is the color of spring so rich? It is the paintbrush in the hands of spring girl who waves diligently; It is childish children who dress up innocently; It is the neglected grass that silently breeds. People who are enjoying the color of spring, what have you contributed to the color of spring?

26、 Every spring, kapok flowers that are as red as fire, peony flowers that are as pink as clouds, and rose flowers that are as white as jade compete to open. Some of them are full of buds, some are in bud, and some are in full bloom. The refreshing fragrance of flowers attracted many little bees, singing and dancing.

27、 Lily is a perennial herb. The skinnless bulb is oblate and milky white. The stem is upright, the underground stem node has stem roots, and the aboveground stem is straight, short, strong, green and smooth. The leaves are scattered, mostly lanceolate. There are several flowers at the top of the flower, which are trumpet shaped and flat. The tip of the perianth is slightly rolled outward, milky white, and the depth of the perianth tube is light green.

28、 Not to be outdone, the little flower opened bud after bud. A breeze blew, and the little flower swayed its graceful body. The faint fragrance attracted industrious bees and beautiful butterfly dishes. They danced around the flowers, adding bright patterns to the green coat of the earth.

29、 The spring wind, with light steps, sweeps over the water and faces, light and persistent, like a loving mother calling her children affectionately. A burst of spring breeze makes people relaxed and happy! Spring girl breathed a little, look! The branches have sprouted green buds, like small hands waving to Spring Girl!

30、 I have always known that life is divided into four seasons: young people are vigorous spring, young people are leafy summer, young people are fruitful autumn, and old people are calm winter. Life, old age, sickness and death are like the reincarnation of the four seasons, which is unstoppable. Who can make life stay in spring forever?

31、 Spring is coming, and sweet spring rain falls on the fields. The little flower raised her head to let the rain fall into their mouths. The wheat seedlings stretched out their hands to let the rain fall into their hands. When spring came, the naughty spring wind threw Sister Liu Shu's braid into the river and sent the children's kites to the sky.

32、 Look at the pink stamens of the mountain peach blossom, attracting butterflies and bees flying among the clumps. Other flowers are also gradually releasing flowers, which may also be to show themselves. Now, all kinds of flowers have become more beautiful in spring. Of course, spring is more than that. There are budding trees, awakening earth and returning swallows.

33、 The winter jasmine takes a light lotus step and reluctantly leaves this busy season. The long golden petals, like a trumpet, are spreading outward. The green branches that can't wait have hung on the branches, turning into light green and dark green, decorating the whole crown. Yellow flowers and green leaves dance in the symphony of spring.

34、 I like the wind in spring because it is unique. It is neither as cold as the wind in winter nor as dry as the wind in summer. The wind in spring is gentle and gentle. The warm spring breeze heralds a new beginning. It turns the flowers red, turns the lawn green, and touches my cheek, as if with a faint fragrance of flowers.

35、 Unexpectedly, it is the third spring, when flowers and trees grow, and birds fly through the forest. The spring scenery is pleasant to talk about, the flowers in the south mountain are red in the north mountain, the poplar branches are blown to make thousands of lines, and the couple orioles are called to make the breeze. In the depths of the hundred flowers, there are groups of cuckoos flying here and there, contending endlessly, embellishing the spring scenery very well. It's really a beautiful year.

36、 The wind in spring is gentle and warm. The spring wind is just like the beautiful skirt that spring girl raises in the rotation. The wind of spring blows on your face like a mother touching your face. Spring wind has turned willows, grass and branches green. The spring wind blows the colorful kites as beautiful as spring.

37、 When the cold of winter fades away, spring comes quietly. The snow on the hillside gradually melted, and slowly exposed a corner of the green mountain. Snow water flowed down the soil, awakening all creatures sleeping in the ground. Layout birds sing happily, fly freely, fly to the forest, fly to the city, and declare the arrival of spring to the world.

38、 I love spring. In spring, everything revives, and the grass becomes more green, showing a thriving and vibrant scene everywhere. I feel green when I see it from a distance, but I can't see a little green when I go near. This is probably what Han Yu said: "The grass color is far away but not near"!

39、 Spring is in the school. When spring comes, a new semester begins again. The plan of the year is spring. The school is also bustling. They firmly believe that sowing in spring will bring harvest in autumn. Because when there is sowing time, there is harvest time. Spring makes the school more vibrant. Kids, take off their winter clothes and put on thin clothes.

