Reflections on Three Bodies
Highland barley wine
2023-07-13 19:44:54
Reading Notes

It has been one month since I finished reading the trilogy of "Three Body". As time goes by, those thoughts arising from "Three Body" become more and more lingering. I gradually found that my outlook on life, my life and my pursuit are being changed by this book, and I have a hunch that these changes will be more and more profound.
The most striking thing about Three Bodies is that it shows us a universe completely different from what many people imagine. More cruelly, the truth of the universe in this book is derived step by step with strict reasoning on the basis of the frontier laws of physics. Coincidentally, Hawking also warned the world last year that contact with aliens should be avoided as far as possible, otherwise it will bring disaster to mankind. So, even if it is hard to accept, I have to admit that the dark forest in Three Bodies is really more like a real universe. In contrast, the universe described in popular science fiction stories such as Star Wars, Star Trek and Transformers is simply a naive fairy tale.
I have no intention to comment on the story or artistic level of Three Bodies. After all, from a literary point of view, there is a gap between Three Body and the works of literary masters like Jin Yong. However, on the practical level, the imprint left by Three Bodies may be more difficult to erase, especially for science and engineering readers who understand some knowledge of relativity.
"You are worms."
"What does it have to do with you to destroy you?"
"I need a two-way foil for cleaning."
We should be thankful that these sad lines above are from a novel and have not yet turned into bloody reality. We should be thankful that there is no Zhizi to lock our way forward, and we can still strive to make the leap forward development of science and technology continue. Since there is no fairy tale in the universe, if we want to survive in this dark world as long as possible, we can only hurry up and try to become a "divine civilization" in the dark forest one day; Even if we can't do this, we should be able to spread the seeds of human beings to every corner of the universe. This is the only way to keep our thousands and thousands of generations from being expelled from the universe. In terms of our current technological level, we still have a long way to go.
At one time, I only planned to be a gangster in the mathematics world, and I would find a third rate university to live in; Once, I hated physics and experiments for no reason. Suddenly, "Three Bodies" let me find that the basic mathematics we do has a little meaning; In addition, "Three Bodies" actually made me have a strong interest in physics that has been indifferent for a long time in my doctoral stage. Although limited by my own intelligence, I may not even reach one ten thousandth of Ding Yi and Cao Bin in the story; But even if I can only do the dust under the paving stone on the road of human progress, when I grow old decades later, I can also be pleased to say that I have done my little bit as a citizen of the earth.