Make a little progress every day
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2023-11-20 08:07:59

The world is full of people. In the fierce competition, people are taking different paths in life and tasting different fruits of life, thus there is a difference between "mediocrity" and "excellence", and between success and failure. This difference is not caused by congenital factors, but determined by acquired efforts.

Success is everyone's dream, but success will not fall from the sky. It needs our constant efforts and accumulation to achieve. If a person wants to be a little stronger than others and gain a little more than others, he must do a little more than others. A person's success is actually reflected in the little things. As long as you make a little progress every day, success will come naturally.

"Progress a little every day" focuses on "progress every day". The so-called "progress every day" is to never stop moving forward, instead of making greater progress today and having a rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. On the football field, those teams who are not enterprising and passive in defense when they are in the lead are often the last losers, which has been repeatedly proved by the Chinese team. As the saying goes, "Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of standing". Why not be afraid of slowness? Because no matter how slow you are, as long as you keep moving forward, there will be a time to reach your goal. The reason why a drop of water can pierce a stone is not its strength, but its perseverance; Why "just afraid to stand"? Because no matter how capable and fast a person is, if he has a rabbit mentality and is intoxicated with a good sense of self, he will probably lose to ordinary "tortoises", let alone achieve any ambitious goals.

The value of "making a little progress every day" lies in cherishing "a little bit". It is usually not the obvious big problems that hinder a person's success, but the trivial things that he usually does not pay attention to. It is these seemingly trivial things that can consume people's energy endlessly if they are not solved with care. "Difficult things in the world must be easy, and great things in the world must be done carefully". Just like Chaco, the king of the French bank in the book, he was rejected 52 times when he applied for a job in the banking industry. When he walked out of the door of a bank for the 52nd time, he saw a pin on the ground in front of the door. He bent down to pick up the pin to avoid hurting people. It was just this small action that was seen by the chairman of the bank. The chairman thought that such a careful person in such a bad mood must be suitable to be a bank clerk, so he changed his mind and hired him. It is also because of this spirit of not letting go of every little thing that Chaco has been able to make great strides in the French banking industry. It can be seen in details, and eternity can be hidden in the moment. A person's realm is reflected in the "little things". A little bit of success will come naturally.

"Make a little progress every day" reflects the unity of enterprising spirit and lasting spirit. "Make a little progress every day" is not passive or lazy, but a positive and enterprising spirit that faces the reality squarely. "One big piece of progress every day" is certainly more attractive, but it is just a fantasy divorced from reality. Those who rise sharply will fall sharply, which is the "bubble effect". "A little bit of progress every day" is based on reality, progress and persistence. It has achieved the combination of "daily progress" and "a little bit", that is, the unity of progress and persistence. As Daisaku Ikeda said, the sun rises day after day, whether it's cloudy or rainy, whether it's winter or summer. Life is also about trying your best to spend every day, and those who can bear repeated will win the final victory. No matter what happens today, the outcome of life is determined by life. The most important thing is to do something every day, adhere to it every day, and "move forward on your own track" every day.

Make a little progress every day. It has infinite power. We just need to have enough endurance. Success is simply doing things repeatedly. It is simple to make a little progress every day. The reason why someone fails is not that he cannot do it, but that he is unwilling to do something simple and repeated. Because the simpler and easier things are, the easier it is for people not to do them. Competitors are often not defeated by us. They forget to make progress every day. The winner is not smarter than us, but he makes more progress than us every day.

My feeling after reading this article is: no matter what everyone's ability is? As long as you can make a little progress every day, the joy of success will slowly nourish our lives,

Good books are good medicine, bad books are poison. A good book can benefit a lifetime, while a bad book can teach a person badly. We should spare time to read this good book carefully, read a little every day, be diligent every day, be perfect every day, take the initiative every day, learn a little every day, create a little every day... As long as we make a little progress every day and persevere, we will make a lot of progress ten days later, 100 days later, and a year later. I believe that the future life will be better! It will also be able to move from ordinary to outstanding!

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; no one can reach a thousand miles without taking small steps; no river without taking small steps." It can be seen that a little progress is hard won, and no great success can be easily achieved. As for this old saying, I understand it more thoroughly after reading Progress a Little Every Day.

The article illustrates the true meaning of "those who achieve great things need to accumulate" by citing the successful examples of Newton, Demyster, Karl Wald, Elskine, Swab and some ordinary people. Yes, great achievements are usually made by ordinary people through their continuous efforts. They pay attention to details, know how to make a little progress every day, and make a big step forward over time. For those who are brave to explore, life will always provide them with enough opportunities and space for continuous progress. The happiness of human beings is to keep forging ahead and never stop along the road we have. Those who can most persevere and work selflessly are often the most successful people.

There is a saying in the West: "Time and patience can turn mulberry leaves into colorful brocade like clouds." A little hard work every day, a little perfect every day, a little initiative every day, a little learning every day, a little creation every day... As long as you make a little progress every day and persevere, you will be surprised to find that you have stood out from your colleagues unconsciously, Have the ability to take responsibility; Do one more question every day, recite one more word, reflect more every day, and you will find that you have made a lot of progress. I firmly believe that as long as you make a little progress every day, everything will change in the same amount into qualitative change. As long as you do this, you will move from the reality to the success!

We don't expect to find the philosophy of great enlightenment from this book. We only hope to overcome setbacks, step by step to success, and realize the leap from ordinary to outstanding by virtue of the wisdom enlightenment and ideological penetration of this book.