Mourning to the Heart (26 selected sentences)
Half way guest dream
2023-04-12 11:35:18
Complete sentences

1. People always feel happy when they are close to happiness, but they are worried about gains and losses when happiness is going on.

2. You can't see my sobbing at night and my disappointment when I can't wait to hear from you

3. If you ask someone a question and she doesn't answer the question, she has already answered it, and there is no need to ask again.

4. I am ugly, I love crying, I am sentimental, I am sensitive, I have a hard mouth, I lack a sense of security, my grades are poor, I play games, I make trouble without reason, I feel wronged, I am depressed, I deserve to die, if you can't accompany me, don't approach me.

5. A person who has never been treated kindly can best recognize kindness and cherish kindness.

6. Depressed people are at the bottom. Normal people are at the surface. I sink and float in the middle. I can't go up or down.

7. I don't want to miss it, but I'm afraid to disturb him. I really want to call him. I'm afraid he thinks I'm boring

8. He is too young to realize that the benefactor will have a stronger sense of retribution than the beneficiary.

9. The sense of security I need is too difficult. I dare not bet how much I like you in my heart. I am afraid that you will leave. I am afraid every day

10. I like my age now but don't like myself now. Gradually, I don't expect anyone or anything anymore.

11. I think I love you, but I gradually lose your love. I hate your perfunctoriness, but I think I can do nothing about it

12. If you want to continue, you can continue to lose your temper. If you want to play games, you can play games. If you want to ignore me, you can do whatever you want.

13. I hope that someday when you think of me, please remember that the tears that you liked at that time were really shed. It was true that you wanted to have a future with you

14. I even laugh when I am angry. When I break down, I always think about other people's feelings. When I chat, I always choose facial expressions for a long time, for fear that I might say wrong things and make them feel unsuitable.

15. If you are married, remember to send me an invitation card when I failed. I want to see the standard answer.

16. The reason why half a glass of water makes you uncomfortable is that you can't figure out whether it is unable to fill or what is left.

17. I am emotional, insecure, and don't like talking, but I often think about things in my head. When I feel sad, I listen to music, sleep, and brush my hands quickly. In fact, let me stay alone for a while

18. In the end, you will find that the same difficult thing as happiness is to go to bed early and stay up late. The same difficult thing is to love you.

19. It is always lost at a moment, like the enthusiasm accumulated for a few days, which is broken with a snap.

20. Some people sing long songs and indulge in alcohol in the fireworks of night markets or snack stalls, while others have eyes wandering and hit the summer evening wind head-on.

21. "I would rather drink until I vomit, turn over the chat record to cry, and never say I miss you again. If I have the ability to like you, I have the ability to suppress it.

22. "Start with nothing to say" and "end with nothing to say"

23. Most things in the world can be achieved through hard work, but you can't like them

24. We must get used to standing at the crossroads of life without traffic lights.

25. You can be restricted by whatever protection you are protected from. What can protect you from the wind and rain can also make you invisible.

26. I'm afraid that the relationship will suddenly fade and you don't even know the reason. It seems that the more you care, the more you will lose what you fear, what you hope for, and what you hope for