Feelings after 2000 words of Pride and Prejudice
Catcher in the Rye Field
2023-08-29 22:02:06

Pride and Prejudice is the representative work of Jane Austen, a famous British female writer. This work takes daily life as the material, which is against the content of the popular sentimental novel and the writing method of affectation at that time. It describes the arrogant young man Darcy, the prejudiced second younger sister Elizabeth, and the wealthy single aristocrat, The emotional entanglement between Bingley and Jane, the virtuous eldest daughter. In fact, this book had been touched at the beginning of the first day of the year, but at that time, I was impatient with the complexity of the plot. After reading a few chapters, I lost interest in it, so I kept it aside until today. However, when I read the first few chapters, I still felt very boring. Later, I realized that this was an ambush for the future. In a blink of an eye, more than thirty chapters have passed, and the characters' characters have been clearly portrayed by the author.

It seems that there are only two kinds of people in this book: the smart and the stupid. There is no absolute difference between good and bad, except perhaps the liar Wickham. He used his ingenious flattery ability and a "pleasing" appearance to charm Elizabeth, and kept cleaning up his grievances and slandering Darcy. His funny words are full of flaws, and though Elizabeth, who is extremely clever, can argue with Miss Bingley and contradict Lady Catherine, she is still led by Wickham's nose. To tell the truth, I don't think that Elizabeth was cheated to show that he is a "fool". People are always preconceived. Mr. Darcy's arrogance and rudeness have already entered Elizabeth's mind. How can he still have a good opinion of him? How can we turn a deaf ear to others' comments? It is normal to have prejudice against Darcy. When I say someone else, I naturally mean the handsome Wickham. There is no denying that Wei Han has a handsome face and pretends to be a "gentleman" on the surface. Even though I live in the 21st century and watch this story as a spectator, I still have a good opinion of Wickham. How can I blame Elizabeth, a girl who lived in the past? Close the book and have a careful taste. Only then did I find that the whole novel is attractive because of its relaxed and humorous style. Elizabeth's mockery and satire are exposing the true colors of those nobles who regard themselves as gentlemen and ladies. But Elizabeth's father, Mr. Bennet, was so lucky to laugh at his wife and daughter for the sake of family happiness? Unfortunately?

The so-called "arrogance" in the text refers to the personality weakness of Darcy, a young man of rich origin, high education and sharp vision; The so-called "prejudice" refers to the spiritual weakness of Elizabeth, a middle-class, well educated, intelligent lady. A sharp vision and a witty and intelligent are all outstanding people, but they are inevitably entangled by human weaknesses. They met for the first time at a family dance, but because of their bad impression of each other, one was arrogant and the other was biased. The first impression was preconceived, and later added the women's gossip, which caused love and hatred between the two people. Elizabeth once said to Darcy, "Our temperaments are very similar. We are all unsociable, silent, and unwilling to speak, unless we can say something that startles people and is as glorious as an aphorism, which has been passed down through the ages." It is because of this ideological consistency that marriage is blocked in every way, and it is also because of this that a happy marriage is finally achieved. Elizabeth: If you put it into the real world, you may be a feminist. But I care about my sister. Direct. Occasionally, I don't understand etiquette, and I'm a little naughty. But he was so fascinated by Darcy. The most important thing is to be good at and dare to say "no" to people with higher status than yourself. From the novel, Elizabeth is intelligent, resourceful, courageous, farsighted, has a strong self-esteem, and is good at thinking. As far as a young lady was concerned at that time, it was valuable. It is precisely because of this quality that she has independent opinions on love issues and leads to a happy family with Darcy.

In this novel, through the different treatment of Bennett's five daughters towards life events, it shows the different attitudes of girls from middle-class families in villages and towns towards marriage and love issues, thus reflecting the author's own view of marriage: it is wrong to marry for the sake of property, money and status; It would be foolish to marry without considering the above factors. Therefore, she opposes marriage for money, and also opposes marriage as a child play. She emphasized the importance of ideal marriage and took the feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of ideal marriage. Elizabeth, the heroine in the book, was born in a small landlord family and loved by Darcy, the son of a rich man. Darcy proposed to her regardless of the gap between family status and wealth, but was rejected. Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice against him is one reason, but the main reason is that she hates his arrogance. Because this arrogance of Darcy is actually a reflection of the difference in status. As long as there is such arrogance, there can be no common thoughts and feelings between him and Elizabeth, nor can there be an ideal marriage. Later, Elizabeth observed Darcy's conduct and a series of actions, especially his change of his proud and conceited manner, elimination of misunderstanding and prejudice against him, and thus concluded a happy marriage with him. Elizabeth's different attitudes towards Darcy's successive marriage proposals actually reflect women's pursuit of personality independence and equal rights. This is the progressive significance of the image of Elizabeth.

The work vividly reflects the British village life and the human life in a conservative and closed state from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century. His social style and picturesque novels not only attracted readers at that time, but still give readers unique artistic enjoyment today. She is the first novelist who realistically depicts the ordinary life in ordinary life, and plays a connecting role in the history of English novels. Although the subject matter of Austin's novels is relatively narrow and the stories are quite plain, she is good at creating distinctive characters in everyday ordinary things. Whether it is Elizabeth, Darcy, the kind of characters that the author thinks are worthy of recognition, or Wickham, Collins, the kind of objects who have been satirized and criticized, they are all real and moving. At the same time, Austin's language is tempered. She stresses humor and satire in the art of dialogue, and often uses humorous and witty language to set off the character characteristics of the characters. This artistic innovation makes her works have their own characteristics. Pride and prejudice are the best expression of the magic of words combined with emotional sublimation. If we say "A Dream of Red Mansions" is an oriental lady. Pride and Prejudice is a beautiful woman in the West.