Simple English Sentences Simple spoken English sentences (62 sentences)
the brevity of life
2023-02-08 05:22:51

1. Time will tell.

2、It"s not your fault. It's not your fault.

3、I"m terribly sorry。 (I'm really sorry.).

4、I"d like to propose a toast。 I propose a toast.

5、 I know how you feel。 I know how you feel.

6、It"s hard to say。 (Hard to say.).

7. Use your head.

8. Are you crazy.

9. Nothing special.

10、That"s a great idea! (Good idea!).

11. So far so good.

12. Forget it.

13、 I have no other choice。 I have no choice.

14、 Please say hello to your mother for me。 Please remember me to your mother.

15. You look great.

16. May I help you.

17、 How about yourself? What about yourself.

18、What"s wrong? (What happened?).

19. I guess so.

20、That"s bullshit! (Nonsense!).

21. Whatever you say.

22、 How are you doing? How are you.

23、I"ve been dying to see you。 I'd love to see you.

24、 I love you with all my heart。 I love you with all my heart.

25、I"m doing great。 I'm doing fine.

26、 Are you married or single? Are you married.

27、You"re everything to me。 You are everything to me.

28、I"ve got it。 I understand.

29、 May I have your name, please? (May I have your name, please?).

30、Things couldn"t be better。 (Everything is going well.).

31、 Nice talking to you。 Nice talking to you.

32. Same to you.

33、That"s fantastic! That's great.

34. What a surprise.

35、 I like your style。 I like your style.

36. Think it over.

37、 Are you making progress? (Is there any progress?).

38、 It was my pleasure。 (You are welcome.).

39. I made a mistake.

40、I can"t afford that。 I can't afford it.

41. What happened.

42. I love you guys.

43、 No doubt about it。 (There is no doubt.).

44. Keep in touch.

45. What do you do.

46、 I hope nothing is wrong。 I hope everything goes well.

47、 I will do my best! I will try my best.

48、 Today is a great day。 Today is a good day.

49、I"m glad to have met you。 Nice to meet you.

50. How do I look.

51、 You work too much。 You've done too much.

52. I mean it.

53、That"s really something。 That's amazing.

54、 Come on, you can do that。 Come on, you can do it.

55. Have you got it.

56. I must apologize.

57、 Money will come and go。 (Money is something outside of itself.).

58、 Sorry to hear that。 I'm sorry to hear that.

59、I"m very proud of you。 I'm proud of you.

60、It"s against the law! That's against the law.

61、 Have a nice weekend。 (Have a nice weekend.).

62、 Hi. Long time no see。 (Hi, long time no see.).