Reading the Blue Dolphin Island
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2023-06-30 13:07:08

During the summer vacation, I read a book called Blue Dolphin Island, and was deeply shocked by the Indian girl in the book, Kalana's spirit of perseverance and never giving up.

Kalana was born in the Pacific Ocean on an island shaped like a dolphin lying on its side. Dolphins were swimming around the island, walruses were competing for power, wild dogs were dueling... Indians used to live on the island, and they were killed by Aleutians who hunted sea otters. Later, they left the island to live in the east. When they left, they left a little girl, Kalana. She lived alone on the island for 18 years, waiting for the arrival of rescue ships. She built her own house, made weapons and fishing tools, fought with wild dogs, and survived through hardships and dangers.

This reminds me how happy my life is now compared with Karana's living environment! We can do what we want to do, play with friends, and get the care of teachers and parents. In my opinion, these are the most ordinary and ordinary things, but for Karana, they are the things she has always dreamed of.

Although she didn't get these lives, I think she got something better than our life, that is, to learn to grow independently. She found the secret of survival herself - "Never lose hope, this is the cornerstone of survival skills". She firmly believes that only optimistic and brave can survive in the harsh environment.

Although I can't live independently on the desert island like Karana, I can read Karana's experience of survival skills, so that I can take it easy when facing danger in the future, and use the survival skills I learned in my book to save myself. In addition, she also taught me a lesson that will last my whole life, that is, "Always keep smiling, as long as you live, there is hope."