300 words selected after reading Snow Queen
Forgetting is like thinking
2023-07-28 08:03:42

Snow Queen 300 words after reading

Today, I read Snow Queen, which was written by Andersen's grandfather. I thought it was the same story as Snow White. After reading it, I found it more moving.

Gay and Gerda are good friends. One day, the magic mirror of the devil broke and floated into Gay's eyes. Gay's heart became cold. Later, he was taken to the cold palace where the Snow Queen lived. In order to find Gerda, Gerda went through hardships. On the way, she met witches, princes and princesses, robbers, robbers' daughters, turtledoves, reindeer, and old women. Every time, she saved her life, moved them with her sincerity, got their help, and finally rescued Gay.

After reading this story, I admire Gerda very much. She is very kind, and she is not afraid of hardships and difficulties. She has a tenacious spirit, because her sincerity and tears melt the mirror fragments in Gay's heart, dissolve the broken lenses in Gay's eyes, and let Gay get freedom. I want to learn from Gelda's brave and strong spirit!

Through the 300 words of the Snow White Queen's Reading Review provided by us, we will certainly have a new understanding of the reading review, so as to form a good habit of writing the reading review!