40、 When winter goes and spring comes, everything wakes up and the ground is warm. People's clothes become colorful. People don't wear thick hats and necklaces and heavy overcoats as they do in winter. People change into colorful clothes. You see, on the street and in the countryside, people wear skirts and shirts of various colors, making the whole city more beautiful.

41、 From the green and introverted mountain top, a handful of snow can no longer support it. With a puff of laughter, the cold face turns into a flower face, and a Sisiran song sings from the cloud to the mountain foot, from the mountain foot to the low wasteland, singing into the fence, singing into a duckling's yellow web, singing into the melting spring mud - the spring mud soft as a newly turned quilt.

42、 The sun is bright. A few yellow billed crows are flashing their black steel feathers in the sun, cooing and busy building new nests. In the sunny place, green tender grass grows out of the soil. The body is chilly, but the heart is happy, and new hope sprouts. The land in spring is so comfortable.

43、 In spring, it is not as dry and hot as summer, as cold and quiet as autumn, and as cold as winter. It is a season full of vitality. This reminds me of our mother, who is just like the earth. When our mother gave birth to us, we had life. When the earth returns to spring, everything will start again, and all life will start again.

44、 Spring brings bright sunshine and warm spring breeze, reviving the earth, reviving everything, sprouting trees, letting flowers and plants grow and open heartily, and making swallows and birds hibernate? Enjoy the happiness that spring brings to them. Spring brings warmth to human beings, making people who have rested all winter go out of their homes and get busy waiting for the autumn harvest.

45、 The sky is beautiful, you can wear flower skirts; Spring is beautiful. Spring dances with butterflies among flowers. There is beauty in spring, which is the beauty of flowers; Where there is spring, there is singing, which is the singing of birds; Where there is spring, there is dance, which is butterfly dance; Where there is spring, there is laughter. It is people's laughter. In a word, spring is full of vitality in my eyes.

46、 Spring is in the peach blossom forest. As soon as I stepped into the peach blossom forest, a faint fragrance came to my nose. The grass on the grass was very lazy, and they got up lazily. Facing the spring breeze, I grew a little taller and was very comfortable lying on the soft grass! The peach blossom is very beautiful, pink and pink. The branches pull out green leaves. The delicate body of the book exhibition grows happily in the warm spring breeze.

47、 The sun in spring, the new grass, the peach trees in bud, the budding willows, the spring swallows, the flying geese, the melting ice, etc. In short, everything in nature seems to be reviving and waking up. In early spring, the cold of winter begins to recede gradually. The warm current of the sun melts the ice layer on the rocks, dropping the first big crystal drop, announcing the arrival of spring.

48、 In spring, flowers and plants wake up and dandelions sprout. For a while, flowers and plants gathered in the flower beds like going to the market, making spring more brilliant and beautiful. After the first spring rain, the bamboo shoots came out of the ground, took off their yellow and green coats, and grew into robust bamboo. Small butterflies flew in, and they danced among the flowers. It was very beautiful.

49、 The air with grass and wet soil blew to my nose. When I looked up, I saw that the willow trees had grown thousands of green hands, swaying in the wind, giving people an indescribable sense of freshness; The birds on the branches are standing on the top of the trees singing their songs written to welcome the spring, as if several musicians are solemnly singing their inviolable hymn.

50、 The south of the Yangtze River is beautiful in spring. The river is winding with wind. The willow branches near the river are sprouting, and the reeds are green when they come out; The calm water in the river is soft from the plain and clean water in winter, the air is fresh, and the sun is warm; The wheat seedlings in the field are like a sea, and the scattered villages are unsinkable boats. They wake up crisscross and are half green by the color of nature.

51. Spring is the beginning of a year. It brings vitality, hope, beauty and warmth to people. I like the scene of following Mom when I was a child and digging wild vegetables in spring with a basket. I like climbing mountains with my father in spring, watching the jasmine flowers on the mountain, seeing the clouds far away, watching the water near, listening to the water, feeling the mountain, and always feeling that it is the most beautiful realm of life.

52. Spring is coming, and everything in the field is revived. The green grass slowly sticks out of the soil, and the flowers also open their smiling faces. The swallow also flies back from the south, chirping and chirping. When flying from the sky, some lines are in a straight line and some lines are in a straight line. I think it is very interesting. The big trees slowly grow buds. In spring, apricot flowers, peach flowers Pear flowers are blooming and the ice in the river is melting.

