Realistic Comprehension Copy Worth Deep Thinking
The fragrance of wild lotus
2023-07-12 14:30:28
A complete set of maxims

1. Life is always like this. What you want always comes when you no longer expect it. So don't worry, you have to wait.

2. A person who can make every person live a good life today will not be worse tomorrow. Because the true generosity to the future is to dedicate the most outstanding efforts to the present and cherish everything in the present.

3. You should always go all out for your dream. Whatever the gossip, just be yourself. Win, win beautiful. If you lose, you should lose arrogantly.

4. Years ago, people around you would treat you according to your parents' income; Ten years later, people around you will treat your parents according to your income. Children without umbrellas must run hard!

5. No matter what you look like, someone will talk about you and make you stronger, which is the best contempt.

6. When a person works harder, he can make his love less conditional and more pure.

7. The true wisdom of a person is to focus on what he likes with a positive attitude. It doesn't matter what others say or think, but what is important is to live out his own life.

8. Go to see the person you want to see, take advantage of now; Do what you want to do while there is still time. Don't say it's too late. In the dictionary of life, it's never too late. Don't let the future you hate your present self. Let the TA thank you from the bottom of his heart for being brave and hardworking. Because life does not owe to everyone who is down to earth.

9. When you trust a person without doubt, you may finally get two results, either a person worthy of trust or a lesson worthy of remembering.

10. In life, only if you want to work hard can you really work hard. This is the goal that no one can force you to achieve. It can only be based on your own inner will, and you will really start to adjust, improve, improve, and shape a better self.

11. Some people say that the person who betrayed you is the meat on the ground. It's a pity not to eat it, and it's disgusting to eat it. But there will be more meat, and the nausea will never come out. The best way is not to pick up.

12. Your choice is to do or not to do, but if you don't do it, you will never have a chance.

13. Work hard and keep moving forward to create your own beautiful tomorrow. Remember: it is better to be angry than to be angry, it is better to complain than to change, and it is better to struggle than to struggle.

14. Ideal, can be extravagant; Ideal is the rough road we step on step by step.

15. Those who can withstand failure are brave, and those who can withstand ups and downs are capable.

16. Don't complain that your parents didn't make you too smart, that God didn't give you a chance, and don't envy others for flying faster than you. Be content to be a stupid bird and fly forward bravely! You have to be the tortoise that moves slowly. When the lazy and proud rabbit is asleep, go ahead of him!

17. The so-called life is the endless lies, the impenetrable hearts, the endless worries, and the endless ups and downs!

18. Some people do have good luck. They become famous if they are not careful, and become rich if they are not careful. But there is absolutely no one who can succeed without being careful. Many things focus on the right time, the right place and the right people. But if there is no effort, no more opportunities and no more noble people, it is futile.

19. There is no such thing as being born without reason in the world. Behind the bright and beautiful scenes, there are always efforts that no one cares about. Sweat will not deceive you, and time will not let you down.

20. Nothing is more gratifying than feeling your progress and growth. The sense of achievement after hard work will not be changed.

21. No one is gifted. The world is actually fair. It will punish those who do not change cruelly, but it will also secretly reward those who persist and work hard.