Post 80s women's heart binding copywriting (suitable for women's heart binding emotional copywriting)
Companion is better than a thousand words
2023-04-11 14:06:05
Complete sentences

1. Those who leave will not come back, and those who come back are no longer perfect. No one is sorry for others, only those who don't know how to cherish. Will you suddenly think of me one night after many years, and then burst into tears, only to find that you owed me too much.

2. Maybe I used to like you too much, or I poured all my beautiful love reverie into you, so I never met anyone who could make me blush and feel shy again after leaving.

3. If you can't put it down, don't put it down. If you can't forget it, remember it first. One day you will find that many things have been forgotten.

4. Have you ever cried for someone who doesn't love you, and then smiled and said it's okay.

5. There is always someone in your life who has amazed the time and kept you in mind; Cry red eyes, but still smile to forgive.

6. Is there a moment when I saw a familiar figure on the street, and my heart suddenly jumped out of rhythm until I found that it was just a stranger, so all day long, it was memories.

7. No matter how much I cared about you, from the moment you left, you and I were passers-by.

8. One of the most tacit things we do is that I do not contact you, and you do not contact me, finally we are really strange.

9. People tend not to be disappointed in major events, but gradually become cold hearted in little by little. Fate, cherish; Understanding is the key to heart. People who don't know how to cherish you don't need to look at it, because it's not worth it.

10. When you go all out to be nice to someone. You become a fool, deaf, with nothing but him in your eyes. Even the injury has become a test of love. You are foolish enough to encourage yourself and be strong!

11. The cruelest thing in the world is not to meet someone who doesn't love you, but to meet someone and eventually miss them; The saddest thing in the world is not that the person you love doesn't love you, but that he doesn't love you after he loves you.

12. No matter how deeply you like it, if you don't get a response, it will become shallow, just like one day you will find that I haven't found you for a long time.

13. After breaking up, we can't be friends, because we hurt each other, we can't be enemies, because we loved each other deeply, so we become the most familiar strangers.

14. If I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you. Not that I regret, but that I can't face the end without you.

15. I'm used to being lonely. When you came, I thought I saw hope, and now my heart is more painful. You are just a passing stranger.