A wordless grief
Dream predestination
2023-01-27 16:05:17

1. Unconsciously, we have become the most beautiful passers-by in each other's lives, wandering in the world with our own sorrows. In the same city, under two similar eaves, there are the same sunrise and sunset, the same daily necessities. When you are drinking and drinking, will you suddenly think of someone who makes your heart spasm for a moment?

2. Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.

3. I like this kind of sadness, moved by some people and things, and full of thoughts; Like some sad songs, like to indulge in the sad melody. Sadness is that it has such unpredictable magic and incomparable beauty.

4. Happiness is always full of defects.

5. The one who makes you cry is the one you love most; The one who understands your tears is the one who loves you most. The one who wipes your tears is the one who will stay with you finally. How I wish these three were you!

6. Gradually wide belt will not regret. for you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

7. Love is an illusion that is easy to be doubted. Once it is discovered, it will disappear automatically.

8. True love is hard to say. If you really love someone, you will be bitter in your heart and will not say anything. Sweet words will be told to irrelevant people.

9. There is a relationship that can never continue to burn; There is a voice that can no longer swing; There is a person who will never be together again; There is a pair of hands that can no longer hold the temperature of the palm; Some things, even if you like them, don't belong to you; Some people are doomed to give up even if they are reluctant to leave; It's better to be yourself than to play tricks in other people's lives; Not easy to say love, promise, debt.

10. Sometimes, we feel that we have reached the end, but in fact, our heart has reached the end. No matter how deep the despair is, it is a process. There is always an end. Avoidance is always not the way. Gather up the courage to move forward, maybe the opportunity is in the next second. Jimmy said that I always see the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair.

11. The light of the TV illuminates the whole room, but it can't shine into the small corner of my heart.

12. Love is like quicksand. The tighter you grasp it, the faster it will run away.

13. My love with you is over. However, when I think of your smile, your eyes staring at me, and your kindness to me... I find that your figure and everything about you have been deeply engraved in my heart. When I wake up in my dream and do not see you, my eyes are blurred with tears. At this time, I know that I still miss you deeply, and still love you deeply

14. You are careful. He has no intention. If you love someone who doesn't love you, you will never return

15. In love, there is always a leading role and supporting role. The tired is always the leading role, and the injured is always the supporting role; Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt: cruel people choose to hurt others, good people choose to hurt themselves; Life is a kind of bearing, which needs to be supported. Support your career, support your family, and even support the whole society. If you have support, you must bear it. How much weight you support, how much pressure you must bear.