Reading the Puss in Boots
Follow the wind and fog
2023-12-19 21:48:17
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

Once upon a time, there was an old man who shared his property with his three sons before he died. The little son only got a cat. The little son was very sad, so the cat said to him: "Master, if you just give me a pair of boots and a bag, you will get everything you want." The little son didn't believe it, so he gave the cat a pair of boots and a bag. The cat put the cabbage into the pocket, found a rope and tied it to the pocket. It took the rope and pretended to be dead on the ground. A rabbit entered the pocket, and the cat grabbed the rabbit as soon as it pulled the rope. Then he ran to the king and said to him, "My master caught a rabbit and asked me to give it to you." The king said, "You tell your master that I like his gift very much." For three months, the cat often caught something and sent it to the king. One day, the cat knew that today the princess was going to swim, and the cat asked its owner to swim in the water. When they came, the cat said, "My master is going to drown." The king asked someone to rescue his owner and bring him a piece of clothes. The king let the cat and its owner get on the bus, and the cat got off the bus and said to the people in front, "If the king asks who owns your land, it's my master's." The king asked, "Whose land is this?" They said, "It's the cat's owner." The cat went to a castle and said to the castle owner, "I don't believe you can become a mouse." He was fooled and became a mouse, The cat ate him. When the king came, the cat said, "This is the master's." Seeing that the master was so rich, the king married the princess to him. The owner of the cat married the princess, and the cat became a minister. I think cats are very smart. They will use their brains to find ways to achieve their goals. I hope I can be as smart as cats.
Today, I read an article in a fairy tale called Cat in Boots. It mainly tells us that a mill worker has three sons. After his death, all the property he left to his sons was his grinder, a donkey and a cat. The eldest son was assigned a grinder, the second son took the donkey away, and the left cat was given to the third. He was disappointed. He said, "As long as my two brothers cooperate, they can live a good life. But I might as well eat the cat. I can also use its fur as a pair of gloves to make plans for future life." His words were heard by the cat. He said seriously, "Master, you don't have to worry about me at all, and don't eat me. Just give me a bag and a pair of boots, and I will surely make a good life for you, He also took the princess as his wife.
After reading this story, I learned a truth: Don't worry about how much you have or can't take it easy. Instead, we should use our brains to constantly create the future and change our life, or use another attitude to face life and make ourselves happy every day and every moment.
I like that smart cat very much. It tells me that everything should not be seen on the surface, but that wisdom can conquer everything. More importantly, it taught me not to look down upon others or myself. We should look at the strengths of others, not just their weaknesses. When encountering difficulties, we should use our brains to find ways to overcome them. We should not shrink back. Have confidence in others and believe that you can do it!
In recent days, I read a book called Green French Fairy Tales, which tells about three different cats: a cat in boots; One is a cat that can beg for rain; The other is the omnipotent white cat. Of the three cats, I prefer the one wearing boots. The story of Cat in Boots mainly tells that a miller died, and the eldest son and the second son got enough inheritance to earn a living, but the third son got only one cat. The third son was very sad, but the cat used its wisdom to help the third son become the king's son-in-law, and asked for a new pair of boots.
How clever the cat is! In our daily life, if we encounter any problem, we can't ask others. We should use our own wisdom to solve the problem, just like the cat. For example, one day when you were doing your homework at home, you could not work out a math problem, so you should not directly ask your parents. You should think about it first, do it again when you have done something wrong, and ask others when you know that you are unable to figure it out.
I really like this cat in boots! I don't like its appearance or appearance, but that it has such a smart mind!
We must use our wisdom to solve all problems!
Today, I read an article in a fairy tale called Cat in Boots. It mainly tells us that a mill worker has three sons. After his death, all the property he left to his sons was his grinder, a donkey and a cat. The eldest son was assigned a grinder, the second son took the donkey away, and the left cat was given to the third. He was disappointed. He said, "As long as my two brothers cooperate, they can live a good life. But I might as well eat the cat. I can also use its fur as a pair of gloves to make plans for future life." His words were heard by the cat. He said seriously, "Master, you don't have to worry about me at all, and don't eat me. Just give me a bag and a pair of boots, and I will surely make a good life for you, He also took the princess as his wife.
After reading this story, I learned a truth: Don't worry about how much you have or can't take it easy. Instead, we should use our brains to constantly create the future and change our life, or use another attitude to face life and make ourselves happy every day and every moment.
I like that smart cat very much. It tells me that everything should not be seen on the surface, but that wisdom can conquer everything. More importantly, it taught me not to look down upon others or myself. We should look at the strengths of others, not just their weaknesses. When encountering difficulties, we should use our brains to find ways to overcome them. We should not shrink back. Have confidence in others and believe that you can do it!