Eight grade soldier Zhang Ga has 300 words of impressions
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2023-06-08 12:01:52

The film Little Soldier Zhang Ga gives me a deep feeling. It is not only the courage, alertness, mischief and intelligence of Little Soldier Zhang Ga, but also I learned a lot from him and thought of a lot

The film mainly tells about the Japanese invasion of villages and killing many innocent villagers during the Anti Japanese War. Zhang Ga's grandmother was seriously injured and died soon. Zhang Ga was very sad. After he lost his only family member, the young man made an amazing decision to join the 8th Route. He will go to the team to fight the devil and avenge his villagers and grandma.

I admire Xiaobing Zhang Ga's courage to fear the tiger and his spirit of saving the revolution rather than life. What I admire most is his strength, which is a kind of indomitable spirit. It is the spirit of never giving up when encountering difficulties. Gazi was captured by the Japanese invaders in the blockhouse. Not only was he not nervous, he bravely looked for an opportunity to escape. Finally, when Xiao Gazi learned that the Eighth Route Army was coming to rescue him, he knocked out the Japanese guards, poured kerosene from the kerosene lamp on the straw, and set the whole bunker on fire, making great contributions.

Gazi is not only smart and brave, but also naughty and playful. When he wrestled with Little Fatty Dun, he wanted to use his agility to move around Little Fatty Dun like a monkey, but he was finally thrown to the ground by Little Fatty Dun, but Gazi did not admit defeat at all. The laughter of his friends made his face red.

Although Gazi and I are of the same age, twelve years old - a colorful age, he embarked on the road of revolution, shouldering the mission of defending the motherland. Looking at Gazi, I thought of myself. I'm not as brave as he is. Sometimes I can't even bear a fall, let alone others. Every time I encounter difficulties, I will ask my parents for help; When encountering setbacks, they are somewhat pessimistic and disappointed. Only by being like Gazi, being resourceful and brave, daring to challenge difficulties, overcoming setbacks, and constantly working hard, can we turn adversity into prosperity and become a strong person in life. Be a useful talent of the motherland.

How rich our life is now, with a bright future, we will not be connected with the people of the Anti Japanese War, and we do not have to live a life of fear. We can live a happy life. Teachers, parents can take good care of me. We should learn the spirit of soldier Zhang Ga.

Gazi, the little hero in my heart, you will always inspire me to move forward and grow!