Sample Essay after Reading Sacrifice of Love
2023-11-26 02:01:59

"When you love your art, nothing can not be sacrificed." O Henry opened the beginning of "Sacrifice of Love" with this sentence, which also runs through the whole article. At the end of the article, when the hero and heroine understand each other's white lies and the sacrifices they have made for themselves, the hero wants to express his feelings with this sentence. The heroine interrupts his words, saying that as long as he loves, it is enough. What a profound words, what a wonderful ending, what a sincere love.

At the beginning of the article, the author used to describe the difficult life of the young couple, but what revealed was not sadness and desolation, but full of happiness. "Because they have their own art of deep love and love each other." This shows the couple's deep love for each other from another aspect. We can also see this from the description of their dialogue in the article, which is the foreshadowing of the ending. The author used this technique to write the ending "both unexpected and reasonable". It can be seen that the author has a solid grasp of the structure of the article.

In terms of language, the author did not use his sharp words of humor and satire to make people laugh, but described such a warm story in a flat tone, which can make people feel the sincere love between a flat couple and full of artistic beauty. Moreover, most of the plots in the novel are unfolded in the form of dialogue, and the inner feelings of the characters are expressed through the dialogues of the characters. In O. Henry's novels, the author often tells stories in a tone of chatting while telling stories, which undoubtedly shortens the distance with readers, so his novels are more authentic and cordial to read.

The word "art" in the novel appears frequently, but its meaning is also changeable due to different time and place. For example, in the middle of the article, art refers to the ideal of the hero and heroine, while at the end of the article, art becomes a kind of sincere love. In the first sentence of the article, art contains the above two meanings, pun, but the reader can understand the meaning only after reading the article.

Let's talk about the theme of the article again. The theme is very clear, that is, love. This kind of love in the article does not have too much romance and heavy vows, but is a kind of "willing to sacrifice my ideal love for the ideal of the person I love". Both the hero and heroine have their own ideals and strive for them unremittingly. However, when faced with the situation of choosing one from the other, they all chose the other's ideal and were willing to give up their own ideal, which also showed that in their hearts, the weight of love should exceed their ideal, that is, when you love someone, nothing can not be sacrificed, including your ideal, which is also a spirit conveyed to us by the author, The spirit of sacrifice for love.