Fifty-three. the land under my feet also feels spring. Little clumps of grass came out of the ground. What lovely grass! It is thin and tender, so tender that it seems that it will turn into pieces with a touch. The color of yellow, green, yellow and green is a little light. The grass just growing is hairy, which is very comfortable to touch. It feels like touching the fluff of a chicken, a comfortable duvet, and the long, smooth hair of a little girl.

Fifty four. I don't know when the spring rain began to fall. It was gentle, but no sound could be heard. It was like a wet smoke, gently moistening the earth. After the spring rain, the sun came out and it was sunny. The whole world looks like it has just been washed. It has a fresh personality and the air is very fresh. Take a breath. It's sweet, like drinking honey. The spring breeze is warm, and the bright spring light shines on the earth. Everything shows vitality, forming a beautiful landscape.

55. The spring wind flies over the earth, and the earth becomes a fresh picture: new shoots sprout stubble stubble which has been harvested by people. Without artificial cultivation, they grow under the wind of spring. The earth has turned green, setting off red, white, yellow, purple and colorful wild flowers. How beautiful it is! When the spring breeze blows, the fresh smell of flowers and plants will go straight into people's hearts. No matter who it is, they will take a deep breath, like drinking sweet dew. How cool!

56. In late spring, the weather is warmer. The fields are full of lively frogs; Orioles and cuckoos sing softly; Strong seedlings are green and flowing; The willows on the embankment have scattered the goose feather like catkins all over the sky; The blue sky is like an open and quiet sea, without a cloud. The air is moist and moist, and it feels particularly fresh when breathing. Under the sun, everything seems to have been repainted with various colors of paint, and everything seems to be new.

57. Spring has always been strong and upward, growing and budding. He is constantly reborn, stretching endless greenery towards the blue sky, and blooming all his strength to create strange flowers. When Qu Yuan, a scholar bureaucrat, risked his life to offer advice and decided to offer blood red spring flowers with his own strength, he was full of spring: the country was peaceful and the people were peaceful, the country was prosperous, and the spring was the most beautiful spring in his heart. For such an incomparable spring, his soul is always striving forward. He has the backbone and spirit of the spiritual spring.

58. Spring is bright and full of spring everywhere. The smell of spring is everywhere. In the distance, the ice in the stream melted, and the water was crystal clear. Small fish played happily in the stream. Groups of tadpoles are playing in the river, and grass is sneaking out of the soil, tender and green. Beside it are all kinds of rhododendron, rose flowers and roses. Scattered in the grass, like countless stars blinking and blinking. The willow grove nearby looks like a green sea from afar. A breeze blew and the branches and leaves swayed, as if they nodded and smiled at us and waved.

59. The spring rain drizzles down, the withered branches of the trees are hazy with a layer of light green color, and the rain drops down along the tree tips, becoming strings of water spiritual notes. The ground is also wet, emitting a refreshing fragrance. Grass also sneaked out of the ground and began to weave green carpets. The spring rain is drizzling down. It is gently awakening the earth, quietly taking away the cold, and slowly soothing the wounds of winter on the trees. The spring rain washed away the remnants of winter. Everything woke up under the wind of spring and grew under the moisture of spring rain.

60. Spring is a gentle breeze, a warm and bright sunshine; Spring is the voice of the birds euphemism crisp, pieces of intoxicating fragrance of flowers; Spring is a dew on the tip of green grass, a touch of rosy clouds on red flowers; Spring is the arching force when the seeds break through the soil, and the noisy rhythm when the trees are jointing; Spring is a transparent and pure dream, a fiery song, a poem full of inspiration; Spring is the innocence on children's faces, and the beauty and shyness on girls' cheeks; Spring is a succession of hopes, dreams and ideals planted by us with sweat, diligence and wisdom.

61. Ah, I see spring. The mountains in the distance are rolling and turning green. The grass on the nearby hillside also crept out of the ground quietly. They were fresh and green. The fat little leaves are like fat dolls just waking up. This piece, that cluster, dotted with this steep hillside. The trees on the hillside are quietly pulling out new branches and sprouting new shoots like grass. The willow branches hang down like lines on the tree. The small yellow leaves are like petals tied on the line. The poplar trees are in blossom. These flowers are in clusters of purple red. The body is covered with soft hairs, like caterpillars. It's really interesting.